New paragon challenges in ‘Pain is Eternal’

Hello everyone,
I am an average player who’s in a plat 1 ally and does map 8 aq and spends occasionally (eg I only spent £13.50 on spring cleaning for a generic 6* awakening gem). I would like to say how happy I am with the game so far apart from excluding content from those who don’t spend money or don’t have the time to grind arena for units and be in a top ally but have completed all the hardest challenges of the contest (eg carina’s challenges, abyss and 7.4 100%). I would like to ask you kabam to maybe not change how to obtain paragon but change how to obtain the next progression titles in the future. As you said you want to test summoners not just by story mode but by other hard content as well to obtain the titles so I would like to suggest you make the requirements different. I think it would be better if you made the requirements not by having a certain rank of a 6* champion but by completing certain content. For example instead of making paragon for people who have 3 rank 4 6* champions you should make it that summoners should have to do x amount of carina challenge and/or complete/100% the abyss. This will allow all summoners to be able to complete this without spending huge amounts of money or units so there is no ‘pay wall’ to new content because if you exclude people they will stop playing.
Thank You for reading
I am an average player who’s in a plat 1 ally and does map 8 aq and spends occasionally (eg I only spent £13.50 on spring cleaning for a generic 6* awakening gem). I would like to say how happy I am with the game so far apart from excluding content from those who don’t spend money or don’t have the time to grind arena for units and be in a top ally but have completed all the hardest challenges of the contest (eg carina’s challenges, abyss and 7.4 100%). I would like to ask you kabam to maybe not change how to obtain paragon but change how to obtain the next progression titles in the future. As you said you want to test summoners not just by story mode but by other hard content as well to obtain the titles so I would like to suggest you make the requirements different. I think it would be better if you made the requirements not by having a certain rank of a 6* champion but by completing certain content. For example instead of making paragon for people who have 3 rank 4 6* champions you should make it that summoners should have to do x amount of carina challenge and/or complete/100% the abyss. This will allow all summoners to be able to complete this without spending huge amounts of money or units so there is no ‘pay wall’ to new content because if you exclude people they will stop playing.
Thank You for reading
Because different people enjoy different things, and I think that should be respected. Aside from advancing story content up to points X, Y and Z, I don't think anything in the game should be strictly mandatory in order to progress. What I really liked about my journey to TB is that I could earn the resources my own way, by playing the game how I enjoyed playing it. I think the same should be the case for Paragon and whatever titles come after it.
If we make super hard content be the hurdle to future progress, then eventually the vast majority of players will get stuck there unable to progress. That's why Act 6 was adjusted downward. It was fine for end gamers, but regular players couldn't get past it without a lot of resources. They were getting roadblocked.
Roster hurdles are temporary. No matter what they are, the vast majority of players will eventually get there playing normally. They will take longer, but they will get there. Super difficult content gates allow skillful players to get there quickly, at the expense of the average player never getting there at all. That's why the most recent progression tiers require both some minimum level of content completion and some minimum level of top tier roster progression. These progression barriers are hard when they first come out, and get progressively easier as time goes on so that a wider set of players can get past them. That's exactly what we want in progression tiers, and that's not going to change anytime soon.
The new progression titles (Thronebreaker and Paragon) are not a problem, they are a solution to a problem.
Many people have said they want this or that to be the requirements, mostly because it fits their progression level and it would make them Paragon day 1. Kabam wants to give people something to work towards. Yes people could have paid their way to 3 R4's but that's besides the point. We rarely see people claiming that TB is and RNG money grab like when it was announced because materials are more and more available. We'll see that happen with Paragon as well.
To get TB (or Paragon), need rank up materials that players can get from (a) complete permanent content, (b) buy offers, (c) do AW, or (d) complete special events, all over different time scales. Having a bare minimum act completion and level requirement, ensures that players can't entirely just achieve it by completing (b).
FTP can maximize (a) and (d), over a longer time scale.
Whales can maximize (b) and (c), on a shorter time scale.
High skilled players can maximize (c) and (d), potentially in a medium time scale.
If a player hates Abyss or other content, they can minimize that and replace it instead with more (b) and (d).
This method theoretically makes the funnel into the next progression level the biggest it can be.
Side note: I know people are going to point out the lack of R4 rank up material at the moment, but that is something that is solved by time.
People not wanting to complete content is not something that will be solved by time or offers.
While players can argue that only those who 100% Abyss deserve this progression title, that makes no sense from Kabam's standpoint to completely block the progression of players who won't 100% Abyss ever. That would lead to player disinterest, loss of players, and loss of revenue.
I personally think Act 7 + 3x R4 is more fair and average than 100% Abyss + Carina Challenges as requirement.
In what universe can you 100% abyss and dona bunch of carinas challenges without spending huge amount of money or units?
For me it will take a while to get 3 R4, i have the rank up gem from 100% Act 7 but only 1T6B and 1T3A, but thats fine, other players are simply further in the game, i still have to do some carina challenges and 3 paths of abyss. I see it more as a motivation to finish this content faster. Anyway those rank up materials will get more available in the future so more players will get to Paragon