6* AG is unfair.



  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    Jaded said:

    Jaded said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Coppin said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Coppin said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Coppin said:

    Texas_11 said:

    come up with solutions

    Coppin said:

    Coppin said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Coppin said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Coppin said:

    Coppin said:

    The people claiming to be "end game players"... Why are u guys using all your AG?.. and even if u used them.. u can still trade some...
    I find it hard to believe End game players have used ALL OF THEIR AGs...

    You could open 12 5* awakening-gem crystals and not manage to get the 6* gem. Sometimes it’s not even a matter of using them.

    You find it hard to believe end game players use their gems, I find it hard to believe people can have opinions like this.
    Why cause it doesnt benefit your cause?...
    I'll tell u my experience...
    I dont rank up junk champs, using an AG even less...
    I had about 57 4* AGs crystals from Solo crystal's
    And about 400 solo crystals in stock.
    I also had 4 generic AG 3 mutant and 2 of the other classes except Skill...
    So yeah this event was great for me.. now calling an even UNFAIR, cause it doesnt benefit u is a bit ridiculous... Because someone "preached" on using everything... Yeah it is ridiculous and a little bit narcissistic, also i think i read an AG was used on SWSigil...a paywall champ u can get to dup if u continue with a sigil.. so yeah u want to pop resources like candy good for u... An event like this happens u can't call it unfair cause it doesnt benefit one's needs...
    It might Suck for u but far from being unfair

    And let me ask a question
    When the gold sale happened, was it "UNFAIR" for the people that didnt farm gold before it hit?
    No, because you could do incursions, arena, EQ to get it. That's the problem with this event.
    The total sale was over 6 mill gold, it was not an easy farm for people that didnt have it.
    I read people posting about selling 3 and 4* awakening gems.. thats on them
    I don't get your stance on this?

    It seems that you are upset because we feel that we should have got a chance.

    This is not a Cav vs TB situation.
    This is not a Pay vs F2P situation
    This is not a AQ top 20 vs Bottom 3000
    This is not a Masters AW vs Silver AW

    This is a peer conversation for people who have close to 100% content if not almost finished.

    It's one thing if we were upset about the pulls we got, it's another when we don't have an opportunity.
    This isn't narcissistic. Nothing ridiculous about feeling left out here.

    There has never been a precedent of trading 5 generic 5* gems for a 6* awakening crystal.

    Only end game AG hoarders, or spenders (who spent 1k+ USD on their account) who first didn't really need to use 5* generic gems so they hoarded them, and second, the main factor, hoarded 2+ of each 5* AGs, have the opportunity to cash in on this 5 gems for 6* awakening crystal deal.

    Having hoarded 5* AGs (particularly not using a generic 5* AG) for years isn't skill, because there was no such trade in value.
    Who said anything about skill?
    Its about working and earning those AGs.. there were so many given this year alone.

    I also made the point that well if you are a collector of silver stars and want them all dup thats the way you like playing the game.
    There NEVER WAS A GOLD SALE EITHER, but a lot of people didnt complain about it... A few did same as now.
    If we are only going to play a game based on precedents there wouldnt be anything new...
    It is narcisistic to think hey its unfair cause i cant get it.. so what would have been a fair price? I remind you that the base price of an 6* AG is finishing the abyss or a paywall of 15k+ units.. so what is a fair price? 4.. 3 generic AGs?... Maybe the exact ammount that you have to be able to get it?
    Wanna talk about skill? I dont think there is any skill in slapping an awakening gem on every piece of 5*.... Specially when the game is taking the direction of giving you 5* as iso banks.
    Just by finishing act 3 u get a 5* for free on this anniversary calendar... And end game players are complaining cause they spent every AG? 🤣
    Your examples are terrible.

    Skill was mentioned earlier regarding how this "cost" (5 generic 5* AG) isn't relievable, earnable (can't be grinded for, like gold or units). It comes down to who hoarded AGs- whether due to being a big spender (who rarely/never relied on AGs), or accounts who only using 1 or 2 AGs in one's 4+ year playing this game.

    This makes it remarkably different than the gold tradein event.

    No one is arguing here for or against, "always follow the precedent." Regarding new content.
    Any new concepts/ideas should be met with scrutiny, as players have been showing here. You ask, "what is a fair price?" Yet try to dismiss people's complaint that the price this time is too high this time, because AGs weren't marketed as a currency to be hoarded.

    Funny how you mention the 6* AG "paywall" aspect from abyss, but you forget abyss is permanent content. Moreover, you fail to account that as time progresses, items devalue, so why shouldn't players not want their opinions dismissed, especially if it's a majority. How much an item devalues is debatable, but is worth discussing.

