Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme need immunity to degen and limbo

Doctor Strange should be the only one able to negate the effects of degen and limbo. As the sorcerer supreme, he has the ability to manipulate all energy (magic/dimensional) that he encounters.
In addition, the eye of agamato gives the power to control time, so similar to limbo, he should have the power the regain the same health within a previous time.
In addition, the eye of agamato gives the power to control time, so similar to limbo, he should have the power the regain the same health within a previous time.
Also he doesn't manipulate all energy in the game, so being immune to limbo or degeneration wouldn't make sense too.
Those are horrible suggestions
.....ahhhh... It can be... There is nothing that can't be happen.... Everything can be applicable if kabam want to be..... No needs of logic...
Champs like Black Widow would have never once been considered a great champ, Hulk would end many fights in a single hit, Magneto would dominate any fight involving a champ with metal, Unstoppable Colossus would be legit af, etc etc. Could go on forever on what should or shouldn't be.
Balance really needs to be a major factor in games like this.
Comics Dr. Strange ISN'T the same Dr. Strange we have in the game. They are from different universe's, so they don't have the same abilities at the same power.
So he "shouldn't" be immune, and he doesn't "need" immunity. If he somehow gets some similar ability in the future then it's because the team decided to give him those abilities, and not because he had to get them.
Technically it is comic dr strange, he was just thrown into the battlerealm, thats the gimmick of the "Contest of Champions"
And Magik is the Sorceress Supreme of Limbo, she is more powerful than Doc Strange there
Extripa probably isnt used to people actually arguing back lol
I would much rather see them buffed. Old champs carry little to no use in new content and keep getting pushed back further with the addition of new champs. Wasn't trying to argue against that, rather explain why some champs don't have all of their abilities
2 darevils
2 cyclops
2 marvels
2 magnetos
Like a trillion Ironmans: ironman, SIM, IP, HB etc?
And how about the useless: SG, Shehulk, kamala, DS, luke cage etc?????
Nothing to do with crystals or luck, you just think the game should work the way you want to
It was a case where Kabam itself knew they did a mistake with the update and tried to fix it according with player's feedback. And as you can see, it wasn't nothing equal as player's suggested
Just like the current AW, just like the champs nerfs, just like the masteries nerf?
We can all agree we want champs optimization,
We can all agree we want less bugs
We can all agree we dont want more nerfs of anything in the game
We can all agree about so many things, however you be like the game is perfect. When someone post about a constructive criticism you feel entile to dispute that with ..........$&&@$&@$$&& all the time. This game is not your game only.
This is an example where the OP thinks that Comics and the game are the same thing and suggests abilities because he wants more counters to a certain champ or DoT effect (this one is just not happening unless it is only against Degen debuffs).
Exactly, but what is the balance when you nerf DS power gain because it is too fast. Then you release mordo and hyperion with faster power gain than DS before right? Is that what we call balance?
The game is great dont get me wrong but kabams says they are trying to balance the contest but it seems they do the opposite in actions. I hope the dont continue with this trend because it will kill the game and we like this game a lot.
Nothing to debate with me. If you follow the forums you'll see that that has in fact been my common argument in the case of DS. I understand the nerf to SW, but I argue often DS was nerfed way to much when current regen and power gain champs are better than he ever was.
When the initial nerf originally happened I think its safe to say "some" of it made sense to us at the time. Fast forward to today and very little of it makes sense when new champs were created that took the place of those champs who were previously nerfed. Theres a huge flaw in the balance system in that scenario.
That is lifesteal, not "going back in time to get hp losted"
Why aren't u a mod?U never stick with our opinions!Never
Yeah,and I get flagged for that,probably for this too