Thor Jane Foster Champion Spotlight



  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,161 ★★★★★
    So another deadpool bust?
  • CosmicGuardianCosmicGuardian Member Posts: 408 ★★★
    Once again, this feels like a buff that was aimed at new players. It feels like this is where the intention of the buff program lies now, although it would most definitely be nice to get confirmation or some sort of comment on this from the dev team. And I understand keeping champs simple so less experienced players can pick them up and use them without having to research or do practice, but simple does not mean a champ has to be less effective or useful.

    We have a number of champs that are simple to use, yet very effective and have a number of uses. One example that comes to mind is Angela, who stayed simple after her buff, yet gained quite a boost.

    The buff program doesn’t need to make top tier champs, but it should give underperforming champs what they need to be more useful and fun to use. Unfortunately, most of the recent buffs feel half-hearted, as if they aren’t willing to make substantial changes that rock the boat. I’m not saying that every buff needs to be innovative, or aimed at end gamer as many often use as a defence of a buff, as I am not an end-game player.

    What I’m saying is that buffs should give champs a clear purpose to serve that they can do so effectively. Unfortunately, it seems like the program has changed to the point where most buffs consist of making small changes with an extra line or two of abilities, which is very disheartening.
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    Polygon said:

    So another deadpool bust?

    DPX honestly isn't that bad. Sp2 needs a numbers buff and maybe some other minor tweaks but he is fun
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,333 ★★★★★
    Winter Soldier: What?!
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,124 ★★★★★
    They said in the past that the type of buff given to each Champion is based on what their own preliminary research dictates that they need.

    That's not to say that they don't miss the mark, that being said it's easier for them to be conservative with their Buffs because that just means they can tune them up further if needed. I know that's not the answer everyone wants to hear because everybody wants them to be beyond god tier now but that's of course not the way it works.
  • KnightNvrEndingKnightNvrEnding Member Posts: 454 ★★★
    Hoping it’s better in practice than on paper but…honestly feels like another example of the buff program being lazy tho lol
  • MarcusUnreadMarcusUnread Member Posts: 143
    I think her buff will be better than players realize. Her kit was already solid, she really just needed value updates and she got those.

    •Stagger is a really powerful ability and she has guaranteed 2x stagger on heavy (passive) for 17 secs, which is now the longest stagger in game by a considerable margin. Also her text doesn’t state that the staggers cap, so it’s assumed you can stack these like crazy. The key 🔑 here, just like it was before, is max MD. This greatly increases her effectiveness.

    •Full shock effect resistance. -100 shock damage means she will still receive shock debuffs but she will heal from them (see Silver Surfer) and the fact that her text reads “shock effects” instead of “debuffs” means that she should take no damage from passive shock as well. This is significant.

    •Increased attack (+700) from rank 3 petrify mastery coupled with her +1100 native crit damage rating while the opponent is stunned will make a considerable difference in her damage output.

    These updates alone will be substantial for her.

    Plus the extra perks against cosmic champs, her updated signature and her 7 sec shock pause on L2 will definitely make her formidable.

    Again… Max MD is the key 🔑
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,488 ★★★★★
    edited July 2022
    I just want to know why they can't stick to 2 buffs a month anymore. It went from 4 to 3, absolutely fine. 3 to 2, alright. Now we're sorta teeter tottering on 2 or 1 buffs a month. Is it for quality? Sure the animations have been updated but animation is a completely different department to balancing. I will not act like I know what happens at Kabam HQ, I really doubt that Kabam has the animation department work the same jobs as the balancing department.

    There's been a drop in quality as of late really. I'll admit Kabam managed to hit with Gamora, Storm and to some extent Mordo too but all the other buffs have either been too irrelevant for people to care about or have been neutered for "ease of use". Psycho-Man, sure I own an R3 Psycho Man because I enjoy playing him. But two months of waiting and we get like one or two lines slightly tuned up and it doesn't change him. Yondu? Decent damage that relies on a playstyle that his kit doesn't even properly support it. DPX? I don't really get the beginner angle that was intended from his design. Ironically his means of damage demands a lot more skill than champions whose design seem a lot more complicated than his. You take a look at DPX's method to damage and then look at Mole Man, Colossus, Human Torch and Storm. I mean if he was designed with beginners in mind and then given a somewhat complicated means of damage, you'd think Kabam would given him a safety net ability like say... regeneration because beginners don't tend to pick up the more advanced skills ingame immediately (still unsure as to whether the X-Force Deadpool actually has regeneration but even then, Kabam makes the rules when it comes to MCOC).

