Should Kabam nerf champions???

So seeing the current situation with gwenpool,I feel an important subject which needs to be discussed in the community is this.I left the answers to be just a simple Yes or No because i believe it will be greater to have a constructive discussion in the comment section explaining everyone opinion instead of trying to fill the options with every possible one!
On my behalf,i do understand the frustration someone might feel seeing his hard earned items(catalysts as well as gold and iso) invested in a supposedly top champion gone because of a nerf.Although i believe that OP champions are bad for the game.I am talking about real OP champions like some pre 12.0 ones.I see 2 reasons to say that:
-They take skill out of the game,e.g old black widow could shutdown defensive abilities at 100% without any need of skills
-They make the gap from medium champs even bigger.Here i want to add that i am all for buffing those mediocre champs(even more the trash ones)!I also want to explain,e.g a beast like stark spidy might be used against tones of nodes that would require utility champions just because he can finish a fight sooooo fast! It might be too much to suggest but maybe you could even use him against a bleed node and loose little life because you can finish the fight with a few hits...
I might be overreacting with the Stark-spidy examples but I'm pretty sure you can all understand my point without sticking to the specified examples.
In addition,i want to say that we have to accept that even if Kabam tests the champions as much as they can before releasing them, its sure they can't predict every gameplay style(e.g GP unlimited hard hit cornering while enervate buff is on?) and scenario that will occur when thousands of us use this champions.So its inevitable there will be occurrences that a nerf might be needed.
On my behalf,i do understand the frustration someone might feel seeing his hard earned items(catalysts as well as gold and iso) invested in a supposedly top champion gone because of a nerf.Although i believe that OP champions are bad for the game.I am talking about real OP champions like some pre 12.0 ones.I see 2 reasons to say that:
-They take skill out of the game,e.g old black widow could shutdown defensive abilities at 100% without any need of skills
-They make the gap from medium champs even bigger.Here i want to add that i am all for buffing those mediocre champs(even more the trash ones)!I also want to explain,e.g a beast like stark spidy might be used against tones of nodes that would require utility champions just because he can finish a fight sooooo fast! It might be too much to suggest but maybe you could even use him against a bleed node and loose little life because you can finish the fight with a few hits...
I might be overreacting with the Stark-spidy examples but I'm pretty sure you can all understand my point without sticking to the specified examples.
In addition,i want to say that we have to accept that even if Kabam tests the champions as much as they can before releasing them, its sure they can't predict every gameplay style(e.g GP unlimited hard hit cornering while enervate buff is on?) and scenario that will occur when thousands of us use this champions.So its inevitable there will be occurrences that a nerf might be needed.
Now lets turn this around. Lets say there is a bug in the bank system that lets you take out more money that you deserved and earned. Is this right? No, it is not. In this case, players with GP were easily able to beat content if little to no skill. Is this fair to Kabam to breeze through content they worked had on to make a challenge? No. How about your fellow teammates that don’t have GP, is this fair to them?
It’s Kabam’s game. They can balance it which ever way they want. If you don’t like it, you are not forced to play
Maybe Kabam should do more crowd sourcing for ideas before they just simply nerf the heck out of a champ.
@Lightvayne what if the bank analogy was this though:
Let's say a bank offers 10% interest on your money if you transfer it all to them at an initial transfer fee of 5% of the total. Then once your money is there, a month later, they realize that is too much interest for them to pay out so they change it to 1.5%. You ask for a refund then of your 5% balance transfer fee and they say "no way".
THAT is closer to what people "feel" when a champ they pour into gets nerfed.
Shh before they start banning Voodoo vs. Groot or anything else that helps us beat the game.
I'm so butthurt, i didn't get him in featured 5*
Why does this company get away with it? I don't know.... Imagine you buy a Lexus that is leather interior, goes 150 mp5 and gets 30 Mpg. 8 months after you buy the car, they come to your house and they strip off the leather and add cloth interior, mess with the motor so that it only goes 100 mph max and now the mileage is 10 mpg. How DOES THAT EVEN MAKE SENSE!
