Compensation for exploring act 6 pre nerf

I just explored act 6. Had to contend with COUNTLESS bugs, stupid gates forcing me to rank up 5 stars i dont need, hell fights like champion so many times, tons and toooons of revives and energy spent, act 7 exploration delayed AND FOR WHAT? For it to be completly nerfed to the ground in a week.
I am happy for new players. This content was arguably as hard or even harder than abyss but god damn it. Some compensation would be nice...
I am happy for new players. This content was arguably as hard or even harder than abyss but god damn it. Some compensation would be nice...
I am not talking about some crazy compensation.
SPECIAL TITLE would be a good start...
Send us 3 6r4 generic gem with 3 abyss nexus.
in this instance though, you're already playing adjusted content so then it becomes a tricky thing to compensate when that has already been compensation for Act 6.
i don't think they'll be compensating nerf players because of a double nerf.
Act 6 was nerfed before too. So TBH there's little to no room for compensation here.
Compensation should go out to anyone who completed act 6 content in the last 3 months. Nothing beyond that.
The champion fight was a skill stopper. I’m all for removing champ gates and rarity gates and adding the champion chooser at the end, that’s all well and fine. Don’t think attack values and health pools needed to be changed. Energy reduction is helpful, agree there. Now the champion can be done with units. Sad is an understatement with that fight. It’s been way too easy since the previous nerf, why make it easier?