    Now I cannot say anything about Jane Foster now as we only have numbers and no gameplay. For all we know this could be another Corvus or CGR moment where the community finds out that the numbers look amazing when applied ingame. However I do believe it to be reasonable of me to expect disappointment On a more positive note, I can say that I am excited for the new VFX and animations. The animation team has been killing it as of late. I just want to know if the balancing folks are all good. I dunno really, I consider myself semi-retired now due to my waning interesting this game, I don't think my take on this matters too much but hey, freedom of speech.

  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    I actually kinda liking it
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,706 ★★★★★
    If she had a Dragon Man style of combat power rate control, where she could really milk that chain stun for all it’s worth, I could see it. If she had some means of cashing out her long stun chains for a burst of damage and power control to bring the opponent back down from their sp3, I could see it.

    But right now, in 95% of matchups in Act 5 and beyond, I don’t see that chain stun being super useful. It’s already hard enough to bait specials when the AI decides to be uncooperative. It’s going to be brutal but to watch that shock you placed on your opponent tick away to nothing while you try to bait an sp2.

    I actually really like the idea of cashing out your shock (and therefore your ability to further chain stuns) for a burst of damage and a tiny power drain. That sounds like fun. Then you get to take a gamble of how far you want to push it before cashing out (maybe with a heavy or a fourth light attack?). Burst damage could be calculated off of how many hits had been landed while the current shock has been in place, up to a maximum potency, and when triggered you drain half a bar of power from the opponent.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,124 ★★★★★
    edited July 2022

    I just want to know why they can't stick to 2 buffs a month anymore. It went from 4 to 3, absolutely fine. 3 to 2, alright. Now we're sorta teeter tottering on 2 or 1 buffs a month. Is it for quality? Sure the animations have been updated but animation is a completely different department to balancing. I will not act like I know what happens at Kabam HQ, I really doubt that Kabam has the animation department work the same jobs as the balancing department.

    There's been a drop in quality as of late really. I'll admit Kabam managed to hit with Gamora, Storm and to some extent Mordo too but all the other buffs have either been too irrelevant for people to care about or have been neutered for "ease of use". Psycho-Man, sure I own an R3 Psycho Man because I enjoy playing him. But two months of waiting and we get like one or two lines slightly tuned up and it doesn't change him. Yondu? Decent damage that relies on a playstyle that his kit doesn't even properly support it. DPX? I don't really get the beginner angle that was intended from his design. Ironically his means of damage demands a lot more skill than champions whose design seem a lot more complicated than his. You take a look at DPX's method to damage and then look at Mole Man, Colossus, Human Torch and Storm. I mean if he was designed with beginners in mind and then given a somewhat complicated means of damage, you'd think Kabam would given him a safety net ability like say... regeneration because beginners don't tend to pick up the more advanced skills ingame immediately (still unsure as to whether the X-Force Deadpool actually has regeneration but even then, Kabam makes the rules when it comes to MCOC).

    Now I cannot say anything about Jane Foster now as we only have numbers and no gameplay. For all we know this could be another Corvus or CGR moment where the community finds out that the numbers look amazing when applied ingame. However I do believe it to be reasonable of me to expect disappointment On a more positive note, I can say that I am excited for the new VFX and animations. The animation team has been killing it as of late. I just want to know if the balancing folks are all good. I dunno really, I consider myself semi-retired now due to my waning interesting this game, I don't think my take on this matters too much but hey, freedom of speech.


    Things are happening behind the scenes that we don't know about. I wish we did and I think a little more transparency in that regard would actually make the dev team up here more sympathetic than they do in the eyes of many in the community.

    Secondly, there was no official announcement that she would be getting new animations so it's not a given that she's going to have all new VFX, especially since her fighting style doesn't really have that many duplicates besides Maybe OG Thor and given their primary weapon of choice, some overlap makes sense in this case.

    And finally we have been told that they have been suffering some staffing issues and that could play a part in why we're seeing a decrease in the quality especially if they are being repurposed to help on other parts of the game or as the announcement with the program reboot earlier this year, focusing on newer Champs who are either underperforming or bugged. I know it's not the ideal answer but I'm just looking at it from all the angles because based on the answers you see across the forums, the most vocal people just stick to the idea that somebody sitting in a chair laughing menacingly at any and all Misfortune we suffer.

    Also Deadpool X-Force for a while did not have a healing Factor, so begrudgingly, this version is technically correct.
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