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Should you R2 a 6* or R5 a 5*?

Anonymous15Anonymous15 Posts: 12
edited June 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Hi guys, I have enough resources to either R2 a 6* or R5 a 5*. I honestly don’t know who’s best for Cavalier progression.

Should you R2 a 6* or R5 a 5*? 42 votes

5* Prof X ( Unduped)
ScrubhanSahil_R_Ranawillrun4adonut 3 votes
5* AA ( Unduped)
VceeTerraFilledPizzaGr8TonyStarkRiptideDirtyGrmlin 6 votes
5* Shang Chi ( Sig 20)
solopoloSachhyam257SidDDragonLuke9523UvoginXguard77DracarusZAHIDMALIK1588Riptide36813579rebel_我是Wayne 11 votes
6* Guardian (Unduped)
LordSmasherSaint_Mart74Řïdđhįm 3 votes
6* Hulkling (Unduped)
buffajrCassyMVPalmerMalreck0410or_StrongPikoluBugmat78psp742GarrettNAMS94Iron_Spider7125JaggedSacLpooBigBlueOxLorddrewNalak8DoosraBwer777 18 votes
5* Hood ( Sig 20)
mgj0630 1 vote
5* Gamora (Unduped)
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


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    RiptideRiptide Posts: 3,113 ★★★★★
    5* AA ( Unduped)
    And get him awakened. He helped me so much in act 5 6 and 7
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    DNA3000DNA3000 Posts: 19,066 Guardian
    Riptide said:

    And get him awakened. He helped me so much in act 5 6 and 7

    I'd probably go that way also. 5* AGs are not that hard to come by these days compared to 6* AGs, so getting AA awakened and sigged up a bit would make him a very formidable 5/65. AA is definitely one of the champs who is competitive as a 5* even in 6* rosters.
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    AMS94AMS94 Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    edited June 2022
    6* Hulkling (Unduped)
    With all the Peni Parkers lurking around, I'd say Hulkling is ur best bet out of these options.....he has lot of other utilities as well
    Also I don't know the progression of ur account but ur question makes me think u're still at a stage where u can get a lot of value out of 5* champs
    Slowly start moving towards 6* but don't ignore good 5* in that process
    Also take the availability of sig stones under consideration
    If a champ relies on high sig level, it's better to invest in the 5* version
    And get that AA awakened ASAP
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    psp742psp742 Posts: 2,449 ★★★★
    6* Hulkling (Unduped)
    Although it's possible to sig200 a 5* compared to 6* champion, I have personally rank2 6* over 5*.. unless it is one of those rare unicorn champion.. Doom, Hercules, CGR.. you probably have idea who you want as 5* rank5 sig200 and 6* rank3 undupe or duped.

    Hulkling has many upside.. moreso he is a newer champion with high damage potential.
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    winterthurwinterthur Posts: 8,016 ★★★★★
    If I understand well, the lore is max 5-Star can clear all contents currently.
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    mgj0630mgj0630 Posts: 1,050 ★★★★
    5* Hood ( Sig 20)
    I'm an outcast here and said Hood, but I guess it depends on exactly where you are in your Cavalier progression.

    I think Hood would help you the most with the 6.2.6 Champion, but if you've already done an initial pass, or have some other good nullify options, disregard and go with Archangel.
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    DemonicStalkerDemonicStalker Posts: 307 ★★
    Champions that require high sig... 5* r5... champs that dun need require high sig or even awakening then 6* r2..
    I hv 21 r5 and 21 r3.. only doom and aegon i hv both at 5* r5 and 6* r3
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    PikoluPikolu Posts: 7,070 Guardian
    edited June 2022
    6* Hulkling (Unduped)
    He doesn't need dupe or high sig. Plenty of damage and decent utility too.
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