Aaannd the game has gone back to being boring again



  • Denzel116Denzel116 Member Posts: 537 ★★★
    Champ_Z said:

    March was filled with so much new content and the contest was thriving. Now that its all done, kabam could we see some new content soon? Or maybe the new progression title? Because aq round has ended and we still in off season in aw, it feels pointless logging in and playing.

    “Now it’s all done.” 😂 slow down quick silver. Or you could pick a new champ you never really play with and try to master them. Become a master of the most random champs. Truly establish yourself in the category of “there’s nothing else left to do.”

    Because if you can beat the Abyss of legends with Groot…then it’s all done.
  • Denzel116Denzel116 Member Posts: 537 ★★★
    Champ_Z said:

    Daddrieda said:

    Champ_Z said:

    ItsDamien said:

    Let this be a lesson why people shouldn’t rush content.

    I had to because of my alliance, my prestige was a bit low so
    Then leave your alliance? Prestige comes and go.
    Oh no I like the competitive nature, plus they just asked me nicely to increase the prestige because I was below 14k in this meta
    That’s not an alliance. That’s a gang. Contact the authorities haha jk.

    This is why I’m looking forward to battlegrounds. Solo competitive content. No weird internet humans “requesting” me to play A GAME more than I want for some weird idea of prestige for a few more shards and getting rank 4’s quicker than other internet humans.

    I miss the Nintendo days. The only other human had to grab a controller and sit their butt right next to you. It was just about playing the game.

    This idea of alliance pressure is a slippery slope that new and mid players should avoid at all costs. Rank up WHO YOU WANT or WHO YOU LIKE. Don’t rank up popular champs for “defense” just to never play them and to always wish you could use those resources for someone else.

    I promise you, I’ve played in enough alliances to get the jist of it: if you’re not “good enough” you’ll log in one day and be booted. Don’t worry about that, find a chill alliance that is for the fun of the game and enjoy
  • CrusaderjrCrusaderjr Member Posts: 1,059 ★★★★
    Champ_Z said:

    March was filled with so much new content and the contest was thriving. Now that its all done, kabam could we see some new content soon? Or maybe the new progression title? Because aq round has ended and we still in off season in aw, it feels pointless logging in and playing.

    rushing content isnt fun either lol if it took less than a week to complete new chapters, you are rushing. no offense to streamers or content creators and impatient/addicted people who want to open all the rewards from completion/exploration, but the game isnt meant for that. everyone is so eager to rush content and show off but at what cost, now you gatta wait a year or till the next major update to get new end game content. rewards are cool and all but you are literally choosing to trade, some rewards for months of boredom, its a personal problem at that point.
  • AntoseumAntoseum Member Posts: 22
    Champ_Z said:

    March was filled with so much new content and the contest was thriving. Now that its all done, kabam could we see some new content soon? Or maybe the new progression title? Because aq round has ended and we still in off season in aw, it feels pointless logging in and playing.

    If you feel like you are done with your account at the moment, you could still create another account! This can be pretty exciting!
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,885 ★★★★★
    Look, the game has little permanent content and its addition is rarity. We have AW and AQ to keep you occupied on a day to day basis, so I suggest you focus on those, maybe on Arena if you have everything explored. Hunt prestige, rankup like crazy and I think you'll be satisfied
  • Hrishikesh713Hrishikesh713 Member Posts: 712 ★★★
    Well i do agree game has back to being boring....i personally took break from the alliance stuff and playing once in while now...done with all the end game content so nothing special going for me...!!!
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★

    Kabam is in no way obligated to keep up with the few people who rush through everything.

    Kabam isn't obligated partially or even fully. And you are right that only few people exist at such caliber (I'm not one of them, I have still long way to go to complete every content in game.)
    But this is forum. This is place to representation. As to have very right to criticize them, they do have equal and same right to ask game devs about content.
    After Battlegrounds goes live I doubt (hope) people will stop complaining about content to do. It seems that some folks live in this game and have nothin else to do in life but smash MCOC content.
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