    1) AGs are finite compared to gold/units. Players can't earn more AGs currently before tradein event ends. They can grind other currencies.

    2) Players feelings of frustration are valid here, and people dismissing them as narcissistic and their opinions invalid haven't shown how it is such, but rather the contrary.

    3) there are many players who hoarded AGs, yet used 1 or 2 generic AGs, and are still barred from this tradein 5* AGs for 1 6* AG crystal. Your weird statement of end game players complaining unfair because they uses most of their 5* AG doesn't apply to many here who have voiced their complaints.

    4) AGs were never marketed as a tradein item/currency, so why should players be punished for not treating it as a currency?

    5) there are some players saying, they should hoard everything, because what other future items they currently have can become a currency? That's a valid concern for non-big spenders.
    U r so enraged u can't trade for a 6* AG u cant even read right...who said anything about gold trade in?
    I meant the Gold sale they had where u could get a bunch of stuff for 6 million gold...they didnt announce it.. a lot of people missed out..
    1- Never talked about gold trade... The point of the GOLD SALE was to compare it to the fact that both events were never announced prior or never happened before.

    2- Frustration, anger is valid, sucks to be left out. Fairness on the other hand?..just because they can't get it its not fair? So what would a fair price be?.. the one that they can afford?...

    3- I dont understand why "Endgame" players would be using AGs on absolutely everything...I'll give u a few examples from this post only... People used AGs on Sigil SW...its their own choice and i respect it.. Dont call an event unfair cause u used your resouces as u wished and now you can't afford the other. Its the way life works..

    4- AG were never marketed as trade.. TRUE, there is a first time for everything!... Nexus 6* crystals were never sold for gold... Did people complain about this?.. yes only the ones that didnt get a warning to pre farm gold... Did they announce such thing?. No
    This was announced a few days ago, announcing it didnt help cause its not something that u could have farmed. So what would have been a fair timeframe to announce a first time event?..

    5- Hoarding.. do you really think that when Kabam talks about the issue of hoarding, they are talking about an item that stacks in 5?... A rare item that u were able to get 1 per month maybe?...

    The only aspect of this whole post that i would agree to would be the fact that u should be able to trade 3 of any class for 1 Generic... Everything else i believe is fair
    The gold nexus crystal you can farm. Please stop using that as an example. It was a currency that could be obtained , and many did grind it. Even content creators put out ways to farm gold. The gold event was not a "tough luck" Situation .

    Even if I had 1000 4* AGs I could still only trade them in for 5 chances at the 5* AG I needed.

    There aren't many places to get generic gems in the game. For 6* gems it's even more of a rare occurrence.

    You don't hear anyone having issues about having to work for them. I really don't see how that is hard for you to understand.
    It was a great and FAIR event, a lot of people were able to trade and some weren't.
    And about a lot of people willing to work for it..there is a lot of people that in the last months didnt even wanna bother with EQ, SQ, objectives and so on.. does this mean that they would have the resources to trade if they did?.. hard to tell its based on RNG.. but there was a lot of generic AGs in the last couple of months.
    If they didn't bother with EQ or SQ that is their decision, if Kabam told them " Get ready and you want to do this event because XYZ" they would do it.

    They have communicated about summer of pain so we held out resources to rank the best champs.

    They have communicated about the 2 month side event( which was the worst BTW) so we did the event so next month we could get better rewards.

    They told us about the new 1v1 challenge so people are getting prepared for that.

    Summer of pain happens every year...
    How can u compare an event that you have to fight and get rewards to a trade store ..
    How did u rank the best champs when they didn't announce the fights and nodes?...
    How do u prepare for 1v1?....All u did is see a format on the showdown...u still dont know how its gonna work...
    I basically got sent to abyss.

    The weeks leading up to SOP was worth 1 gold only and the fights were tough.

    Let's say you decided to skip all 11 weeks, because it's a waste of time.

    Now imagine the day the big event drops you find you aren't eligible for the rewards because you skipped the other weeks.

    Everyone knew that they had to continue or else they would miss out on rewards.
    How on earth is this comparable to SoP..
    And u still failed to explain to me HOW you ranked up your best champions when EVERY FIGHT was announced on release date except for the last one that had all the fights combined?..
    My point is no one knew it was coming or we would have done things differently.

    I didn't say anyone was ranking , I said people were getting prepared. There are multiple people that are starting to think about the 1v1 . Also, Kabam said they would look similar to the showdown.
    That's the point of a surprise though. It was a surprise. Not to mention announcing these things in advance would be pandemonium.

