Who to R5? KingPin, Nick Fury or Falcon?

All 5 star; sitting at R4, awakened (between 50-80. have 100+ skill gems). Inclined to go for Falcon, as I like the new kit. havent used KingPin much. I dont run suicide masteries- occasionally recoil..
I have 6r3 Dragon man, 6r2 Hercules, HB, iHulk, Ghost and Bishop;
Doom, CAIW, Claire, Domino, Archangel, Void, Colossus, Corvus and Hyperion as 5r5.
Skill is a class where i always deferred ranking up to R5. So have many at r4- Aegon, NF, Kill Monger, Kingpin, Falcon, Blade, Hit Monkey and Cross bones