Act 6 is still hard

Noticed the drop in values for bosses and defenders, but still the same difficulty level, not worth it, love the new quests and the new champions, but act 6 is still painful
After this nerf, intended or not, it’s easy.
Choice node gives you the flexibility to bring in the boss counter and I love this feature.
The more kabam makes nerfs, the easier some player expect content. I commonly see people in global with r2 6 stars and r5 5 stars complaining how hard act 5 is (which is easily done with 4 stars). It's not that the content is hard, some.jist takes looking at nodes and using counters other than your normal top champs.
The nodes are what you are referring to. If you are struggling with the nodes, maybe you need to get a better counter or a better understanding of the nodes.
I recommend watching MCOCNOOB on YouTube his channel is above and beyond the best IMHO for clearing story content.
With all the content changes pushed of late... how quickly can he make each title...
but if I were him, both for personal reasons, and to make it a more realistic challenge, rather than boxing to a calendar week, I would box it into 1 month, but he can only play 20 hours a week (as most sane people don't play MCOC for 80-100 hours in a week like he has done in previous challenges, and by spreading time out a bit, he can his resources more realistically / not as much into energy refills for the sake of time).
Back when it was first released, getting say 4 x 5* champs of the same class that you wanted to invest resources in or contributed via synergy was a real PITA, especially for a couple of the bosses (e.g. bringing 4 skill champs to 6.2.6).