    It wasn't a surprise , it was in their event movie I think.

    My biggest issue is that's not a surprise , it's a shock.

    I really hope you can appreciate the post. If not, I don't understand how you have anything to contribute. Saying you are happy, does nothing for anyone . I would like to ask you the following questions:

    What % content do you have done? Roughly ?

    How many 6* R3 champs do you have?

    What do you score in AQ currently?

    Did you complete SOP 100%?
    SO because I don't agree, then I have nothing to contribute? Pretty one-sided discussion if that's the case.
    No, I think you can contribute you just aren't "contributing". GW , I have been reading your post. , you aren't exactly providing any solutions. From what I gather you are basically saying :

    " Everyone is not meant to get rewards"
    " I am happy with my use of gems"
    " Kabam is not forcing you to hoard or not hoard"

    Let's work out some SMART goals for this?

    Specifics : The goal is being able to understand how Kabam could leave such a valuable resource up to RNG to their top end players

    Measurable: I would like to hear from a mod or Kabam what their intentions were within the 7 days of the event.

    Achievable: I would like to accomplish this by opening a thread , to discuss options and provide solutions to be implemented.

    Relevance: TOP RESOURCE IN GAME!

    Timebound : 7 days!

    That's my goal!

    What's yours?
    It's not hard to figure out how. The Trade-In provides a way to trade Resources towards what you want. In the case of the 6* Gem, that's a rare Resource, so the cost is very specific. Some people MAY be able to trade up to it, but not as a given. The Store is designed to limit access to a very specific goal. Those that have what is required. Hence my earlier comments about not being a given for everyone.
    My goal is to insert some common sense.
    Are you implying that no one else is displaying common sense? Or are you stating you need to interject YOUR common sense? It’s all perspective
    Common sense is shared knowledge. That's what makes it common. Otherwise it's just me sense.
    Then you’re just sharing “me sense”, because common sense dictates we change our methods if we want to take advantage of this in the future. Even if it’s a 1% chance it reappears, it’s common sense that will make people hoard more. Like you said, it wasn’t for everyone, it’s for those that had the resources. So my common sense is to tell everyone to hoard their resources.
    No, I'm saying common sense dictates this is the first time they've offered a 6* Gem trade-in. It also indicates that Kabam is not telling anyone to hoard. What people choose to do is another story.
    Yes, kabam increases the items we can get once in awhile. In this case they have never done this awakening gem trade in for any rarity. The first trade in type of event was pretty basic compared to what we are seeing now. That’s called progress, players progress, rewards must also. So the next time we see this trade in event (probably next December) people will want to be prepared for the next step. We don’t know what that’ll look like, so we have to take cues from what we see now. What we see now is we should have saved every awakening gem possible.

    It’s not hard to draw a straight line from point A to point B for this thought process. What you’re trying to do is say the line isn’t straight but still ends at B. I get it, most people understand what you are saying but it isn’t common sense. What you are doing is gaslighting people with your countering of what basically everyone can see. We want the item, we can’t afford the item so next time we will ensure we will get the item. That equals to hoarding everything because we can’t see into the future. This isn’t catastrophic thinking, that’s being dramatic. People can only react to the facts in front of them and make educated decisions to better their game.

    If a player misses in the arenas, people will tell the player to do more next time. This isn’t any different, except with this we have to use negative impacting words like “hoarding”. I’m going to save my items, crystals and shards. If presented with another trade in event I plan to be wealthy in items that I don’t find myself in this situation again. I will also preach this to others, and use this event as a point of reference to what could happen.

    Also, you don’t have to agree. I really don’t care if you do or don’t. You do your game, and I’ll do mine. Let the chips fall where they may.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,113 ★★★★★
    edited December 2021
    I'm not debating anyone's choices at all. In fact, I explicitly said I respect whatever people choose to do. I said for me personally, I'm not willing to hold on to things ad infinitum when occurrences come up that I can use them.
    What I'm debating is the idea that people are somehow being punished by this. It's not a punishment if we don't have what's required when something comes out. I'm also not subscribing to the idea that this is an indication of what's to come. This time next year, we could be back here with the same Posts as "No Gift". Only, it's "No Trade-In". These Events change. The only thing we are certain of is each year SOMETHING will be done along the lines of a celebration.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    Coppin said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Coppin said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Coppin said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Coppin said:

    Texas_11 said:

    come up with solutions

    Coppin said:

    Coppin said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Coppin said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Coppin said:

    Coppin said:

    The people claiming to be "end game players"... Why are u guys using all your AG?.. and even if u used them.. u can still trade some...
    I find it hard to believe End game players have used ALL OF THEIR AGs...

