Are Suicide Masteries worth it?

Disgruntled_User_123Disgruntled_User_123 Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
edited April 2022 in Strategy and Tips
All I have left to do is Abyss, Act 6.2 and 6.4 exploration, and Carinas Challenges (which I may never get around to doing because of the clear unit drain).

I don’t grind arena and I enjoy using a variety of champions. Still, I’ve never tried suicide masteries and I have the chance to Purchase the core offer.

If you have experience with these masteries, please let me know your thoughts.

Are Suicide Masteries worth it? 50 votes

Spity68SpeedbumpTerraKennadoGarlophosgene69ScreaminghawkMoosetiptronicRockyshockySCP1504MiStaLovaSuperfighter101XylentEwell65SSS69FilledPizzaH3t3rNimorIronman3000Webhead055Ercarret 35 votes
RockypantherxmortenhyRenaxqqTheGodfather39Farrukh_tvAGENT_A7KSplitter5050UltragamerBarri8willrun4adonutFr4s3rOddkinsons7Avisek_Ghostpapaloh02Dillan2006 15 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
    edited April 2022
    Depends on how well your fav champs are suited to suicides, especially recoil.

    I think you should pick up the core offer regardless because I'm assuming you don't have DW, assassins etc, given that you don't have suicides yet
  • awesomesauceawesomesauce Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    For me, yes absolutely worth it. On my main account though i have logged 206k PVP fights won.

    Arena is worthwhile to me, especially now with them giving the 3&4* champs in the milestones. Bonus is you get shards, BC, and units. I have every champ max sig you can get out of PHCs, and probably 30-40% max sig on the 5* champs too.

    So max sig crystals the shards add up quick to obtaining that next 6* champ, and as a bonus, I generally have a surplus of 8k-12k ISO in the stash because of it.

    Back to the topic at hand, there are a LOT of champions that benefit greatly from suicides, but many that are hindered, too. The few that are hindered you can build synergy teams to help mitigate some of that damage.

    In most of the newer quests, there is what about 6-8 fights per lane? Even bringing a non-suicide friendly champ, you can still get through these lanes if you build your team right.

    There are synergies such as:
    Mutants = Some are already poison or bleed immune, and the ones that aren't, you can bring ProfX + Colossus for example to lower the damage from liquid courage.

    Any champs can get a regen and shrug LC or DE (DE would be shrugged first in the event of both active) at the start of the fight by bringing Nick and Deadpool.

    those are just a couple examples, there are more out there to really help mitigate damage.

    As for arena times, with suicides I am able to do a round of 3 fights in about 1 minute. When they are off it takes 2-3 minutes. The time saver alone is worth its weight in gold.

    So in summary, if you plan to run arenas, its worth it. If you have strong suicide-friendly champs (or synergies) ranked up already, it might be worth looking at anyways. If you plan to turn them on and leave them on and are serious about war, your defense is going to take a hit (unless you place champs like elsa, omega red, omega sentinel, etc that benefit from having it on) but the recoil damage will still chip them down.

    Currently for war season, I have them off but as soon as war is over they are going back on.
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  • NoobdaNoobda Member Posts: 787 ★★★
  • mortenhymortenhy Member Posts: 492 ★★
    edited May 2022
    I believe I opened the recoil tree about 5 years ago, and I have taken it off and on ever since... I love the ekstra attack...but everytime I find myself going back to only using Glass Canon due to I can't use the champs as I want I would say it's very hard to answer the question, but if you have recoil tree friendly champ's...yes I believe it's worth it...fights are done way faster...but remember (unless you use poison and bleed immune champs) that Willpower would be a good investment if you choose to run the recoil tree.
    Personally I don't enjoy playing with recoil tree.
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  • SwarmOfRavensSwarmOfRavens Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★★
    As someone who unlocked them less than a week ago, after already exploring all the content in the game. My answer is a definite yes.

    Depending on your roster it brings a sizable boost to a lot of your champs and even most of those that it negatively impacts can be used in 1-2 fights before you need to heal. One of my favourite champs in this game is prof X and he's my next r4 even though I'll be running suicides for the majority of the time from now.

    It makes arena grinding tolerable which is big for me since I previously avoided it like a plague.

    The only downside is I need to take them off for placement but respecing it costs 49 units so total 150 a week during war season. The time I save in arena earns that back easily.

    If you've still got content left having the option to turn on suicides is a big plus
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,070 ★★★★★
    I'd say yes. They are an awesome tool to have in your toolbox. I don't run mine constantly (I switched them off for Superior Kang, for example, since he disables Willpower), but I have never regretted unlocking them. When I use them, so many champions become so much more fun to play. It's a 60% damage boost! It's insane. Champs like Knull, Immortal Abomination, Diablo, Namor, Corvus, Angela, Hercules, every Horseman of Apocalypse - they all become healing machines or, at the very least, benefit greatly from the masteries.

    Plus, if you're going for Eternity of Pain, I also recommend switching them on. In a one-on-one fight like those, they can make a real difference.
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