War bug; duplicates of the same champ on defense and 53 defenders total

I don’t know if anyone can explain this. We’ve just started war and our opponent doesn’t seem to have full diversity, which is unheard of at the top of tier 2. On closer inspection the three duplicates are the same champion from the same player. There are still 50 defenders. Can anyone explain this? Never seen anything like it.

Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
Same happened to us last war. No info if the opponent had actually duplicate fights or just a visual bug.
If 5 empty nodes (or 4 empty for those in much lower tiers peeking in on this bug), then it's a matter of it displaying the wrong champ (like the originally placed one instead of who might have been moved into placement there later on).
If you don’t see the expected amount of EMPTY nodes, then it's a problem of game actually showing same champ multiple times.
FYI, commented in other thread that so long as the fight was just a single fight KO (and doesn’t affect your health in a way that causes a later node to need 2+ fights to beat), then the Attack Bonus should be the same either way (whether a duplicate, or an empty, node).
BUT, if you see that this causes the team with duplicate placements to also have a LOWER DIVERSITY (because now it doesn’t think that champ was unique anymore), then that indeed will have an affect on that alliance Points (in a bad way). For any such wars that end up being very close.
(EDIT), never mind original quoted comment about Diversity. It should still count as 50 diversity even if the 51/52/53rd “extra” champs are the same (obviously) as on their other nodes.
You still get 1 diversity for the first occurrence, but not an additional point for the duplicate (bug'd) occurrence.
I will wait the season rewards now ahahaha
everyone, last war we had the same problem.
One problem that came to mind with this bug is that the alliance that has to tackle more defenders may lose in case of a draw simply because there were more fights.