    You could open 12 5* awakening-gem crystals and not manage to get the 6* gem. Sometimes it’s not even a matter of using them.

    You find it hard to believe end game players use their gems, I find it hard to believe people can have opinions like this.
    Why cause it doesnt benefit your cause?...
    I'll tell u my experience...
    I dont rank up junk champs, using an AG even less...
    I had about 57 4* AGs crystals from Solo crystal's
    And about 400 solo crystals in stock.
    I also had 4 generic AG 3 mutant and 2 of the other classes except Skill...
    So yeah this event was great for me.. now calling an even UNFAIR, cause it doesnt benefit u is a bit ridiculous... Because someone "preached" on using everything... Yeah it is ridiculous and a little bit narcissistic, also i think i read an AG was used on SWSigil...a paywall champ u can get to dup if u continue with a sigil.. so yeah u want to pop resources like candy good for u... An event like this happens u can't call it unfair cause it doesnt benefit one's needs...
    It might Suck for u but far from being unfair

    And let me ask a question
    When the gold sale happened, was it "UNFAIR" for the people that didnt farm gold before it hit?
    No, because you could do incursions, arena, EQ to get it. That's the problem with this event.
    The total sale was over 6 mill gold, it was not an easy farm for people that didnt have it.
    I read people posting about selling 3 and 4* awakening gems.. thats on them
    I don't get your stance on this?

    It seems that you are upset because we feel that we should have got a chance.

    This is not a Cav vs TB situation.
    This is not a Pay vs F2P situation
    This is not a AQ top 20 vs Bottom 3000
    This is not a Masters AW vs Silver AW

    This is a peer conversation for people who have close to 100% content if not almost finished.

    It's one thing if we were upset about the pulls we got, it's another when we don't have an opportunity.
    This isn't narcissistic. Nothing ridiculous about feeling left out here.

    There has never been a precedent of trading 5 generic 5* gems for a 6* awakening crystal.

    Only end game AG hoarders, or spenders (who spent 1k+ USD on their account) who first didn't really need to use 5* generic gems so they hoarded them, and second, the main factor, hoarded 2+ of each 5* AGs, have the opportunity to cash in on this 5 gems for 6* awakening crystal deal.

    Having hoarded 5* AGs (particularly not using a generic 5* AG) for years isn't skill, because there was no such trade in value.
    Who said anything about skill?
    Its about working and earning those AGs.. there were so many given this year alone.

    I also made the point that well if you are a collector of silver stars and want them all dup thats the way you like playing the game.
    There NEVER WAS A GOLD SALE EITHER, but a lot of people didnt complain about it... A few did same as now.
    If we are only going to play a game based on precedents there wouldnt be anything new...
    It is narcisistic to think hey its unfair cause i cant get it.. so what would have been a fair price? I remind you that the base price of an 6* AG is finishing the abyss or a paywall of 15k+ units.. so what is a fair price? 4.. 3 generic AGs?... Maybe the exact ammount that you have to be able to get it?
    Wanna talk about skill? I dont think there is any skill in slapping an awakening gem on every piece of 5*.... Specially when the game is taking the direction of giving you 5* as iso banks.
    Just by finishing act 3 u get a 5* for free on this anniversary calendar... And end game players are complaining cause they spent every AG? 🤣
    Your examples are terrible.

    Skill was mentioned earlier regarding how this "cost" (5 generic 5* AG) isn't relievable, earnable (can't be grinded for, like gold or units). It comes down to who hoarded AGs- whether due to being a big spender (who rarely/never relied on AGs), or accounts who only using 1 or 2 AGs in one's 4+ year playing this game.

    This makes it remarkably different than the gold tradein event.

    No one is arguing here for or against, "always follow the precedent." Regarding new content.
    Any new concepts/ideas should be met with scrutiny, as players have been showing here. You ask, "what is a fair price?" Yet try to dismiss people's complaint that the price this time is too high this time, because AGs weren't marketed as a currency to be hoarded.

    Funny how you mention the 6* AG "paywall" aspect from abyss, but you forget abyss is permanent content. Moreover, you fail to account that as time progresses, items devalue, so why shouldn't players not want their opinions dismissed, especially if it's a majority. How much an item devalues is debatable, but is worth discussing.

    1) AGs are finite compared to gold/units. Players can't earn more AGs currently before tradein event ends. They can grind other currencies.

    2) Players feelings of frustration are valid here, and people dismissing them as narcissistic and their opinions invalid haven't shown how it is such, but rather the contrary.

