Ok, I'm going to just say it now....

For the first time in my 5 years of playing this game, I'm going to say something I never thought I would ever say....
There are too many characters in this game.
Let me clarify; there are too many characters, and not enough ways to get the ones you want/need. Case in point, and I'm certain many of you are in a similar boat with ________champion(s), I've been chasing apocalypse since he was released. I have (as of 5 minutes ago) opened over 50 dual class crystals chasing the one character, and still nothing. With over 200 champions in the game, it's entirely possible that you could chase a certain champion for the life of the game and NEVER pull them.
So I'll ask this again, no doubt in vain, Don't you think it's time we revisit the topics of dual class 6 star and wish crystals?
Obviously this is strictly a player's discussion, as Kabam refuses to address this.
There are too many characters in this game.
Let me clarify; there are too many characters, and not enough ways to get the ones you want/need. Case in point, and I'm certain many of you are in a similar boat with ________champion(s), I've been chasing apocalypse since he was released. I have (as of 5 minutes ago) opened over 50 dual class crystals chasing the one character, and still nothing. With over 200 champions in the game, it's entirely possible that you could chase a certain champion for the life of the game and NEVER pull them.
So I'll ask this again, no doubt in vain, Don't you think it's time we revisit the topics of dual class 6 star and wish crystals?
Obviously this is strictly a player's discussion, as Kabam refuses to address this.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Flip side that is my reminder to not hold stuff for any champ because you may never get them.
I would be all over a dual class crystal as I have no need for her but I want her.
I do have an alt account that I do not spend a penny on. There I have the exact opposite problem. Catalysts in the overflow/expiring and no good champs or no gold to use them. So one way or another Kabam is going to starve you of something.
After his buff, he became such a crucial champion to have, I was losing my mind with every dual crystal. It especially gets frustrating when he can solo more than half of act 7 bosses and you keep seeing "Magneto 15 hit solo" videos online.
I finally got him from an Incursion Crystal. They changed the crystals a bit recently and I didn't see anything I liked so I am not sure if that was a good change or bad one but, they are the closest we can get to a wish crystal with a 1/8 chance. But they are not that accessible, limited in number and change almost every 3 months. (And with my progression unless it is another beyond god tier I am fishing, I am gonna go for 2k 6*)
I genuinely think Incursions are one the best content in the game. I quit my alliance, I might quit the game soon but, I might always open the game for an hour to play with my friends.
I think rewards are great (i.e. 5-6* and incursion shards) but an update to the store would be great.
2. There are a lot of reasons why players could disagree with “pro-player” suggestions. Maybe they think you’re not pushing the ideas far enough. Maybe they think it would wreck the in-game economy. Maybe they agree with the “there are too many characters in this game” part of your comment and decided not to read on. Maybe they think they have a better idea. Maybe they like a bit of randomness in champion acquisition. Maybe they disagree with the sass that you included in the statement “since obviously Kabam will not address this”. Maybe they have all the champs they want.
3. What fascinates me is that it was their idea and they have indeed acknowledged it in multiple other posts since the one that brought it up. It’s not on top of their list, and they don’t discuss every new item they release before they release it. Some people like to be surprised. Kabam is not legally required to inform the community every time they change their mind (the roadmaps were projections, not facts) on an idea.
6 star dual can be introduced at this point
Edit: Or more of the Year Crystals -
I wouldnt mind paying the same amount of shards as featured for this to give us a better chance of hunting specific champs.
For obvious moneytary reasons, they can exclude maybe the last 2/3 years for the selection (1 crystal each for 2015, 16, 17, 18 and 2019 based on current date)
Yes I agree , would be nice to see the champions at certain milestones 5* 40m 6* 80m ?? , and the rank rewards will be similar but would be a rank up gem instead of the champ . 5 * are considerably alot easier to win from arena . As most have been saying they have had no luck in duel crystals i presumed they were looking for 5* version ..
I think there need to be more opportunities to use crystals shards for more compact groups of champions. Maybe add a yearly crystal that they rotate through each day as well in addition to the dual class ones. Segregating by year is nice as the odds of getting who you're looking for don't get worse over time.
Adding more Nexuses would obviously be nice but that has a more significant effect on the quality of champs you are on average going to pull overall which is different than just making it easier to get someone in particular.