Prestige Race Getting Out of Hand

Alliances battle every week to get to first place in AQ. The for sure way to achieve this is for all 30 members to try and strive to get current max prestige, which is 15,844. These two alliances currently have the same prestige, although when getting down to the decimal, one obviously has the advantage over the other. What is going to happen when these two alliances achieve max prestige or any other third, fourth, etc number of alliances get to this point too? There has to be a better way to get first place in AQ. Sure, some alliances can mess up, miss a node, a member is out of town and cant log, thereby "missing out on points", but that is not always the case. Why not extend the current method of calculating prestige to the top 10 champs versus top 5 on a players roster? There is no way someone will have sig 200 top 10 prestige champs AND be willing to use the scarce resources to R4 them as well; Or will AQ be like AW one day and have a timer added to the mode, to possibly be used as a "tie-breaker" between any and all alliances that achieve max prestige as an ally? A mod response would be greatly appreciated.
Even at the top you don't get 30 people that can get a new prestige champ and get them to sign 200 before a new prestige champ ends up coming out.
I want everyone to see my r3 air-walker on my profile
Edit: I also ended up getting confused at why ppl seemed to rank up electro that much if he was only good to put on AWD (granted for the time that is enough reason)
But I disagree with the notion of top 10 prestige race. With the current prestige race you can sellout with 2-3 bad champs for max prestige depending on your perspective because OS, Hercules, and Doom are not bad rank ups. (Doom maybe if you run strictly suicides) After the top 5 you can rank whomever you want but a top 10 will be doubling that process. More money for Kabam potentially but horrible results for those of us competing because the top 10 take our players constantly as well.