    3) there are many players who hoarded AGs, yet used 1 or 2 generic AGs, and are still barred from this tradein 5* AGs for 1 6* AG crystal. Your weird statement of end game players complaining unfair because they uses most of their 5* AG doesn't apply to many here who have voiced their complaints.

    4) AGs were never marketed as a tradein item/currency, so why should players be punished for not treating it as a currency?

    5) there are some players saying, they should hoard everything, because what other future items they currently have can become a currency? That's a valid concern for non-big spenders.
    U r so enraged u can't trade for a 6* AG u cant even read right...who said anything about gold trade in?
    I meant the Gold sale they had where u could get a bunch of stuff for 6 million gold...they didnt announce it.. a lot of people missed out..
    1- Never talked about gold trade... The point of the GOLD SALE was to compare it to the fact that both events were never announced prior or never happened before.

    2- Frustration, anger is valid, sucks to be left out. Fairness on the other hand?..just because they can't get it its not fair? So what would a fair price be?.. the one that they can afford?...

    3- I dont understand why "Endgame" players would be using AGs on absolutely everything...I'll give u a few examples from this post only... People used AGs on Sigil SW...its their own choice and i respect it.. Dont call an event unfair cause u used your resouces as u wished and now you can't afford the other. Its the way life works..

    4- AG were never marketed as trade.. TRUE, there is a first time for everything!... Nexus 6* crystals were never sold for gold... Did people complain about this?.. yes only the ones that didnt get a warning to pre farm gold... Did they announce such thing?. No
    This was announced a few days ago, announcing it didnt help cause its not something that u could have farmed. So what would have been a fair timeframe to announce a first time event?..

    5- Hoarding.. do you really think that when Kabam talks about the issue of hoarding, they are talking about an item that stacks in 5?... A rare item that u were able to get 1 per month maybe?...

    The only aspect of this whole post that i would agree to would be the fact that u should be able to trade 3 of any class for 1 Generic... Everything else i believe is fair
    The gold nexus crystal you can farm. Please stop using that as an example. It was a currency that could be obtained , and many did grind it. Even content creators put out ways to farm gold. The gold event was not a "tough luck" Situation .

    Even if I had 1000 4* AGs I could still only trade them in for 5 chances at the 5* AG I needed.

    There aren't many places to get generic gems in the game. For 6* gems it's even more of a rare occurrence.

    You don't hear anyone having issues about having to work for them. I really don't see how that is hard for you to understand.
    It was a great and FAIR event, a lot of people were able to trade and some weren't.
    And about a lot of people willing to work for it..there is a lot of people that in the last months didnt even wanna bother with EQ, SQ, objectives and so on.. does this mean that they would have the resources to trade if they did?.. hard to tell its based on RNG.. but there was a lot of generic AGs in the last couple of months.
    If they didn't bother with EQ or SQ that is their decision, if Kabam told them " Get ready and you want to do this event because XYZ" they would do it.

    They have communicated about summer of pain so we held out resources to rank the best champs.

    They have communicated about the 2 month side event( which was the worst BTW) so we did the event so next month we could get better rewards.

    They told us about the new 1v1 challenge so people are getting prepared for that.

    Summer of pain happens every year...
    How can u compare an event that you have to fight and get rewards to a trade store ..
    How did u rank the best champs when they didn't announce the fights and nodes?...
    How do u prepare for 1v1?....All u did is see a format on the showdown...u still dont know how its gonna work...
    I basically got sent to abyss.

    The weeks leading up to SOP was worth 1 gold only and the fights were tough.

    Let's say you decided to skip all 11 weeks, because it's a waste of time.

    Now imagine the day the big event drops you find you aren't eligible for the rewards because you skipped the other weeks.

    Everyone knew that they had to continue or else they would miss out on rewards.
    How on earth is this comparable to SoP..
    And u still failed to explain to me HOW you ranked up your best champions when EVERY FIGHT was announced on release date except for the last one that had all the fights combined?..
    My point is no one knew it was coming or we would have done things differently.

    I didn't say anyone was ranking , I said people were getting prepared. There are multiple people that are starting to think about the 1v1 . Also, Kabam said they would look similar to the showdown.
    That's the point of a surprise though. It was a surprise. Not to mention announcing these things in advance would be pandemonium.

    It wasn't a surprise , it was in their event movie I think.

    My biggest issue is that's not a surprise , it's a shock.

    I really hope you can appreciate the post. If not, I don't understand how you have anything to contribute. Saying you are happy, does nothing for anyone . I would like to ask you the following questions:

    What % content do you have done? Roughly ?

