Why KABAM wants to make the gap between f2p and whales bigger ?

GogataGogata Member Posts: 71
edited December 2021 in Suggestions and Requests
I am just wondering why would you screw up so many players?
With the introduction of the t6 items has been a while and some players have already more than 2 champs at r4, and f2p players have half of the resources needed for 1 champ, and with that tempo will get one when 7.2.4 is released in the best case scenario, by that time whales will have all of their top 5 prestige champs at r4 and we will get 1 and the prestige battle is impossible, alliances are falling a part anyway, now I see ppl getting kicked out because they are under 13k prestige, players like me that have the roaster and the skills to clear any new content in the first day or two. The only thing that is new is the EQ that takes like 7 days to be 100% because of the energy needed, I have stopped doing arena because it is insanely boring and 2nd I have 17 6*r3, and 61 6^r1or2, and when I grind vs 100 random whales that have decided they want that 6* champ aswell it is simply impossible to qualify. So basicly AQ, AW and arena top rewards are occupied with the same people. Don't say that f2p can do it too like that dude Brian G because he does that for living and spends like 6 hours a day on it and there are probably less than 10 like him in the entire community and even he is not close to take a champ to r4.
I love the game and everything but as endgame player now my only option is to compete in AQ or AW but they are pay to win, for Arena if I give 15 hours a day, set alarms to wake me up at 5 a.m to do new cycle of my champs maybe I have a shot to be in the top100 but if that sounds normal or doable to you ... go see a doctor
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on


  • I_tell_no_tales_1I_tell_no_tales_1 Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★★
    edited December 2021

    More than 2 r4 champs? Who? Where? When? Whaaaat??

    Idk why but feels you're feeling painful with changes in the game. If the game is starting to affect you to the point where it is dictating your mental state then I suggest you take some time off from the game. You'll feel much better.

    Where will the game if all F2P players follow your advice ??
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,580 ★★★★★

    Things have changed, for better or worse I can't say, but once everybody's first r5 came from act5 100%.

    My first r5 5 star came before becoming UC 😂
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  • psp742psp742 Member Posts: 2,714 ★★★★
    It's all about economics and business, the company is providing service but they need to pay the bills.. whales are the paying public that keeps the operation running.. you want to keep your 'paying' consumers happy.. if it gives them an advantage over non paying consumers.. it is what you must do to keep the paying consumers interest.. some Champions can be acquired thru skill, and some thru paywall.. if you can compete with op accounts with your skill.. good for you.. if you are not able to.. just enjoy the game.. and play it with all the good, bugs, and such.

    Question is: do you prefer Kabam have numerous advertising within the game like what other game companies do or keep the current system where paying consumers get a bonus for keeping the game company afloat.. no Kabam no game.

    Just play and hope rng gives you good champions.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Gogata said:

    I am just wondering why would you screw up so many players?
    With the introduction of the t6 items has been a while and some players have already more than 2 champs at r4, and f2p players have half of the resources needed for 1 champ, and with that tempo will get one when 7.2.4 is released in the best case scenario, by that time whales will have all of their top 5 prestige champs at r4 and we will get 1 and the prestige battle is impossible, alliances are falling a part anyway, now I see ppl getting kicked out because they are under 13k prestige, players like me that have the roaster and the skills to clear any new content in the first day or two. The only thing that is new is the EQ that takes like 7 days to be 100% because of the energy needed, I have stopped doing arena because it is insanely boring and 2nd I have 17 6*r3, and 61 6^r1or2, and when I grind vs 100 random whales that have decided they want that 6* champ aswell it is simply impossible to qualify. So basicly AQ, AW and arena top rewards are occupied with the same people. Don't say that f2p can do it too like that dude Brian G because he does that for living and spends like 6 hours a day on it and there are probably less than 10 like him in the entire community and even he is not close to take a champ to r4.
    I love the game and everything but as endgame player now my only option is to compete in AQ or AW but they are pay to win, for Arena if I give 15 hours a day, set alarms to wake me up at 5 a.m to do new cycle of my champs maybe I have a shot to be in the top100 but if that sounds normal or doable to you ... go see a doctor

    Cause whales pay the bills...
  • RenaxqqRenaxqq Member Posts: 1,718 ★★★★★
    Because of this gap spenders are willing to even more purchase stuff. Without spenders there won't be any game anniversary.
  • cookiedealercookiedealer Member Posts: 260 ★★
    edited December 2021

