Who's "YOUR" Champ



  • Avi146Avi146 Member Posts: 313 ★★

    We All have a champ we love and stuff @Masterpuff has ronin @Eb0ny-O-M4w has Maw @BitterSteel has Mr Negative And @Mysterio....Well you get the Idea

    My Champ is Spidey 2099 I love the character outside of and in the game I was a Spidey supporter when He 1st Came out love his playstyle and Animations

    Who's "YOUR" Champ

    God of Symbiotes
  • Super_Gamer_Boy518Super_Gamer_Boy518 Member Posts: 75
  • FarmBeardFarmBeard Member Posts: 16
    Mr Fantastic. Favourite champ, one of the best Marvel characters ever. Not a single champ I use more than Reed.
  • ZurafaZurafa Member Posts: 52
    KNULL, got first in the first run of his featured arena, took him up as my first r4, gave him generic gem, sig 200. I said from the moment they started teasing him I would be grinding for him and taking him to r4 didn’t matter how good he was and now I use him everywhere. Will also be my first r5 assuming I’m able to do a cosmic champ first.
  • Total_Domin01Total_Domin01 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    Mohawk marvel, first 5* r4 back in the day, and I just recently got her to 6* r3. Yeah, her dmg kinda sucks but I still like her
  • GuytennisGuytennis Member Posts: 420 ★★★
    Invisible Woman. Way more damage with full F4 synergy but she’s fun regardless.
  • firemoon712firemoon712 Member Posts: 549 ★★★
    Galactus when they finally add him.
    Tho if the rumors I'm hearing are true... It won't be too long.
    Because every single Google search for "Galan" gives me pictures of Galactus.
  • limeade31limeade31 Member Posts: 88
  • PantherAPPantherAP Member Posts: 57

    She was my first 4* champ that I maxed out and got me through a lot of early content. I was going to rank up my 5* version but ended getting her as a 6*, early on, so I made her my first R3 champ, despite having Domino, Colossus, and Omega Red duped.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,154 ★★★★★
    Drax since I’m use to being ignored
  • GrassKnucklesGrassKnuckles Member Posts: 1,957 ★★★★★
  • PantherAPPantherAP Member Posts: 57
    Honorable mention: Gwenpool

    When I was first getting 5*’s, I saved up a bunch of crystals and let my sister open them for luck. After several PHC, 3*’s, & 4*’s, the “main event” was a new 5* and she pulled Gwenpool for me. She loves the character, and didn’t know that she was in the game, so she was very excited about it. I made Gwenpool one of my main champs, she was a top tier pull at the time.

    I recently got a 6* Gwenpool and I’m tempted to rank her up.
  • Mr.0-8-4Mr.0-8-4 Member Posts: 504 ★★★
    Mr. Negative and Venom the Duck
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    Skill: Killmonger
    Tech: IMIW
    Cosmic: Venom / Venompool
    Science: Mr Fantastic / YJ
    Mutant: Storm X / OML
    Mystic: Sorcerer/ Symbiote Supreme
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,200 ★★★★
    Cosmic: CGR
    Tech: Ultron
    Mutant: Mr Sinister
    Skill: Stealthy
    Science: Yellowjacket
    Mystic: Rintrah
  • nephewstewnephewstew Member Posts: 25
    Venom from amazing spiderman issue #299 cameo issue #300 first full appearance in the real world way before the the venom movies and the guy is a cornucopia node god in incursions and annoying og spiderman killer but also MTCLM TOO
  • De_Potato_SaladDe_Potato_Salad Member Posts: 472 ★★★
    I am known on prof hoffs channel as “mr joe fixit”. I hope that explains enough xD
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,580 ★★★★★
    My latest r5, 2 days ago
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,000 ★★★★★
  • Webhead055Webhead055 Member Posts: 13
    Elsa Bloodstone
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★

    Elsa Bloodstone

    Not even top 10 of class 😛
  • spiderknight616spiderknight616 Member Posts: 688 ★★★
    Claire Voyant. She's like a Swiss army knife. She can heal and power control (to an extent), and has immunities you can switch up on the fly. Additionally, she has a very high attack rating, so amazing damage to add to the list (especially with incinerate mode SP2)
  • Gildarts99Gildarts99 Member Posts: 449 ★★★
    Uvealfire said:

    Definitely Hela and it's not even close. Finally, got Hercules recently and I'm just not impressed imo unless your only allowed 1 champion Hela is better and even alone Hela is insane. Does require 4 master points in longer furies, but nodes rarely matter after this. No immunities (does have very strong indestructible), who cares the fight won't last 20 seconds. Most content 5 champs (Nf, Quake/Antman, Odin, Hela, anyone) Medium health (under 100k) charge 10 furies, 1 5 hit combo fight done- (200k health charge 20 furies 1 5 hit combo done-- 400k health charge 20 furies and around 10 hits fight done. Has insane armor break on special 2 but honestly, i rarely have a fight last that long unless they have over 500k health and then fire an special 2 and another 500k health in a 5 hit combo.

    I have beaten virtually everyone content in the game minus full 7.4 exploration which will probably be complete in the next 45 days or so. Fully explore cavalier every month and almost never use another another team, nodes don't matter when the fights last less than 20 seconds on average.

    Strongly suggest newer players especially learn to play Hela, cheap master setup, as it's a free mastery for extended fury. You literally can clear almost anything in the game if you learn to play her well.

    my 2nd 6 star rank 4. you are fam dude.lol
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,069 Guardian
    Im the yellowjacket/ havok guy
  • K00shMaanK00shMaan Member Posts: 1,289 ★★★★
    I find it funny that people are responding with champs but then have a different once as their Profile Pic (not calling out the default pic people though).
  • Vance2_jrVance2_jr Member Posts: 787 ★★★★
    edited September 2022
    And in this cornah …..Riiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnntraaaaaaaaahhhhhh
  • Badass84Badass84 Member Posts: 317 ★★★

  • spidyjedi84spidyjedi84 Member Posts: 437 ★★★
    The Overseer. Especially now that he's awakened. He is on my AQ team for a reason.
  • LpooLpoo Member Posts: 2,230 ★★★★★
    Im in love with Mr. Negative lately. He takes more concentration than other champs, but man when you can pause those degens with Valkyrie, so satisfying
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