Since Kabam Said They Never Knew Of/Looked At Input Issues On Android.

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Since Kabam Said They Never Knew Of/Looked At Input Issues On Android. 72 votes
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
The problem Kabam has is that there are 1000's of more devices for Android vs Apple. Apple is pretty much the same at it's core when it comes to phones and other devices. Apple basically forces you to update to it's latest OS. Android doesn't.
Android is able to run on it's OS as low as 6 or 7 right now. That is 1000's of devices. So while there might not issues for very specific androids, they have confirmed issues with some devices. Troubleshooting Android is way more difficult and time consuming than troubleshooting for Apple. 99% of the time, when anyone complains about issues with Android, they don't give any information. Device, OS version etc..
Kabam doesn't have every Android that can run MCOC laying around to test either.
Can you provide a link to a thread with one of the messages?
We need to keep those things separate.
The original bug though was just an iOS thing with the game engine.
I have an LG V60 and don't have the issues. Many people I know have Samsung devices and don't have the issues.
So please explain how's Kabams software and not device related. I'll wait.
(I work with computers, and I'm not even getting into the Windows 11 TPM fiasco.)