    Gogata said:

    I am just wondering why would you screw up so many players?
    With the introduction of the t6 items has been a while and some players have already more than 2 champs at r4, and f2p players have half of the resources needed for 1 champ, and with that tempo will get one when 7.2.4 is released in the best case scenario, by that time whales will have all of their top 5 prestige champs at r4 and we will get 1 and the prestige battle is impossible, alliances are falling a part anyway, now I see ppl getting kicked out because they are under 13k prestige, players like me that have the roaster and the skills to clear any new content in the first day or two. The only thing that is new is the EQ that takes like 7 days to be 100% because of the energy needed, I have stopped doing arena because it is insanely boring and 2nd I have 17 6*r3, and 61 6^r1or2, and when I grind vs 100 random whales that have decided they want that 6* champ aswell it is simply impossible to qualify. So basicly AQ, AW and arena top rewards are occupied with the same people. Don't say that f2p can do it too like that dude Brian G because he does that for living and spends like 6 hours a day on it and there are probably less than 10 like him in the entire community and even he is not close to take a champ to r4.
    I love the game and everything but as endgame player now my only option is to compete in AQ or AW but they are pay to win, for Arena if I give 15 hours a day, set alarms to wake me up at 5 a.m to do new cycle of my champs maybe I have a shot to be in the top100 but if that sounds normal or doable to you ... go see a doctor

    It’s always been pay to win at the highest ranks except maybe Brian grant who is extremely good at resources management and lucky he’s been in 4loki forever and they don’t kick him out for prestige reasons.
    Brian is quite fortunate (and a very rare case) to have been earning top 30/top20 AQ rewards as a free to play, but he deserves it. He found a group of friends/alliance mates to play with and he's also skilled and dedicated to the game.

    I do agree with the reality that 99% of current alliances with a total of little to no r4 6*s have no way to get enough r4 resources from AQ, because they don't qualify for top 45. This does increase the gap between big spending alliances and nonspending alliances for now, but something that Kabam has been doing historically to mitigate this is by making resources more attainable overtime.

    Prestige has been and still is a big difference maker in rewards, where low to middle level spenders cannot catch up to big spenders prestige-wise at this current stage (maybe the gap will get closer or get wider- up to Kabam).

    This is the pay-to-win part of this mobile video game.

    There are players who spent thousands who still don't have as good (depth, prestige, etc.) of an account as Brian, or players who have spent less cash. Time spent playing, resource management, and skill is still a huge factor in roster progression.

    And inevitably, if whales can outspend everyone, and that's 100% fine with myself and the majority of the playerbase.
  • edited December 2021
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  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★

    Things have changed, for better or worse I can't say, but once everybody's first r5 came from act5 100%.

    And Act 5 ws the peak of MCOC in terms of quality, creativity & enjoyment
    It ws challenging enough to not feel repetitive like Act 7, while also not being total BS like Act 6
    Creative enough to feel like the good elements of Variant content & long enough to feel like it is the next milestone in the game
    And it brought most people to the same level as noone could get a R5 champ no matter how much money they spent unless they explored Act 5
  • GogataGogata Member Posts: 71
    Pikolu said:

    Dude, if there is no gap, there is no reason to spend money. With no reason to spend money, Kabam goes broke. When kabam goes broke, the servers are taken down and the game no longer exists.

    players that spend will always do, I am not 100% fp2, prob have given them about 1k but overall that is nothing compared to ppl that spend that much a week, the community is big and they make enough money from the cygil, crystals and unit dials
  • Hilbert_unbeatable2Hilbert_unbeatable2 Member Posts: 809 ★★★
    Maltyo9 said:

    Shivacrux said:

    Gogata said:

    I am just wondering why would you screw up so many players?
    With the introduction of the t6 items has been a while and some players have already more than 2 champs at r4, and f2p players have half of the resources needed for 1 champ, and with that tempo will get one when 7.2.4 is released in the best case scenario, by that time whales will have all of their top 5 prestige champs at r4 and we will get 1 and the prestige battle is impossible, alliances are falling a part anyway, now I see ppl getting kicked out because they are under 13k prestige, players like me that have the roaster and the skills to clear any new content in the first day or two. The only thing that is new is the EQ that takes like 7 days to be 100% because of the energy needed, I have stopped doing arena because it is insanely boring and 2nd I have 17 6*r3, and 61 6^r1or2, and when I grind vs 100 random whales that have decided they want that 6* champ aswell it is simply impossible to qualify. So basicly AQ, AW and arena top rewards are occupied with the same people. Don't say that f2p can do it too like that dude Brian G because he does that for living and spends like 6 hours a day on it and there are probably less than 10 like him in the entire community and even he is not close to take a champ to r4.
    I love the game and everything but as endgame player now my only option is to compete in AQ or AW but they are pay to win, for Arena if I give 15 hours a day, set alarms to wake me up at 5 a.m to do new cycle of my champs maybe I have a shot to be in the top100 but if that sounds normal or doable to you ... go see a doctor

