Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Offer is back for everyone



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    Malreck04Malreck04 Posts: 3,323 ★★★★★
    Zan0 said:

    Malreck04 said:

    Zan0 said:

    Oh I bought it again and am now close to my 5th r4 lol

    I can feel the 🔨 approaching
    Yeah not gonna happen like that. Can’t blame a player for buying an offer they sent out
    Ideally, yes but these are the most sought after resources currently and you have to admit this puts you at a big advantage over the people who did not buy it the first time. That’s why I’d be surprised if they did nothing at all. I know unit refund is probably a long way off, especially if certain players have used the cats to do a rank up.

    Btw I’m not talking about YOU specifically but everyone in your position
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    TheBair123TheBair123 Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    Did they send it to everybody?
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    AgentRocker2112AgentRocker2112 Posts: 28
    Zan0 said:

    Well done….

    I’ve already gotten the offer and can now get it again

    Glad I jumped on the forum. Took a break at work to go buy offer again thanks to seeing your post.

    Good job Kabam.
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    GamerGamer Posts: 10,420 ★★★★★
    Malreck04 said:

    Zan0 said:

    Malreck04 said:

    Zan0 said:

    Oh I bought it again and am now close to my 5th r4 lol

    I can feel the 🔨 approaching
    Yeah not gonna happen like that. Can’t blame a player for buying an offer they sent out
    Ideally, yes but these are the most sought after resources currently and you have to admit this puts you at a big advantage over the people who did not buy it the first time. That’s why I’d be surprised if they did nothing at all. I know unit refund is probably a long way off, especially if certain players have used the cats to do a rank up.

    Btw I’m not talking about YOU specifically but everyone in your position
    I’m buy it not to explode anything but because it was a great offer for me I’m stil one of bouth but one thing I’m wil said there can take them material of me but I’m damm right to getting ever single 10k unit back
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    Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Posts: 1,898 ★★★★★
    I haven’t the offer again 🥺
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    SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Posts: 4,489 ★★★★★
    If I knew, I would have grinded these units.
    I can grind 10k a month provided an incentive.
    Else I do my usual milestones here and there and call it a day.

    Took me two weeks to grind 6k units after I saw 7.4 unit offers. Can't grind 8k in 24 hours.
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    Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Posts: 13,862 ★★★★★

    Hdhjssvv said:

    Bought it twice


    You’ll prob get banned because you knowingly bought it lol
    100% chance nothing happens to those who purchased again.
    Wouldn't count on so. They can totally just reverse it, rank up's and everything.

    Considering they do want to take their time to do it, that is
  • Options
    SnakepSnakep Posts: 362 ★★★
    If it’s going to show up for everyone then I’d say I’m okay with those that got it the first time getting it again. Those that turned it down the first time (like me) didn’t have any right for it to come back. I’m glad it did and it got me to paragon. if it means those other ones can get it a second time then that’s fine. If I wanted it the first time I could have gotten it then as well.
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    GamerGamer Posts: 10,420 ★★★★★

    Hdhjssvv said:

    Bought it twice


    You’ll prob get banned because you knowingly bought it lol
    100% chance nothing happens to those who purchased again.
    Wouldn't count on so. They can totally just reverse it, rank up's and everything.

    Considering they do want to take their time to do it, that is
    There’s can but there’s hav to reverse everything even repu the. Unit
  • Options
    GamerGamer Posts: 10,420 ★★★★★

    Obviously the best course of action is to just send everyone 10K units so they can buy it :P

    I’m kind don’t understand how that bug happened the first place

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    FiiNCHFiiNCH Posts: 1,664 ★★★★★
    Zan0 said:

    Malreck04 said:

    Zan0 said:

    Malreck04 said:

    Zan0 said:

    Oh I bought it again and am now close to my 5th r4 lol

    I can feel the 🔨 approaching
    Yeah not gonna happen like that. Can’t blame a player for buying an offer they sent out
    Ideally, yes but these are the most sought after resources currently and you have to admit this puts you at a big advantage over the people who did not buy it the first time. That’s why I’d be surprised if they did nothing at all. I know unit refund is probably a long way off, especially if certain players have used the cats to do a rank up.

    Btw I’m not talking about YOU specifically but everyone in your position
    If anything they’d need to take the resources back and refund the units but that’s not possible most likely because people will have already spent the resources so the next logical step would be to roll the servers back and I don’t think you’d make a lot of people happy if they just got a 6 star herc and it would be taken away
    I literally don’t see any realistic way Kabam can rectify this tbh.

