Who do you all think is the most annoying and hardest defender in the game ??

Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★
edited January 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Curious to know what community thinks about this .

I have chosen few champs thst i personally hate to fight and i have seen other people too in the same boat .

Who do you all think is the most annoying and hardest defender in the game ?? 204 votes

ThatGuyYouSaw235Stagedear85etgddhjjSunRiceGabebravoEtjamaMiStaLovaDeaconMaratoxGinjabredMonstaThoye3Phillip14233MusikmenKapitoshka_438JragonMaster170BollandVictorVonDoom568laxtheCowabungaYodabolt21 26 votes
Whiskey_PoetRawInstinctrazielSpity68F4k3_GaM3rBlackPhoenix44Rbk19GarloRasiloverIamTryingMyBestColonaut123Wine_LoverUsername19273Killswitch01josemourizkyRocketWaffleMasterpuffIronGladiator22AburaeesShock29 36 votes
GK_23Ragnarok13Mhd20034anggafkBuck9studioDenzel116TheWolfFenrirPsyGrinder_XŘïdđhįmAlmccarthyvanNittelroyNightkiller7314UnitboyHi_Im_Kevin 14 votes
CloudwalkerKablZura_1 3 votes
TendersquadImranhungryhungrybbqSandeepSThefire13rcm2017dot_dittote_dua_shumWill3808thepiggy 10 votes
2StarKingHort4NuclekerrAKTEKtntslMoosetiptronicMysterio_Sham_psp742BahubaliEwell65SSS69PoketanILLUSION8vicmasterrDevastator3Terry_BolleaChobblyNastyPhishodishika123Amneties 40 votes
Hit 🐒
8Infineight8IcyCoolDudeDoodle 2 votes
DarkZenMagonusLilhavana123ANGRYEAGLETheSaithe_macBlueline_10Stebo_79Tel5tr4_BoiRajSonofdathomirLBN1Daken1581Oddkinsons7MutantA___4444TfoshagsWsd37SurfnSun 17 votes
Weapon X
Drenlin18sae56KingnaesTerriersForeverTurguzAgentDoom9JuggerNotIamant1BeeweeDart1981BLOODY_ASSASIAN08Rouger4Carter22Hrishikesh713AGYAATBaarguAlbert97Avi613Draconic_12Cangaceiro 25 votes
Any other
SatsuiNoHadouMike8mn123dudejdrum663ReinaXcrøss_TRDoom_and_GloomyuwKerneasBarrier ReefRaichu626ninjadtkPikolutekCom619UvoginAomine_Daiki10SpideyFunkoMCOCHazzaKhellendros138SkyLord7000Tostig32 31 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • NastyPhishNastyPhish Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    Typhoon said:

    Terrax more annoying to me than anyone on this list

    With terrax. From the very start I play super aggressive and never let up. You eat a Little Rock field damage. But he NEVER gets a special. My preferred method.
  • te_dua_shumte_dua_shum Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    As a general defender Mojo, but 200% Power Gain Dr. Strange is probably the fight that I hate the most, regardless of any additional node. Aside from Doc Oc, who can reliably handle him? ^^"
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Werewrym said:

    I personally think Ebony Maw is one of the worst to fight. We just happen to have the best counter Torch readily available to destroy him. Take that away with the new AW bans or in the Solo mode and he becomes one of the best defenders ever.

    Laughs in R3 Mr Negative and Spidey 2099
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★

    Werewrym said:

    I personally think Ebony Maw is one of the worst to fight. We just happen to have the best counter Torch readily available to destroy him. Take that away with the new AW bans or in the Solo mode and he becomes one of the best defenders ever.

