Top 5 Least favourite Champions List

Favourite/Best champions lists crop up all the time, but we rarely see lists containing champions that the community just can't learn to love.
Whether it be an awkward playstyle, lack of damage, utility or both, who do you dislike and why?
Mine are:
Air Walker
Psycho Man
Quake (don't hate me - I'm terrible at quaking)
Black Panther CW
Whether it be an awkward playstyle, lack of damage, utility or both, who do you dislike and why?
Mine are:
Air Walker
Psycho Man
Quake (don't hate me - I'm terrible at quaking)
Black Panther CW
They just don't click with me tbh
Hiemdall (tried using him a few times and he was underwhelming, this is coming from someone who enjoys super skrull)
Green goblin (just screw this guy, i manage to justify my hate for this shambles of a champion by convincing myself it was the version from TASM and not willem dafoe)
iron patriot (gets worse with his sig?)
Deadpool (a champ you have to pay for, as someone who once wanted to collect them all this guy will forever be my nemesis)
OG Ms Marvel/OG captain marvel (literally the most boring champions ever but at least some of the older champs have good synergies or buffs now, these 2 have literally 4 abilities between them)
3 OG Iron man] SIM/ IP
4 Groot
5 Rocket
The Champion
I think i could say i can't stand mordo
Storm X
5. Colossus
4. Sersi
3. Green Goblin
2. Cable
1. Red Goblin
Usually fluctuates based on who I think is overrated at the time, but Green Goblin has my eternal hate from facing him so many times in arena, and there is a special place in MCOC hell reserved for Red Goblin
Air Walker
Ant Man
Diablo used to be on my list, but with his buff he went from my least favorite to one of the most fun - particularly now that I’ve unlocked suicides.
Hope some of the above get some buff action to similar effect.
4. Starky - I just don’t get the hype with him at all. I know he is isn’t great anymore, but even back in the day he was one of my first 4* and I took him up and hated using him.
3. Nova - I just hate fighting/using him and of course have him sig 60 as a 6*. This isn’t a hate on his buff, I just never liked anything in his kit. His animations are awesome though.
2. Groot - I want to love Groot. The lovable loser thing is real, BUT, he serves no purpose. His animations are awful (but realistic). Nothing he does is satisfying at all. It is such a shame because he could/should be a super fun champ to use or at worst be an awesome support champ. Also, he was my first 6*…. Haha
1. Annihilus- I just despise this champ all around. His animations are somewhat cool, but his kit is bizarre and he is almost always incredibly aggressive when you fight him. Many many times have I just had no chance to beat him because I get stuck in the corner
Some that just missed are Elsa, Red Goblin, Phoenix and Purgatory.
1. Captain Marvel Movie (I genuinely hate her basic attack animations, it just looks weird to me)
2. Red Skull
3. Black Panther Civil War
4. (Superior) Iron Man/ Iron Patriot
5. Rhino (spamming dash attacks is fun and all but in higher fights getting hit while dashing can end the fight fast for you)
Least favourite all of these
Karnak- he just looks like a lazy bum I can’t stand him. Kabam give him a design makeover plz
OR- a high sig plus suicide mastery only. I just use him for my Colossus synergy. Sus has clear and gotten me through a lot of content.
Quake/ ghost- boring
Red skull
Green goblin
Nick fury ( without LMD no damage and with LMD it's stressful, atleast for me)
Ultron : Bugged and plus can't really enjoy him
Ronin : Tried him, but not upto the mark
Diablo: he is unawakened and I don't run suicides, so still a wet noodle for me