Aaannd the game has gone back to being boring again

March was filled with so much new content and the contest was thriving. Now that its all done, kabam could we see some new content soon? Or maybe the new progression title? Because aq round has ended and we still in off season in aw, it feels pointless logging in and playing.
Labyrinth Exploration?
All of Carina’s Challenges?
All Variants?
Abyss Exploration?
Act 6 Exploration?
These should keep you busy while
Take a hike, enjoy the sun, learn an instrument, connect with someone you haven’t seen in a while.
Good luck in finding content, whatever that content may be
Could I have explored 7.4 now? Sure. Have I even completed 7.4 yet? No. Because I’m taking my time with it, regardless of the rewards.
I rushed 7.4 for prestige and the rank up materials for AW season so I’ve not got much to do but I recognise that this is very much my problem, not Kabam’s.
Like if I were to imply my personal preference on you like saying that it's just laziness or underperforming issue etc etc, Will you actually accept that defination.
So please can you give the defination or real/actual content rushing implication mate.
And don't get what actually the term RUSHING is implicated here at all. Why one should be restrained when he/she wanna do it. As I said it's personal choice, and making the personal choice subjective and generalizing don't make sense at all.
Like you said, you wanna take your time because of that unit offer and that's you haven't completed. So do it give me right to say that you are underperforming or something similar. No . Not all. It's your choice and decision regarding your end goal and time. Same goes to players who decide to explore/complete a specific content in less time cuz again it depends upon their end goal and their decision. So how it's fair to say implying a negative image about that situation as in my knowledge RUSHING THE CONTENT is implicated as negative term here on forums usually
But I wonder if such things "RUSHING THE CONTENT" even exist. Iike next time I might have to argue with my ally leadership not to complete Aq before hours as we should wait patiently fot it last minute 🤔🤔🤔
But this is forum. This is place to representation. As to have very right to criticize them, they do have equal and same right to ask game devs about content.
This is one of the reasons why Kabam releases side quests weekly. Cos they know when players rush through them, the rest of the month loses steam.
Having something to look forward to completing keeps morale alive. That's the point of the whole ish
And in current meta, bar is set too low. Players will get over in no time and thus inevitable that demand of players rise for more. Current meta is outdated already for players who have big rosters and amazing skills. Its the content which cant keep up. How do we expect a player who have literally everything to crush the NEW content in very less time because he/she dont have anything to do except new one. Is it fair to tell them to take it slow and do it like in years.
I am not asking new content at all. I too have content left to do. But terming negative terms around such players is totally sense less. They are not in many numbers thats why most of us dont care. But does that mean hammering down them with negative image and terms is right ?Does that give other players a reason to disrespect their opinion. In simple words, here on forums there certain Taboos have been created about certain aspects and opinions.
The only possible solution at this time is wait & at the same time , focus on your real life/family/friends , go out enjoy
What I do not have is a lot of sympathy for those players being "bored" on Day 8.
Feel free to go enjoy real life! 😃
Kabam will have some new content for soon as they finish designing it.