    Laughs in R3 Mr Negative and Spidey 2099
    I'm not saying he doesn't have counters, but it is still much easier to die using anyone besides torch.
  • Iamant1Iamant1 Member Posts: 173
    Weapon X
    If you're voting anyone except weapon x you're clearly a noob
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
    Overall, I always hate champs that have relatively unavoidable mechanics that you can't simply play around. Korg has some annoying damage back and a difficult to dodge sp1, but overall you can limit or ignore the damage and by playing well, he will not often go unblockable. Champs with unavoidable degen or random evades are super annoying, so Domino might win it off this list.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    edited January 2022

    As a general defender Mojo, but 200% Power Gain Dr. Strange is probably the fight that I hate the most, regardless of any additional node. Aside from Doc Oc, who can reliably handle him? ^^"


    Magik or magik/heimdallr
  • te_dua_shumte_dua_shum Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★


    Magik or magik/heimdallr

    Taking multiple SP3s into the face and playing at really low health isn't exactly what I consider a reliable counter but I'll keep her in mind, fortunately I have a duped 6* ^_^
    I don't think magik can work, Strange can reach an SP3 in 9 seconds and I can't reach an SP2 in time so I have to hope that I cross a bar of power, that I activate Limbo (with only 50% chance) and that I can survive the SP3. Heimdall I don't think will work either because Strange fate seal with his SP3 ^^"
  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,626 ★★★★★
    Domino is hands down the most annoying…. Not the hardest, but the most annoying. You can play absolutely perfect and still take quite a bit of damage. Her evade is also the one that gives me the most trouble.

    As for hardest, it’s got to either be Terrax or Maw for me. They both have counters, but one slip up usually means death.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    edited January 2022


    Magik or magik/heimdallr

    Taking multiple SP3s into the face and playing at really low health isn't exactly what I consider a reliable counter but I'll keep her in mind, fortunately I have a duped 6* ^_^
    I don't think magik can work, Strange can reach an SP3 in 9 seconds and I can't reach an SP2 in time so I have to hope that I cross a bar of power, that I activate Limbo (with only 50% chance) and that I can survive the SP3. Heimdall I don't think will work either because Strange fate seal with his SP3 ^^"
    I believe variant 1 , I had no issues using my Gwenpool vs Dr strange. There was also a boss rush with a power gain sym supreme 1-2 years ago ; I used Gwenpool vs him. I’ve also used her vs the old Map5 Hyperion bosses. Just used her last month vs variant 8 chapter 2.1 Silver centurion with vivified (200% power gain).

    You’re Correct about the heimdal indestructible getting counterspelled.
  • Wsd37Wsd37 Member Posts: 20
    Terrax, Domino, and any other champion that kabam thought would be funny to put an insane amount auto block on.
  • Wsd37Wsd37 Member Posts: 20
    and thing
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 955 ★★★★
    Any other
    I personally hate electro. Domino and korg are up there also, but I just hate the damage back.
  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★
    Werewrym said:

    I personally think Ebony Maw is one of the worst to fight. We just happen to have the best counter Torch readily available to destroy him. Take that away with the new AW bans or in the Solo mode and he becomes one of the best defenders ever.

    Oh yeah ..Maw too ..that degen is really frustrating ..he is a pain if you don't have Torch.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,316 Guardian
    Any other
    Ebony Maw, I'm horrible at reparrying, so he sucks
  • IcyCoolDudeDoodleIcyCoolDudeDoodle Member Posts: 587 ★★
    Hit 🐒
    Evades, Purifies, Quick... I hate that!!!!!!
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★

    Evades, Purifies, Quick... I hate that!!!!!!

    Just don't knock him down
  • Scarcity27Scarcity27 Member Posts: 1,906 ★★★★★
    I don't think I've ever satisfactorily defeated Korg. 90% of the time it was a last second clinch to victory.
  • BeeweeBeewee Member Posts: 564 ★★★★
    Weapon X
    Inexperience is what makes weapon x annoying. If he was more common I probably wouldnt say hes the most annoying
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★
    Terrax and peni
  • SnuggzySnuggzy Member Posts: 244 ★★
    In terms of sheer annoyance, rather than difficulty, Mordo has to rank up there. His passive playstyle + power gain really rustles my jimmies.

    Korg is also super annoying, because of thorns/unblockable. If the thorns didn't exist, he'd be far less infuriating.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    Any other
    There are champions that are objectively better defenders

    but I hate fighting Aarkus. Absolutely hate it.
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