    How many 6* R3 champs do you have?

    What do you score in AQ currently?

    Did you complete SOP 100%?
    SO because I don't agree, then I have nothing to contribute? Pretty one-sided discussion if that's the case.
    Rofl again with the SOP u were traumatized by that event...
    What does it matter how many R3 he had?.. all the people complaining are only complaining cause they cant awaken their R3?!.. if its a champ that requires the awakening . What on earth are they doing taking it to r3?...

    The other guy saying that "oh im gonna hoard everything now .." well if the event doesnt hapoen again it would be useless.. so he us assuming it will come back otherwise he wouldn't bother hoarding... (Also its the same guy who admits using AG on Daredevil...)

    The game has an "economy" and its very important to manage it...slapping an AG on every champ is wasteful.. u want to do it its your choice and its respectable... But if u cant afford things later cause u can't afford them.. ITS WAS YOUR CHOICE

    Its the 2nd MOST VALUABLE ITEM in the game right now, it wasnt gonna be cheap and it clearly wasnt meant for EVERYBODY
  • VuDahVuDah Member Posts: 23
    Would be nice if Kabam allowed us to trade in 3x random class ag instead of 3x of the same class. I was unlucky enough to open 3 ag crystals and didn’t get the one I needed to form a generic.
  • odishika123odishika123 Member Posts: 5,418 ★★★★★
    It's not worth it
  • JtJ10JtJ10 Member Posts: 124
    Totally agree with op’s point of view with this. I am 1 away with no way to make it up. I spend my 5* awakening gems on the solo class advancements so I can get arena resources which will have to stop now as I’m not going to risk loosing the most important thing in the whole game to me again. I have mystic advancement in game now that I will no longer bother with which is a shame cos I like the rewards from it but not as much as a 6* awakening gem.
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,778 ★★★★★
    This "the 6* ag crystal is not meant for everybody" is suck a stupid argument. I f it's not meant for end game players that didn't get it because they wanted to try out Kitty Pryde for example as a 5* before they duped her as a 6*, or worsegot screwed from the dreadful rng, then for whom? Kabam employees?
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★

    @CoatHang3r telling people they’re toxic.

    Pot, meet kettle.

    Demagogue gonna demagogue.
    You mean Demogorgon?
  • MCOCHazzaMCOCHazza Member Posts: 915 ★★★★
    Personally, I’m quite torn. While I do agree that the gem is slightly too expensive (I think 4 generics is a more fair price) you can’t change that now. Personally I think either setting up a quest/solo event/challenge or other, to get 1 more generic gem, or having a way to turn different classes of gems for a generic, or even being able to trade in gems for gem crystals, as mentioned before.

    Any or all of these I feel would be amazing.

    I understand WHY the gem is expensive, it’s hella rare, but at the same time, I don’t know too many people who have 5 generics on them, or 4 generics but the class gems and/or RNG to get that fifth generic.

    Just my opinion. Hopefully the comments here can push for change! Or at least some thought in the matter.
  • Le_GentlemanLe_Gentleman Member Posts: 34
    Hazzalec said:

    Personally, I’m quite torn. While I do agree that the gem is slightly too expensive (I think 4 generics is a more fair price) you can’t change that now. Personally I think either setting up a quest/solo event/challenge or other, to get 1 more generic gem, or having a way to turn different classes of gems for a generic, or even being able to trade in gems for gem crystals, as mentioned before.

    Any or all of these I feel would be amazing.

    I understand WHY the gem is expensive, it’s hella rare, but at the same time, I don’t know too many people who have 5 generics on them, or 4 generics but the class gems and/or RNG to get that fifth generic.

    Just my opinion. Hopefully the comments here can push for change! Or at least some thought in the matter.

    Yes, you are right there are ways this could be resolved without hurting people who already took the deal, to name a couple:
    - The introduction of 5* reroll crystals like the ones available for 6* (not optimal as people can still end up with the same class after a reroll which defeats the purpose of a reroll but that's another discussion)
    - Adding boss rush type content, some sort of solo event or special quest that would give 1 or two generic 5* awakening gems

    Hell it could even be argued that extending the timeframe of the trade store's availability to include gifting event could help many people get the remaining 5* awakening gems either through gifting crystals themselves or pushing for variant exploration and investing in items to make that happen.
  • TruthseekerTruthseeker Member Posts: 333 ★★

    I’m just scrolling through to see if there is any orange text to see if Kabam in their openness that they now value (supposedly) have any cares for the issues they cause in separation of the haves and have nots. Nope…. Crickets chirping is all!
    My inventory: 3x generics, 2x Cosmics, 2x mutant, 1x skill, 2x science, 2x mystics and all my trades are done. Recently used AG’s on white mags, Kitty, KGroot, Platpool, because I thought I had an abundance!

