Mysterio and the buff program (Warning; Long post! TLDR at bottom)

MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
edited July 2022 in Suggestions and Requests

Why buff Mysterio?

So after seeing the recent buffs given to champs I couldn't help but think about one thing: "These buff types are almost meant for Mysterio". Now before I get into this I wanna point out this is not an attack or complaint about the buffs. I actually like a lot of them and think Jane her buff was a nice thing to have, but it is not the focus of this post!
(Also quick disclaimer, English isn't my first language so I will try my best but I might fail)

Looking at Jane her buff she got the following changes:
-Synergy in basekit
-Sig ability in basekit
-Some number changes

I think the fact Jane was a rather underwhelming champion prior to this buff the changes were considered to be "minimal" by a lot of people. However I think Mysterio is in a lot better position and could easily reach a much better state of gameplay with this type of buff without becoming a super OP god-tier champ that breaks the meta.

As it currently stants Mysterio is not the most popular champ and I think that comes down one tiny design flaw. The guy cannot acces his utility and damage at the same time. This forces him to choose and TBH, the damage and utility is rather underwhelming without putting all focus on it. That is why I think a buff like Jane got would be perfect for Mysterio!

Improving the Fishbowl

Looking at Mysterio his kit I think it is pretty clear to me where to make these changes:
-Peni synergy basekit
-Sig ability basekit
-Change some numbers
-Bonus idea: add a new synergy

I think if we made the synergy and sig basekit for Mysterio he would have a much easier time inflicting damage and using his utility. I also think he would not be anywhere near overpowered or meta changing cause these things already exist and aside from Abyss Thing you rarely see Mysterio used in game with all these options open.

I also wanna toutch on some numbers of him. First of all I think the SP1 is clearly an ability that only serves the defense use, and I am okay with that. So I won't change it. However his SP2 powerdrain has the option to be a lot better on offense. Currently you can get up to 7 seconds off power drain. With 6% of max power drained per second. This means at most you drain 42%. If we increased this 6% to a higher number or we increased the duration it could be a bit more appealing. However I do wanna throw out the option of maybe making it a power steal where 50% of power drained is granted to Mysterio (maybe make it so this only counts when helmet not broken). Lastly the heal block. 1 second basekit + 6 possible seconds feels really short. Maybe make it 5 seconds basekit with extra time based on gas.

Lastly if we make the sig his basekit he is gonna need a new one. I wanted to offer a personal idea of mine I think fits the character rather well:

Grand Illusion:
Once per fight when Mysterio would be knocked out he instead becomes damage immune for 1-5 (depends on sig level) seconds + 1 second for each gas charge he has. Additionally he enters his 2sp miss phase for the duration of this ability.


Mysterio is a champ that can benefit from a Jane style buff. Make the synergy and sig ability basekit. Change some numbers and he is good to go. This won't be OP cause the options are already in game for him to use the synergy and sig but he is still rarely seen.
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
    Also just wanted to state that my goal with this post is mainly to help outcome through some feedback. I think this character could be a great pick for the types of buffs they are giving and maybe my suggestions can inspire them. Have a good day whoever reads this!
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Mysterio would be pretty amazing like that. Maybe too amazing.
  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    AMS94 said:

    But Mysterio will end up being good with such a buff
    At this point it's probably very clear that the objective of the buff program is not to make champs good but to tick the check box that they "buffed" a champ

    I don't think that's fair - I haven't actually worked it out but I'm willing to say that FAR more champions come out of their reworks noticeably better than where they were before. Very few come out as duds and even fewer come out worse than they were prior to being changed.

    This is honestly two-fold and Kabam aren't to blame. Or, they're not alone at least.
    Have some reworks been underwhelming? Yes. But those characters are still slightly better than what they were prior to the change.

    Perhaps Kabam could take in more player feedback - something they've actually improved on quite a bit (yes it occasionally falters, but we're all human and mistakes will happen.) In key with this, perhaps we should start lowering our expectations and having some more reasonable standards for champion buffs/reworks.

    OP - Love the Mysterio concept btw, love the theme that he's all about avoiding damage.
  • MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
    edited July 2022

    OP - Love the Mysterio concept btw, love the theme that he's all about avoiding damage.