    Can you give me name of one player who has 2 r4s?

    OP said some players have more than 2 r4s, implying that someone has 3 of them 🤔
    Implying someone has ATLEAST 3, means more than 3 is also possible scenario
  • ChatterofforumsChatterofforums Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    Op, first, trying using paragraphs, I couldn't even get through all that.

    Second, so you are telling me that a for profit company that doesn't exist (nor does this game) unless people spend money has found ways to reward players for spendings, therefore encouraging spending to stay in business and make a profit?

    Breaking news, most business rewards customers for spending these days, which is why reward cards are so common. Businesses do not exist without profits, so of course kabam will make players tempted to spend.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Gogata said:

    I am just wondering why would you screw up so many players?
    With the introduction of the t6 items has been a while and some players have already more than 2 champs at r4, and f2p players have half of the resources needed for 1 champ, and with that tempo will get one when 7.2.4 is released in the best case scenario, by that time whales will have all of their top 5 prestige champs at r4 and we will get 1 and the prestige battle is impossible, alliances are falling a part anyway, now I see ppl getting kicked out because they are under 13k prestige, players like me that have the roaster and the skills to clear any new content in the first day or two. The only thing that is new is the EQ that takes like 7 days to be 100% because of the energy needed, I have stopped doing arena because it is insanely boring and 2nd I have 17 6*r3, and 61 6^r1or2, and when I grind vs 100 random whales that have decided they want that 6* champ aswell it is simply impossible to qualify. So basicly AQ, AW and arena top rewards are occupied with the same people. Don't say that f2p can do it too like that dude Brian G because he does that for living and spends like 6 hours a day on it and there are probably less than 10 like him in the entire community and even he is not close to take a champ to r4.
    I love the game and everything but as endgame player now my only option is to compete in AQ or AW but they are pay to win, for Arena if I give 15 hours a day, set alarms to wake me up at 5 a.m to do new cycle of my champs maybe I have a shot to be in the top100 but if that sounds normal or doable to you ... go see a doctor

    Kabam is a business not a charity.
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    There’s got to be a reason to pay for XYZ in this game or it’ll be riddled with ads like other purely F2P games are.

    Kabam has actually done an excellent job of balancing F2P vs P2P considering the age of the game. If they really wanted to cash out they could have made it possible to have 5/6 R4s by Christmas as long as you had deep enough pockets and there’s enough games out there that do the equivalent.

    The real difference at the moment is prestige which gets you into a high AQ alliance, ultimately though, if you suck at the game you’ll get kicked no matter how good your roster because most of those alliances are also placing highly in AW which requires skill as well as a fat wallet.

    No point trying to complete on the prestige front unless you got very lucky with your champions and are willing to put in a lot of hours to consistently get the top tier unit offers when they come around.
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,069 Guardian
    Gogata said:

    I am just wondering why would you screw up so many players?
    With the introduction of the t6 items has been a while and some players have already more than 2 champs at r4, and f2p players have half of the resources needed for 1 champ, and with that tempo will get one when 7.2.4 is released in the best case scenario, by that time whales will have all of their top 5 prestige champs at r4 and we will get 1 and the prestige battle is impossible, alliances are falling a part anyway, now I see ppl getting kicked out because they are under 13k prestige, players like me that have the roaster and the skills to clear any new content in the first day or two. The only thing that is new is the EQ that takes like 7 days to be 100% because of the energy needed, I have stopped doing arena because it is insanely boring and 2nd I have 17 6*r3, and 61 6^r1or2, and when I grind vs 100 random whales that have decided they want that 6* champ aswell it is simply impossible to qualify. So basicly AQ, AW and arena top rewards are occupied with the same people. Don't say that f2p can do it too like that dude Brian G because he does that for living and spends like 6 hours a day on it and there are probably less than 10 like him in the entire community and even he is not close to take a champ to r4.
    I love the game and everything but as endgame player now my only option is to compete in AQ or AW but they are pay to win, for Arena if I give 15 hours a day, set alarms to wake me up at 5 a.m to do new cycle of my champs maybe I have a shot to be in the top100 but if that sounds normal or doable to you ... go see a doctor

