Will the compensation come before EOP ends?

Kabam can you please tell this at least?
If this happens then I can use my saved revives in 7.3 exploration… pls tell fast😅
If this happens then I can use my saved revives in 7.3 exploration… pls tell fast😅
I’m saving EOP rewards until after July 4 so I can delay my choices on my class nexus and t5cc selectors
I wanna know more:)
Like for eg
We got a 6 star nexus in compensation and we got someone good then I would wanna spend again because I’m happy that I got someone good.
And if we got someone bad I would spend again to get someone good haha.
But if we get a certain champ that we wanted badly (for me it’s Apoc) then I would be satisfied and I wouldn’t buy stuff
edit: since june is over in a week and a bit
But eh I can trust them that much (Right Kabam?)🥶
-With this energy bug comp now released, all that’s left is the larger one which is supposed to come after-
-New content day so Kabam likes to drop lots of mail-
- and lastly I think maybe they didn’t want to drop free alliance war boost and potions during this season because it might interfere with wars-
I’d say if not Wednesday than it’ll for sure be after EOP. Anybody else think this makes sense?