    Mysterio is a real fighter and would never run from damage!!! (Please don't beat me :c)
  • MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
    AMS94 said:

    But Mysterio will end up being good with such a buff
    At this point it's probably very clear that the objective of the buff program is not to make champs good but to tick the check box that they "buffed" a champ

    Ebony Maw (heavily underrated), Colossus, Venom, Spider-Gwen, She-Hulk, Magento, Falcon, Gambit, Mole Man, Terrax, Kingpin, Masacre, Angela, Crossbones, Vulture (underrated), Black Panther, Ultron, Diablo, Bishop, King Groot, Thor Rag, Storm and maybe someone else I forgot, would like to argue with this statement.
  • Cat_MurdockCat_Murdock Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,100 Content Creator
    With your name and profile pic both being Mysterio, it makes it look like the champ is self-advocating for a buff 😆
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,069 Guardian
    having the peni synergy on base itself would be a massive win.
  • MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★

    having the peni synergy on base itself would be a massive win.

    No illusions detected in this message, 100% truth!
  • MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
    Oh I totally forgot to mention this in the post, but the "Bonus idea: new synergy" is there cause Mysterio is the only Sinister Six member without a Synergy on his own for Sinister Six champs and that always bothered me!
  • Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    I'm not well versed in the ways of Mysterio but isn't he already pretty good with the Peni synergy?
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,848 ★★★★★
    Wouldn’t his make you feel even sadder for not having a r4 Mysterious though?
  • MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★

    Wouldn’t his make you feel even sadder for not having a r4 Mysterious though?

    Forget r4, I don't even have a r1 :c
  • This content has been removed.
  • MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★

    Mysterio can have Peni synergy with himself and sigability as a synergy with himself as well, like YJ has!
    And no need of buff, just a new synergy!

    Mysterio can and Mysterio will! (If someone from Kabam reads this)
  • StuchStuch Member Posts: 45
    As someone with a rank 2 6* of the illusionist, I think this is perfect. I also wonder what we’d do with peni’s synergy now
  • MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
    Stuch said:

    As someone with a rank 2 6* of the illusionist, I think this is perfect. I also wonder what we’d do with peni’s synergy now

    Make a new one, can be anything really. Maybe +100000% poison damage?
  • StuchStuch Member Posts: 45
    Mysterio said:

    Stuch said:

    As someone with a rank 2 6* of the illusionist, I think this is perfect. I also wonder what we’d do with peni’s synergy now

    Make a new one, can be anything really. Maybe +100000% poison damage?
    Perfectly balanced as a things should be
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    edited July 2022
    Pretty good suggestions in terms of changing his kit. I'd argue that a good buff would look at his gameplay loop.

    The thing that prevents me from liking Mysterio over other tech champions, is that his playstyle feels 'clunky' for lack of a better word. And that revolves around the Poison-Special interaction.

    Poison is Mysterio's currency that gets cashed in with every special or every heavy (unless you have Peni Parker synergy). This makes it so that you are essentially banned from using SP1/2/3 or heavies if you are going for something specific (power drain, heal block, or damage modifiers). With the addition of effects with timer after each special, the playstyle loop doesn't quite reach that flow state.

    For example, if you build to SP3 and cash in chemical gas, you afterwards have to race to do MM (x3 for maximum efficacy), and then heavy within the 22 second window (maximum time). You have to hope for the AI to be aggressive/compliant, but in my experience the AI turtles up more while this timer is ticking down.

    Potential changes could be -
    1. Not losing Chemical Gas charges on at least one of the specials (just look at Peni for instance - only her SP2 cashes in her charges, allowing you to use SP1 or SP3 flexibly)
    2. Changing timers or giving some way to pause timers.

  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    Not that I don’t want this but there are other champs who are way worse than mysterio who should be ahead of him.

    Iron patriot
    Jane foster (yes her buff was useless)
    Dr Strange
    Psylocke (just values)
    OG hulk
    Unstoppable colossus

    And these are all old champs. At least mysterio is viable in some content.
  • MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★

    Not that I don’t want this but there are other champs who are way worse than mysterio who should be ahead of him.

    Iron patriot
    Jane foster (yes her buff was useless)
    Dr Strange
    Psylocke (just values)
    OG hulk
    Unstoppable colossus

    And these are all old champs. At least mysterio is viable in some content.

    My thought was that most of those champs need a full on rework, something that takes Kabam more time than number changes. Usually they are working on a rework and give us number changes between. That's why I offer Mysterio for a number change buff.
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