so... what happend to guillotine buff?

she is worse than before and i'm sure many people regret even getting her. so is kabam going to change her or at least revert her? she is like very useless now
Nerfed her healing
ig thats a job well done
She is one of my favorite champs to play with. Not extremely practical but still a high damage champ with a fun and challenging play style
However I think it is fair to say that a very high percentage of knowledgeable players who used to play her before her update believe with some objective justification that her damage in certain situations was impaired, and her healing in all situations was significantly reduced. Everyone doesn't agree on the degree to which this happened, but there is a general sense that she was made worse in almost every situation except the one where a brand new player literally pulls her first out of a 4* crystal. And even in that case, she's arguably only better in a trivial way that doesn't scale.
This was also mostly unnecessary, because a large chunk of the issues comes down to the developers insisting on giving Guillotine funky new mechanics, but then being too afraid to make them work properly out of fear they might have underestimated those mechanics. Any way you look at it, that's an unforced designer error.
The problem is, the ways in which Guillotine was arguably banged up by the update are mostly invisible to the data Kabam tracks. So there's nothing to tell them they did anything wrong. When Kabam says they are happy with where she is now, that's what they mean. She hits reasonable targets in their data monitoring. It is just that that data is incomplete when it comes to Guillotine.
Guillotine still has decent damage, but she had a lot more damage before. So it's a nerf, even though it'd be inevitable for Guillotine to lose the ability to 1 hit opponents with an SP3.
They removed her regen
They gave her a regen based on (damage or bleed done on enemy right?)
They increased her bleed damage by a lot
However the fact that they noticeably nerfed her healing and added no new utility (along with the damage reduction) is why I and many others have been disappointed.
The regen was okay in theory. I personally have her at R2 and use her a ton for EQ.
I believe her kit doesn’t fit into the meta (for now). Like this month’s EQ, I hope more content is released where she can be useful.
Until then
The problem with Pain Split is that it’s simply not offensive utility. It just isn’t. If it reduced the damage she took in the process, maybe it would have a use. But as it stands, there is no reason that an attacking Guilly should want to use her sp1. Similarly, the sp3 was butchered in such a way that nobody wants to use that anymore either, despite it being her big gun in the past.
I’ve spilled enough ink on this topic in the past. This rework will never sit right with me and it is the reason I am cautious about all champion reworks in the future.