What's your least favorite node and how do you counter it?

I'm currently very annoyed by life cycle in 6.2.1. I'm sure it's far from the worst node out there though, so I'm curious what you think the worst is.
Let my ally member take it
Disabling Global chat
I just Power through it as painful as it is
Masochism - Archangel
Destructive feedback - bite into a lemon while screaming in furious rage
Starburst - not playing Act 4 back when that mode existed
Close Encounters - "GET OVER HERE YOU COWARD"
Mix Master - Elsa Bloodstone
Mighty Charge - heavy counter
All or nothing - taunt when it worked
Life Cycle - Doom heavy fiesta
Do you bleed? - Linkin Park
That being said, one of my least favorite nodes is Strenght In Numbers, mainly because it promotes item use, unless you fight perfectly.
To counter it:
The power given to me as an officer, I assign it to someone else.
Counter = hope I intercept well + items or Quake
However I hate Destructive Feedback. That node has probably cost me a decade of my life. Taken away by sheer power of the extreme stress this bs node gives me
You just insta ko due to fun and interactive damage.
I guess someone behind the node REALLY didn't like Starburst... the candy.