    They can’t take the resources away and they can’t send the resources to people who didn’t take the offer up to balance it out due to it being a multi select offer
  • Options
    GamerGamer Posts: 10,420 ★★★★★
    FiiNCH said:

    Zan0 said:

    Malreck04 said:

    Zan0 said:

    Malreck04 said:

    Zan0 said:

    Oh I bought it again and am now close to my 5th r4 lol

    I can feel the 🔨 approaching
    Yeah not gonna happen like that. Can’t blame a player for buying an offer they sent out
    Ideally, yes but these are the most sought after resources currently and you have to admit this puts you at a big advantage over the people who did not buy it the first time. That’s why I’d be surprised if they did nothing at all. I know unit refund is probably a long way off, especially if certain players have used the cats to do a rank up.

    Btw I’m not talking about YOU specifically but everyone in your position
    If anything they’d need to take the resources back and refund the units but that’s not possible most likely because people will have already spent the resources so the next logical step would be to roll the servers back and I don’t think you’d make a lot of people happy if they just got a 6 star herc and it would be taken away
    I literally don’t see any realistic way Kabam can rectify this tbh.

    They can’t take the resources away and they can’t send the resources to people who didn’t take the offer up to balance it out due to it being a multi select offer
    There’s asbuel can reverse it there hav the right to do that’s but hav to be careful
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    The_Flying_Jew82The_Flying_Jew82 Posts: 73 ★★
    I didn't finish 7.3 or 7.4 yet. I bought the deal. If I get banned I will be passed off. I thought they were just giving it to everyone who hasn't bought the deal.
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    Horror_punkHorror_punk Posts: 1,053 ★★★★
    Neither bought earlier nor have funds to bought it now ☹️
    Goodluck to everyone who’s buying first time or again
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    TonyViegas1990TonyViegas1990 Posts: 64
    since you guys made the mistake of sending it to everyone, instead of just to those who didn't get the promo. and how many bought and already perform rank ups. one of the solutions to keep everything the same, since reversing was never one of your solutions, it would be to those who took the promo the second time, return the 10k only, to those who were going to buy the first time, offer the first pack and put the offer of new to them.
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    SadalSadal Posts: 93
    yet some havnt gotten the new offer at all me included.... really effed this up @Kabam Miike.... offers for those who havent done act 7
    for some to double dip
    for those who skipped it the first time
    and then some dont get it at all
    how are ya gonna fix this now
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    MiniDoomMiniDoom Posts: 29

    We are aware and looking into it.

    You have removed it, but some were able to buy it twice. People who weren't entitled brought it.

    This has given resources to people and created an unfair advantage in both AQ, content and given people more resources approaching EoP too. Please re-enable the deal for everyone, or at least those who have purchased before and completed 7.4
  • Options
    awesomesauceawesomesauce Posts: 774 ★★★
    edited May 2022
    Snakep said:

    If it’s going to show up for everyone then I’d say I’m okay with those that got it the first time getting it again. Those that turned it down the first time (like me) didn’t have any right for it to come back. I’m glad it did and it got me to paragon. if it means those other ones can get it a second time then that’s fine. If I wanted it the first time I could have gotten it then as well.

    couldn't have said it better myself.

    everyone had the choice to buy or pass on it... its not like they didn't know what the offers were before completing it, just watch any of the youtubers or search the forums.
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    Noise72Noise72 Posts: 337 ★★★
    Zan0 said:

    Malreck04 said:

    Zan0 said:

    Oh I bought it again and am now close to my 5th r4 lol

    I can feel the 🔨 approaching
    Yeah not gonna happen like that. Can’t blame a player for buying an offer they sent out
    This simply is not true. They banned people for Mutant Treasure Island when Kabam released an event that was bugged. Though I agree no one should be banned for this, I am just saying it has happened in the past. You knew the offer was not meant to show a second time for you but you bought it anyways. Clearly exploiting it.
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    H3t3rH3t3r Posts: 2,882 Guardian
    MiniDoom said:

    We are aware and looking into it.

    You have removed it, but some were able to buy it twice. People who weren't entitled brought it.

    This has given resources to people and created an unfair advantage in both AQ, content and given people more resources approaching EoP too. Please re-enable the deal for everyone, or at least those who have purchased before and completed 7.4
    They probably will put the deal back out. But want to assess how many people got it a second time
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    SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Posts: 4,489 ★★★★★
    edited May 2022

    Obviously the best course of action is to just send everyone 10K units so they can buy it :P

    You're the man!
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    TreininTreinin Posts: 215 ★★★
    This is one of the most catastrophic mistakes they have ever made. There will be such a disparity between people who happened to log in within that 30 minute window and buy the offer, and those who missed it. No way to have a fair contest unless they figure out how to remove what was given (which involves figuring out what champ was ranked up, what ISO was used, etc) or providing the offer to all the people who did not yet buy it (which they proved they apparently can't do already).

    Hard to see how they will make this right.
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    Mpd1Mpd1 Posts: 98
    Bought it the first time. Would definitely buy again, unfortunately not able to. I’ve benefited and lost to some of Kabam’s mistakes. Count this one as a loss.
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    dodo741008dodo741008 Posts: 5
    It’s really an issue that we can’t get second 10k units package
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