SQ stun node not always applying

In the side quest with the node "The power of love" that should be prompting a passive stun when the defender triggers indestructible, a good 30% of the time the passive stun is not triggered. Noticed this for several champs, and I cannot pin down exactly why this is happening. I am guessing that ability accuracy reduction from assassin's mastery is causing the node not to trigger, but curious to see if others without the assassin's mastery are having these issues. Let me know if you had these issues too.
here are the champs I had it happen with:
- Nick Fury: probably AA reduction, when I apply 2 internal bleeds I kept seeing the "head over heals" node trigger indestructible, but not the passive stun. This happened 3 times.
- BWDO: This one's confusing, because I put the buff immunity on the defender when they're below 10%, which prevents the indestructible buff from activating (which I would assume also prevents the passive stun from activating due to the wording of the node), but the defender is still indestructible and takes 0 damage until I knock them down with a heavy. Buff immunity doesn't count as nullify, so there is no healing involved.
- Elsa bloodstone: I'm assuming this is AA reduction as well, when I get into assassin's range most of the time the indestructible activates but the passive stun does not.
- Hercules: Only thing I can think of here is the AA reduction from assassin's range & bad luck with RNG.
here are the champs I had it happen with:
- Nick Fury: probably AA reduction, when I apply 2 internal bleeds I kept seeing the "head over heals" node trigger indestructible, but not the passive stun. This happened 3 times.
- BWDO: This one's confusing, because I put the buff immunity on the defender when they're below 10%, which prevents the indestructible buff from activating (which I would assume also prevents the passive stun from activating due to the wording of the node), but the defender is still indestructible and takes 0 damage until I knock them down with a heavy. Buff immunity doesn't count as nullify, so there is no healing involved.
- Elsa bloodstone: I'm assuming this is AA reduction as well, when I get into assassin's range most of the time the indestructible activates but the passive stun does not.
- Hercules: Only thing I can think of here is the AA reduction from assassin's range & bad luck with RNG.
The only instance that I think is genuinely bugged is with BWCV (I just realized I said BWDO in my original post, that was incorrect it was BW Claire Voyant). If the buff immunity is active then the indestructible buff should not be triggering at all and there should be nothing preventing the KO.
More annoyingly when the stun did apply two of my champs stood there like lemons when I attempted a heavy.