Appreciation Post to the Content Creators

As i sit here with a foggy covid brain and trying to read about the latest summer camp/resort calendar I was pulled immediately into checking youtube, this forum, and reddit for some clarity. Then as I read @Cat_Murdock's explanations, it hit me just how reliant I've become on content creators.
With so many characters, buffs, debuffs, nodes, and monthly challenges, and bugs (unfortunately)... can you image trying to play and keep up to date with this game without so many people making videos, infographics, and questing guides?
Given that each creator has their own values, their own benefits, and their own target audiences, I won't go out and name names. Instead just image this game without any content creators. What would that look like? How would that affect your appreciate and joy of this game?
With that in mind then, let's all acknowledge how beneficial it is to have these wonderful people around. Thank you to anyone who's made some kind of content with the motivation to benefit this game and it's wonderful community. Thank you all around to anyone who's spent their free time making a video, doing a livestream, making an infographic, a guide, a tutorial, a funny meme, a thorough write up to new content, gives news updates to save reading long forum pots, and so on.
I honestly can't image this game without you all. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

With so many characters, buffs, debuffs, nodes, and monthly challenges, and bugs (unfortunately)... can you image trying to play and keep up to date with this game without so many people making videos, infographics, and questing guides?
Given that each creator has their own values, their own benefits, and their own target audiences, I won't go out and name names. Instead just image this game without any content creators. What would that look like? How would that affect your appreciate and joy of this game?
With that in mind then, let's all acknowledge how beneficial it is to have these wonderful people around. Thank you to anyone who's made some kind of content with the motivation to benefit this game and it's wonderful community. Thank you all around to anyone who's spent their free time making a video, doing a livestream, making an infographic, a guide, a tutorial, a funny meme, a thorough write up to new content, gives news updates to save reading long forum pots, and so on.
I honestly can't image this game without you all. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

Thanks to all you guys and all those that have come and gone.