    There is no way an f2p is EVER keeping up with spenders. Remove that illusion from your mind. You can NEVER keep up. What you can do is play at your comfort without stress and try to do your best to help however you can. Keeping up isnt an option. Not even the most hardcore f2p hold a candle to keeping up.
  • FlyGalaxyBombFlyGalaxyBomb Member Posts: 778 ★★★
    Gogata said:

    I am just wondering why would you screw up so many players?
    With the introduction of the t6 items has been a while and some players have already more than 2 champs at r4, and f2p players have half of the resources needed for 1 champ, and with that tempo will get one when 7.2.4 is released in the best case scenario, by that time whales will have all of their top 5 prestige champs at r4 and we will get 1 and the prestige battle is impossible, alliances are falling a part anyway, now I see ppl getting kicked out because they are under 13k prestige, players like me that have the roaster and the skills to clear any new content in the first day or two. The only thing that is new is the EQ that takes like 7 days to be 100% because of the energy needed, I have stopped doing arena because it is insanely boring and 2nd I have 17 6*r3, and 61 6^r1or2, and when I grind vs 100 random whales that have decided they want that 6* champ aswell it is simply impossible to qualify. So basicly AQ, AW and arena top rewards are occupied with the same people. Don't say that f2p can do it too like that dude Brian G because he does that for living and spends like 6 hours a day on it and there are probably less than 10 like him in the entire community and even he is not close to take a champ to r4.
    I love the game and everything but as endgame player now my only option is to compete in AQ or AW but they are pay to win, for Arena if I give 15 hours a day, set alarms to wake me up at 5 a.m to do new cycle of my champs maybe I have a shot to be in the top100 but if that sounds normal or doable to you ... go see a doctor

    breh, I was in a master ally with 12.1k 💀
    You should be chilling with 13k lmaooo
  • ẞlueẞlue Member Posts: 24

    Gogata said:

    I am just wondering why would you screw up so many players?
    With the introduction of the t6 items has been a while and some players have already more than 2 champs at r4, and f2p players have half of the resources needed for 1 champ, and with that tempo will get one when 7.2.4 is released in the best case scenario, by that time whales will have all of their top 5 prestige champs at r4 and we will get 1 and the prestige battle is impossible, alliances are falling a part anyway, now I see ppl getting kicked out because they are under 13k prestige, players like me that have the roaster and the skills to clear any new content in the first day or two. The only thing that is new is the EQ that takes like 7 days to be 100% because of the energy needed, I have stopped doing arena because it is insanely boring and 2nd I have 17 6*r3, and 61 6^r1or2, and when I grind vs 100 random whales that have decided they want that 6* champ aswell it is simply impossible to qualify. So basicly AQ, AW and arena top rewards are occupied with the same people. Don't say that f2p can do it too like that dude Brian G because he does that for living and spends like 6 hours a day on it and there are probably less than 10 like him in the entire community and even he is not close to take a champ to r4.
    I love the game and everything but as endgame player now my only option is to compete in AQ or AW but they are pay to win, for Arena if I give 15 hours a day, set alarms to wake me up at 5 a.m to do new cycle of my champs maybe I have a shot to be in the top100 but if that sounds normal or doable to you ... go see a doctor

    breh, I was in a master ally with 12.1k 💀
    You should be chilling with 13k lmaooo
    Literally throwing Top 45 smh Fly
  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    As someone who was a FTP player for a long time and doesn't spend much but does occasionally, as a business Kabam has very little if any reason to care what FTP players think. You don't go to work everyday for free, do you? Why should they? I am not defending many of the decisions they have made lately or the overall direction I feel the game has taken lately, but I 100% believe people who spend more should get more out of the game. This game is actually really good for FTP players. If you don't spend, you have nothing to complain about. People spend their time and money to make something they think people will like/enjoy. Kabam should listen to the player base as a whole for feedback but they should mostly listen to paying players because that's what is keeping the game going. Anyways, not particularly excited for the gifting event but will see what happens. Not planning to spend any $, but have some units saved up for it. We will see.
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