Who will be going for Stark Spidy 5* + what is your current Ratio of featured 5* pulls?

just seen a video someone going 0-6 on blade.
made me think how luck i was with my 2/2 and done luck.
but i have 75k and was seeing the rest of community ratio on features.
i will be thinking long and hard and be watching youtube videos of others pass pulls.
1. who did you go for
2. what is your ratio
3. who did you pull?
made me think how luck i was with my 2/2 and done luck.
but i have 75k and was seeing the rest of community ratio on features.
i will be thinking long and hard and be watching youtube videos of others pass pulls.
1. who did you go for
2. what is your ratio
3. who did you pull?
That's probably close to dead even on the odds on featured crystals which the best estimates place at about one in five-ish.
I was thinking of going for Sparky, but decided to shoot for Blade instead. I will likely save up for the second shot at Blade in February. I will probably have enough fragments to take one shot at Sparky, but I will likely save for more shots at Blade. Having a 5* skill awaken is the big influence here.
The only ever featured champ I have gone for is Gwenpool and I only had one try and managed to pull her. So I ratio is 1:1 xD
0/2 on AA
2/4 on Iceman
1/6 on Blade
I will have 2 tries for Sparky
0/1 agent venom
1/4 voodoo
0/3 gwenpool
1/3 iceman
0/4 blade
Never opening a featured again.
Got Loki and Groot so not trying again
1/4 blade
first try ever was for mordo, got red mags
2nd try was for dormammu, got dormammu
3rd try was for gwenpool, got gwenpool
4th and 5th try were for 2nd round dormammu, to try and dupe him, got MK and VP instead
6th try was for iceman, got black panther instead
7th try was for stark spidey, got a stupid colossus.
I've been saving my shards ever since, have 67000, enough for 4 tries at stark spidey. Hope I get him.
Hoping for the best, but will understand when/if I do get shafted
I doubt I'll get back to 15K in time for Spidey, so I'm strongly considering going for basics in the future as the basic pool is finally getting interesting. Also, if I R4 Blade and Starlord, I'm fresh out of T2A, so I'm not sure if gambling on featured champs would be worth it anyway.
I have a cosmic awakening gem remaining. Since Hyperion will never be featured again, and we're unlikely to see anyone de-throning him any time soon, I think the basic pool will be my best value option going forward, and will widen my roster for arena purposes.
Pulled Mordo and Blade
Didn't get Kingpin
Never again....is what I keep telling myself
2/6 Meph
1/1 Blade
0/2 Rogue
0/2 Iceman
0/2 Gambit
0/1 Rogue
1/2 Iceman
0/1 Medusa
0/1 Angela
0/2 Stark Enhanced Spiderman
Wow, didn't know I open so many
Have 3 tries when Starky comes back
Could have gone for Blade, but he needed to be duped and my PHCs & 4stars were giving me misery
1 try for iceman when he came out, I got him there.
3 tries for stark spidey..... no spidey... but I did get rogue...I don't even want to talk about the other 2 I pulled.
Going for stark spidey again though.
Planning to save for blade or even thor after I try for stark enhanced spidey(I have a skill gem).
0 for 3 Gwenpool
o for 2 Hyperion
0 for 1 Kingpin
0 for 2 Blade