    EXACTLY same situation bro. How is it fair that someone popped 3 crystals got 3 tech for example, traded for generic got 6* gem and jumping from joy while we are left with a rainbow of useless gems to remind us all year of missed opportunity. Depressed thoughts. Best gift kabam ever game me for new year...
  • TruthseekerTruthseeker Member Posts: 333 ★★
    No_oneuk said:

    Me and a friend in my alliance both had the same problem, 2 generics in our hand and unable to form any more because of what gems we had. We opened all our solo crystals and both got ~12 4* awakening gems, on top of the few we already had.

    He got lucky and got tech and mutant nearly every 5* AG, and was able to form the extra 3 generics he needed.

    I got a pretty even spread across all classes and was only able to form 1 extra generic, so I am an entire 2 away from getting the 6* AG.

    He's sitting there happy with his awakened rank 3 nick Fury, but I'm sitting here very frustrated. We both play at the exact same level in aq aw, we've both explored all of act 6 and 7, every variant, both done one path in abyss.

    It feels pretty awful that two players in the exact same progression can get such widly different rewards. The gate opened for him, but it is double locked for me. All because of dice.

    Some people will say that its only normal to be in a situation like this since everything is crystal luck based like its normal that out of 2 nexus one player gets god tier and other gets og captain.

    BUT this is DIFFERENT. Like SOOOO much more different. It SHOULDNT be like this. When you have ENOUGH GEMS to qualify you should be able to qualify REGARDLESS OF COLOURS.
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★

    Dont want to spam but keep the conversation going guys. We need a responce i think. Even a NO WE WILL NOT CHANGE ANYTHING type of responce. The issue is painful enough and massively affected alot of players enough to not get a responce. People who have enough 5* awakening gems should get 6* awakening regardless of their COLOUR rng period. Thats my undetstading of celebration new year trade in store at least. Should not leave you angry and bitter.
    Also i pity anyone who got same 6* class awakening out of exchange but theres sadly nothing kabam can do now without affecting people who already exchanged. But on this 5* generic issue theres TOOONS of solutions that dont affect anyone who already exchanged. Number of gems traded will stay the same. Just allow us to get generic with 3 gems of any colour.

    Why do people put different tags to make it look worse?.. Celebration new year trading store? Xmas Trading Stofe, 7th Anniversary Trading store? Santa's Little shop of horrors?... Its a trade store lol...
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Use class gems and save the generics….
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    Coppin said:

    Dont want to spam but keep the conversation going guys. We need a responce i think. Even a NO WE WILL NOT CHANGE ANYTHING type of responce. The issue is painful enough and massively affected alot of players enough to not get a responce. People who have enough 5* awakening gems should get 6* awakening regardless of their COLOUR rng period. Thats my undetstading of celebration new year trade in store at least. Should not leave you angry and bitter.
    Also i pity anyone who got same 6* class awakening out of exchange but theres sadly nothing kabam can do now without affecting people who already exchanged. But on this 5* generic issue theres TOOONS of solutions that dont affect anyone who already exchanged. Number of gems traded will stay the same. Just allow us to get generic with 3 gems of any colour.

    Why do people put different tags to make it look worse?.. Celebration new year trading store? Xmas Trading Stofe, 7th Anniversary Trading store? Santa's Little shop of horrors?... Its a trade store lol...
    You confuse me .
  • doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,946 ★★★★
    I started this event already with 2 5* generic rank up jem and almost 450 Supreme solo crystal. Despite all that I'm only almost close to getting 4 5* generic rank up jem. The RNG is just too ludicrous I wished I never would even try.

    Is there some other way to get rank up jems or crystals???
  • TruthseekerTruthseeker Member Posts: 333 ★★
    Coppin said:

    Dont want to spam but keep the conversation going guys. We need a responce i think. Even a NO WE WILL NOT CHANGE ANYTHING type of responce. The issue is painful enough and massively affected alot of players enough to not get a responce. People who have enough 5* awakening gems should get 6* awakening regardless of their COLOUR rng period. Thats my undetstading of celebration new year trade in store at least. Should not leave you angry and bitter.
    Also i pity anyone who got same 6* class awakening out of exchange but theres sadly nothing kabam can do now without affecting people who already exchanged. But on this 5* generic issue theres TOOONS of solutions that dont affect anyone who already exchanged. Number of gems traded will stay the same. Just allow us to get generic with 3 gems of any colour.

