Aaannd the game has gone back to being boring again

Champ_ZChamp_Z Member Posts: 155
edited April 2022 in General Discussion
March was filled with so much new content and the contest was thriving. Now that its all done, kabam could we see some new content soon? Or maybe the new progression title? Because aq round has ended and we still in off season in aw, it feels pointless logging in and playing.


  • LpooLpoo Member Posts: 2,230 ★★★★★
    Did you explore act 7?
  • Champ_ZChamp_Z Member Posts: 155

    Ayo, its only been a month (and that month had a **** ton of stuff). New content will come soon, but I personally am fine with things slowing down for a month or 2 due to finals

    Yeah I'm not really asking for a sweaty endgame content, just something new, anything. Even the rift side event is just meh
  • Champ_ZChamp_Z Member Posts: 155
    xNig said:

    Some people are never satisfied.

    Yes, and neither should you be
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,548 ★★★★★

    Kabam is in no way obligated to keep up with the few people who rush through everything.

    Kabam isn't obligated partially or even fully. And you are right that only few people exist at such caliber (I'm not one of them, I have still long way to go to complete every content in game.)
    But this is forum. This is place to representation. As to have very right to criticize them, they do have equal and same right to ask game devs about content.
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,548 ★★★★★

    ItsDamien said:

    ItsDamien said:

    Let this be a lesson why people shouldn’t rush content.

    So if person is able to do a content because of his skills,roster and item availability, it's called rushing the content??? Seriously I don't get your point at all. Like if a players knows that rewards are worth his efforts and have capability to do it in week, he/she actually wait for to do in like 4 months according to you. Idk what kind of lesson you are teaching by your statement mate???
    I mean yeah it is rushing the content. You aptly described it. Well done.

    Could I have explored 7.4 now? Sure. Have I even completed 7.4 yet? No. Because I’m taking my time with it, regardless of the rewards.
    Well you didn't gave me the answer at all. You are just dodging the question. What do you mean by actual RUSHING THE CONTENT???? not doing 7.4 is your choice. There can be several factors to it which I don't know for example you don't have skill or may be you don't have time or maybe you don't have enough items or maybe you are not motivated enough. I don't which one can be your personal reason not to take on 7.4 but you are implying your own personal preference on general situation. How does that even make sense.
    Like if I were to imply my personal preference on you like saying that it's just laziness or underperforming issue etc etc, Will you actually accept that defination.
    So please can you give the defination or real/actual content rushing implication mate.
    Rushing the content is doing it all on day one or week one for full explo rather than pacing it or spreading it out. You may have to do it for prestige issues with your alliance or because you think it is fun, and that's fine, but it is rushing to get it done. I also have only dipped my toe into 7.4, but that's because I'm saving units for the completion offer and I want to take my time.
    But still don't explain why it shouldn't be done. As I said, it's personal preference. Everyone knows about their time and end goals.
    And don't get what actually the term RUSHING is implicated here at all. Why one should be restrained when he/she wanna do it. As I said it's personal choice, and making the personal choice subjective and generalizing don't make sense at all.

    Like you said, you wanna take your time because of that unit offer and that's you haven't completed. So do it give me right to say that you are underperforming or something similar. No . Not all. It's your choice and decision regarding your end goal and time. Same goes to players who decide to explore/complete a specific content in less time cuz again it depends upon their end goal and their decision. So how it's fair to say implying a negative image about that situation as in my knowledge RUSHING THE CONTENT is implicated as negative term here on forums usually
    But I wonder if such things "RUSHING THE CONTENT" even exist. Iike next time I might have to argue with my ally leadership not to complete Aq before hours as we should wait patiently fot it last minute 🤔🤔🤔
    You're right, it is a personal choice and rushing AQ and AW is different than rushing story content. I don't have an issue with people rushing, it's their choice and it isn't for me and causes me to use forever resources or get frustrated quicker. I personally don't like when people rush though and then complain how they have nothing to do and kabam should come out with more content after just dropping big content. Thats usually where the negative connotation for rushing comes in to play. But I'm also not endgame and have a lot of content to do as well.
    First of all story content offers some of the best and amazing rewards in game. So yeah its different in nature than Aq and Aw. And thats the reason why players push themselves to do story content. It can change their entire roster.
    And in current meta, bar is set too low. Players will get over in no time and thus inevitable that demand of players rise for more. Current meta is outdated already for players who have big rosters and amazing skills. Its the content which cant keep up. How do we expect a player who have literally everything to crush the NEW content in very less time because he/she dont have anything to do except new one. Is it fair to tell them to take it slow and do it like in years.
    I am not asking new content at all. I too have content left to do. But terming negative terms around such players is totally sense less. They are not in many numbers thats why most of us dont care. But does that mean hammering down them with negative image and terms is right ?Does that give other players a reason to disrespect their opinion. In simple words, here on forums there certain Taboos have been created about certain aspects and opinions.
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,548 ★★★★★

    ItsDamien said:

    ItsDamien said:

    Let this be a lesson why people shouldn’t rush content.

    So if person is able to do a content because of his skills,roster and item availability, it's called rushing the content??? Seriously I don't get your point at all. Like if a players knows that rewards are worth his efforts and have capability to do it in week, he/she actually wait for to do in like 4 months according to you. Idk what kind of lesson you are teaching by your statement mate???
    I mean yeah it is rushing the content. You aptly described it. Well done.

    Could I have explored 7.4 now? Sure. Have I even completed 7.4 yet? No. Because I’m taking my time with it, regardless of the rewards.
    Well you didn't gave me the answer at all. You are just dodging the question. What do you mean by actual RUSHING THE CONTENT???? not doing 7.4 is your choice. There can be several factors to it which I don't know for example you don't have skill or may be you don't have time or maybe you don't have enough items or maybe you are not motivated enough. I don't which one can be your personal reason not to take on 7.4 but you are implying your own personal preference on general situation. How does that even make sense.
    Like if I were to imply my personal preference on you like saying that it's just laziness or underperforming issue etc etc, Will you actually accept that defination.
    So please can you give the defination or real/actual content rushing implication mate.
    You need to cool it mate
    I am bud, don't worry. I just Stated my opinion in form of question that's it. I didn't mean in rude way.
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★

    Kabam is in no way obligated to keep up with the few people who rush through everything.

    I mean, kabam is probably not obligated to do just about anything. They do it because they want to keep the players
  • Strangecraft069Strangecraft069 Member Posts: 183

    On the small chance you are done with all above, go give yourself a pat on the back.

    Take a hike, enjoy the sun, learn an instrument, connect with someone you haven’t seen in a while.

    Good luck in finding content, whatever that content may be

    Why would we be in competitive virtual gaming if we liked real world lol
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