I believe "fixes" are different than "nerfs".
The recent GP change was a fix to combat and exploit. I dont really consider that a nerf.
DS, Witch, etc were nerfs.
kabam are crooks, bottom line
However, for the most part it doesn't matter. Why? Because this is not a game especially focused on PvP. So, if one character is a little too powerful that only matters for the few people who actually have that character and doesn't really affect anyone else.
Another person having Blade for example does not stop you from completing Labyrinth; it's just easier for the person who have them.
There may come a time where they release something so busted it just HAS to be nerfed because people are like one shotting Labyrinth with no revives, but so far nothing quite like that has happened.
For example, you can convert the Gwenpool nerf into a buff for everything else: give all champions (including Gwenpool) a 95% chance to immediately nullify the bleed caused by Gwenpool's medium attack. That's technically a buff that in net effect accomplishes the same thing as the Gwenpool nerf, just in a ludicrously complicated way.
Buffs and nerfs are relative things, not absolute things. The Gwenpool nerf decreases Gwenpool's bleed but it contrawise increases everyone else's ability to survive Gwenpool's bleed by a small amount.
I think when players complain about nerfs, and they say "buff everything else instead" they either don't mean buff everything else, or they don't understand what "buff everything else" means. If the devs keep buffing everything upward in an endless cycle, they would also have to buff the difficulty of the content to keep up. They cannot allow champions to accelerate upward while the content stays still. Outliers would still get pushed towards the middle, and the overall difficulty of the game would have to remain within a certain boundary. At best, everything gets buffed upward to a saturation point and then everything is equally excellent, but the content itself requires exceptionally strong champions just to complete it, and we're left with everything appearing equally weak even as everything is buffed upwards.
The only way to avoid this is to be honest, and ask for exceptional things to be allowed to remain exceptional, and not only avoid nerfing them but also avoid buffing anything else to compete with it, and avoid rebalancing the content to keep up. And once you go there, that's when the position becomes untenable.
I ultimately chose no though because there's a difference between fixing unforeseen exploits and downright nerfing a character into obscurity. It's an old conversation, but characters like DS and BW don't even have a real use in the game anymore...and DS in particular is a character people paid big bucks for. What makes the topic a tough pill to swallow is Kabam's reasoning for nerfing these characters. They wanted people to shy away from one trick characters and diversify who they use, but then they release characters like Voodoo, Hyperion, Iceman, and even Blade. They nerfed certain characters and then released ones that essentially did the same things and then some.
Nobody should kid themselves here... of the 100+ characters in the game, only 15-20 actually matter. This makes for a boring and stale gaming environment, when this game has the potential to be a thoughtful and strategic gaming experience.
I think the real discussion is that Kabam should stop trying to pump out 2-3 characters every month, and take a period of time to rethink the 80% garbage characters the cast has and make them relevant. We shouldn't want to throw our phones across the room because we pull a She-Hulk or Iron Patriot.
A buff can be an indirect nerf to certain champions, and vice versa.
The only argument I see here’s is how well they go nerfing and buffing said champions.
In a business perspective (oh how people hate this phrase) not every character will be equally as good as each other. There needs to be a point to spend money on crystals.
Stark spidey is a jackpot, she hulk is the bottom of the barrel, there has to be some type of balance.
Whether or not a character is useable is up to you though. If a character can deserve a buff, a character can also deserve a nerf.
Iron Patriot
Luke Cage
Spider Gwen
They all are super overpowered...
The right question is: should you keep playing a game that upsets you so much?
Keep your bright opinions coming,i really believe nerfing and buffing champs is a very important subject of this game future.I also wish Kabam takes a couple of months to rethink most of the current champs instead of only adding new ones(which obviously is nice to see as well!).For the record i did heard that they are planning to buff some of the old champs which is good!
Stop it