    Why do people put different tags to make it look worse?.. Celebration new year trading store? Xmas Trading Stofe, 7th Anniversary Trading store? Santa's Little shop of horrors?... Its a trade store lol...
    Dude out of all my text that what you saw? Like nothing else you agree or disagree with me?
    Its less than 20 days left so yes its NEW YEAR TRADE IN, if there will be a hit the wall with head event i will call it NEW YEAR HEAD WALL EVENT. Anything that is done now in the game is the celebration of new year. Like the calender. Is it a NORMAL CALENDER that gives you t5 basic and stuff or is it a NEW YEAR CALENDER? .... bully...
  • TruthseekerTruthseeker Member Posts: 333 ★★
    Huh but we still didnt get any responce from kabam on the issue. Not even a NO @Kabam Miike ? Can you just type NO? So i can hug my useless generics and rainbow awakens and sleep in tears? :D happy new year :D
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,113 ★★★★★
    Not sure what response you're waiting for. The Store is what it is, and I don't see them changing it.
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★

    Not sure what response you're waiting for. The Store is what it is, and I don't see them changing it.

    2 points. First we dont ask for change or discount per say. We ask to ADD a button.
    And would it be the first time they changed store ?or values on items in trade in stores? I can remember at least 2 times they did.

    BUT even if they never have done it (wich they ofcource did alot) why not the first time of it be on new year celebration time? To satisfy people. People who dont have enough gems dont care. Only people with enough stones but wrong colours care. Just satisfy them (me included yes) by adding a trade in button for colours... its SUCH an easy fix and makes NO HARM TO NO ONE including people who already exchanged. Why not?, WHY NOT? Me and others just have this simple question...
    I did admit that the only part that I agree on all the complaining was that u should have been able to trade any 3 class for 1 generic, redoing or updating the store (from all the bugs they had all year long) has the risk of resetting the store and then u will have people with 2 AGs and all hell would break loose
  • TruthseekerTruthseeker Member Posts: 333 ★★
    edited December 2021
    Coppin said:

    Not sure what response you're waiting for. The Store is what it is, and I don't see them changing it.

    2 points. First we dont ask for change or discount per say. We ask to ADD a button.
    And would it be the first time they changed store ?or values on items in trade in stores? I can remember at least 2 times they did.

    BUT even if they never have done it (wich they ofcource did alot) why not the first time of it be on new year celebration time? To satisfy people. People who dont have enough gems dont care. Only people with enough stones but wrong colours care. Just satisfy them (me included yes) by adding a trade in button for colours... its SUCH an easy fix and makes NO HARM TO NO ONE including people who already exchanged. Why not?, WHY NOT? Me and others just have this simple question...
    I did admit that the only part that I agree on all the complaining was that u should have been able to trade any 3 class for 1 generic, redoing or updating the store (from all the bugs they had all year long) has the risk of resetting the store and then u will have people with 2 AGs and all hell would break loose
    I tottaly agree that it MIGHT BE a risk.
    just this would be enough attention for me and many others to achive peace and start coping with reality of not being able to get 6*. When the devs themselves CANT FIX IT (much different than NOT fixing) you know your screwed and you can accept the reality. Having done 7.3 variants and lab i havent seen a single 6* awaken on my account. Many class based nexuses, normal nexuses but no gem. Its sooooooo important i cant even stress it enough. ANY COLOUR of 6* awaken would be GAME CHANGING for me (example being unduped 6* r3 ghost). Thats why i lost sleep over it. Cause i HAVE ENOUH GEMS its just NOT THE RIGHT COLOURS and its so painful it hurts my soul...
    Yes its a game. But when you put so much time into it than you at least want the deserved joy of slashing through content...
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,113 ★★★★★

    Not sure what response you're waiting for. The Store is what it is, and I don't see them changing it.

    2 points. First we dont ask for change or discount per say. We ask to ADD a button.
    And would it be the first time they changed store ?or values on items in trade in stores? I can remember at least 2 times they did.

    BUT even if they never have done it (wich they ofcource did alot) why not the first time of it be on new year celebration time? To satisfy people. People who dont have enough gems dont care. Only people with enough stones but wrong colours care. Just satisfy them (me included yes) by adding a trade in button for colours... its SUCH an easy fix and makes NO HARM TO NO ONE including people who already exchanged. Why not?, WHY NOT? Me and others just have this simple question...
    I'm saying the likelihood of them changing it is not great. You're free to keep asking if you like.
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