Thronebreakers: Did you get the monetary deals?

Justin2524Justin2524 Member Posts: 1,626 ★★★★
I didn't buy any this year.

Thronebreakers: Did you get the monetary deals? 163 votes

I bought cheaper monetary deals
MasterSmokeDrZolaTheHeroDeservedHalleyCap366TitoBandito187Cereal123Webby72DylanphileHector_1475Dart1981AozerJaggedSacKAYDAOakenshieldTenukeringGoingBack1xKöftespießUnknownMessage 19 votes
I bought expensive monetary deals
zuffyRickCoronel1PsychoakumaChamp_ZMets17Uncle_Fatty_247Lucky7LucianoLogan00doctorbFuskiete_dua_shumVbnmeWhoDaPooCtfz35Sean_WhoMasterzxProSearmenisramsey8582Nalak8FuriousImpaler 25 votes
I didn't buy any monetary deals
SnizzbarSatsuiNoHadouWorld EaterBKSwisherSweetSighsohardBalm82Carnage313mmmbanyasDrenlinJadedEaglesFlyHighallinashesEmil_LimsonDeemonbalaTheVyrusphillgreenMagrailothosShaggyMArkhamAngelduallTy 119 votes


  • AozerAozer Member Posts: 50
    I bought cheaper monetary deals
    I bought 2 of the Peter parker wallet for mainly the t2a and 2 starlord sling bag for the 10% selector
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,344 ★★★★★
    I didn't buy any monetary deals

    No, but I caved and got the 1k unit deal...I got an IP


    I got Karnak :smiley:
  • Justin2524Justin2524 Member Posts: 1,626 ★★★★
    I didn't buy any monetary deals
    Same I got the 1k deal,.. forgot who I got it was not memorable.. LOL ..

    The monetary deals were really underwhelming for Thronebreakers compared to Paragon.
  • Carnage313Carnage313 Member Posts: 359 ★★★
    I didn't buy any monetary deals
    For a broken game and everything else going on? No thanks.
  • CassyCassy Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
    I didn't buy any monetary deals
    Yupp, 1k Deal got me MS. Marvel OG ...

    I am to far away fron Paragon to be exited about t3a and t6b
  • duallTyduallTy Member Posts: 48
    I didn't buy any monetary deals
    Nothing because is big difference between thronebreakers and paragon
  • Denslo500Denslo500 Member Posts: 905 ★★★
    I didn't buy any monetary deals
    Spent 5k units

    P2099 and CGR.

    Needed skill t5cc. Got everything BUT skill.
    5 full t5cc will help my account though.
  • SammyDeSammyDe Member Posts: 1,134 ★★★
    I didn't buy any monetary deals
    Me too, want science T5cc and went 0 from 5.
  • MattstafariMattstafari Member Posts: 693 ★★★
    I didn't buy any monetary deals
    I bought the 1k deal, got LC 1st time dupe
  • Perfect_jabPerfect_jab Member Posts: 109
    I had some shards saved up an decided to open cpl 6* basics figuring i would get more shards when buying deals. Pulled beast an then rhino....used 1k units on first deal an opened crystal an got groot. So decided im not wasting any money for me useless champs
  • Sean_WhoSean_Who Member Posts: 618 ★★★
    I bought expensive monetary deals
    I bought an Odin, when in previous years I may have bought three, or at least a mixture of some of the lower offers too.

    Not a great year for TB deals imo. Can't remember previous ones but feel like they had more signature stones? Either way, real lack of them and awakening gems this year.
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  • ChompsChomps Member Posts: 26
    Shepard69 said:

    I quit in the middle of EOP cause I realized Kabam was gonna go everything to try and squeeze the TB pool for money in the most distasteful way.

    I was not wrong.

    What does quitting EOP have to do with Juky 4th deals?
  • Sean_WhoSean_Who Member Posts: 618 ★★★
    I bought expensive monetary deals
    Shepard69 said:

    I quit in the middle of EOP cause I realized Kabam was gonna go everything to try and squeeze the TB pool for money in the most distasteful way.

    I was not wrong.

    If they they were trying to squeeze TB pool for money, wouldn't they make good deals? Not sure what your comments mean here.
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,556 ★★★★★
    I bought cheaper monetary deals
    I spent about half what I normally do but would have spent more if the deals were better. Probably better that I didn’t though!
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    I didn't buy any monetary deals
    Denslo500 said:

    Spent 5k units

    P2099 and CGR.

    Needed skill t5cc. Got everything BUT skill.
    5 full t5cc will help my account though.

    Nice pulls, mate. P2099 is good anyway; but he has a great little safety-net synergy for Cosmic Ghost Rider in case you push your opponent to SP3.

    Like a lot of people, I decided to throw 1k units at a six-star crystal too: got Blue Cyclops.
  • Champ_ZChamp_Z Member Posts: 155
    I bought expensive monetary deals
    I was one odin away from paragon, so yes
  • GoingBackGoingBack Member Posts: 140 ★★
    I bought cheaper monetary deals
    I bought 2 of the $29.99 deals for the 6* shards and crystals as I had a gift card. I also got all the unit offers. Ended up with Herc, CAIW, VP, AA, Overseer, iBomb and first dupe of Shang-Chi.
  • AinyAiny Member Posts: 277 ★★★
    I didn't buy any monetary deals
    I was very tempted to buy one Odin's because that 10k units offer looked good (I had around 11k units saved and would've grinded the rest in the arena), but ultimately decided to not spend any money. if only 1x r4 was needed for Paragon, I would've bought it, but since I don't have any r4s yet, I decided to not spend any cash
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