Thoughts on Corvus in current Meta

Just 100% Abyss, went with Cosmic Abyss nexus in hope of pulling either Hercules, Odin, Hyperion, CGR in this order but Hercules was reason for going Cosmic. However out of the 10 champs, Corvus was the obvious choice. Regret not going for mutant class as I'd like to get Kitty, Red Magneto, Stryfe, Storm. What's done is done, I should be used to these disappointments.
Back to main reason of post: with the health of defenders going up (I haven't checked the Act 8 beta to see what those health numbers are looking like, also have no idea how Corvus performed in Act 7 especially the later ones), several attackers now are able to take down these big health defenders without having to depend on charges and cool downs, sometimes even in relatively fewer hits.
How is Corvus holding up now? Or he is still as good as he was?
Back to main reason of post: with the health of defenders going up (I haven't checked the Act 8 beta to see what those health numbers are looking like, also have no idea how Corvus performed in Act 7 especially the later ones), several attackers now are able to take down these big health defenders without having to depend on charges and cool downs, sometimes even in relatively fewer hits.
How is Corvus holding up now? Or he is still as good as he was?
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Sadly he isn't any of them now .
He's still at the upper echelon but far from the best.
Yeah a lot of people seem to use him but almost all of them time out scraping for charges. I don’t find that to be fun.
However, they really should tweak Corvus based on the larger health pools.