Unofficial Official Summoner Camp/Resort Post [Infographics + Event Info]

In lieu of an official Kabam forum post for this event, I hope I can clarify and collect up some information in one place.
1) Do Solo Objective daily and claim Sunglasses
2) Sunglasses unlock the next milestone in the Summ(on)er Camp/Resort Event
3) Every 6th day, earn a Hexabadge that can be redeemed in the Happy Camper/Regal Resort store
4) All bundles using regular Hexabadges/Platinum Hexabadges can be obtained
5) Only 3 total Greater Hexabadges/Greater Platinum Hexabadges can be earned across all 3 events. Bundles using these are limited, spend wisely
Summoner Camp/Resort is broken up into 3x 33-day Solo Events instead of one long one like they had last year. Each Event has 3 grace days. Earn points for this by completing a daily Solo Objective (1 of 9 possible tasks). This Solo Objective can stack twice, so if you forgot to do or claim one objective, a second will still spawn the next day, allowing points to be more forgiving compared to last year. You could technically do the event every other day as long as you’re clearing both the objectives. To be safe, I recommend still doing them every day. Make sure to keep these cleared to prevent losing out on Hexabadges.
Solo Event dates:
- July 8 - August 10
- August 10 - Sept 12
- Sept 12 - Oct 15
SUMM(ON)ER CAMP and HAPPY CAMPER events/store are FREE.
SUMM(ON)ER RESORT and REGAL RESORT events/store are PAID. Purchasing a Resort Pass the Resort Solo Event which can earn you Platinum and Greater Platinum Hexabadges to use in the Regal Resort store. Passes do not carry over across each of the three events. A new Pass must be purchased for each month’s event. You can choose to pay for 1 month, 2 months or 3 (or none) but if you want to unlock the Greater Platinum Bundles that cost 3 of the currency, you’ll have to decide that during Month 1.
If you want to earn Objectives faster, or need to catch up on days that are missed, there are two Booster IAP’s. One will unlock the next 7 days and the smaller version unlocks just the next milestone. If you get a lot of Boosters and complete all the milestones before the month’s Event is over, you will instead receive an additional amount of shards per day (very small amounts).
There are four kinds of currency
-Hexabadges (FREE, these have the numbers on them)
-Greater Hexabadges (FREE, these have Goldpool on them)
-Platinum Hexabadges (PAID, these have the numbers on them)
-Greater Platinum Hexabadges (PAID, these have Platinumpool on them)
If you DO NOT miss any regular Hexabadges and Platinum Hexabadges during all 3 Solo Events, you will have enough to buy all of the bundles using these currencies in your store. Unless you miss days, you won’t have to pick and choose your rewards. The contents of the Happy Camper and Regal Resort stores are dependent upon your Progression title. If you move up a Progression tier, your store will update. If you are close to a Progression milestone, considering holding onto your Hexabadges until then in order to make the most of your currency. If you upgrade mid-event but have already spent Hexabadges on bundles, keep that in mind when your store refreshes as you technically can’t get all of the new bundles (since you wont get more Badges).
IMPORTANT: You will only get THREE Greater Hexabadges and Greater Platinum Hexabadges across the 3 months (1 badge per month). There are more Bundles available than Badges. This means you need to decide for yourself where you are going to spend this currency since you CANNOT buy all of them.
The Store is open until October 22nd, which is a week after the Event ends. Make sure to spend all your Hexabadges before then.
I hope this helps to clear up a lot of the questions I’ve seen floating around.
Thanks for putting in the work as always!
-100x 6* shards per day (Cavalier and above)
-100x 5* shards per day (Uncollected)
- 50x 4* shards per day (Conqueror and below)
Many thanks…
Dr. Zola
Thank you!
So yes, you have 33 days in which to login at least 30 of those days, and complete at least 30 of those objectives.
Note, you aren’t given a next objective for a day in which you don’t login. And objectives will only stack up to 2 available still undone at a time. That is why you are allowed to miss up to 3 days (grace days), you don’t get objectives/milestones during a missed/grace day.
At end of 33 day cycles, any undone objectives will go away and everything resets for the next 33 day cycle. So need to have the 30 objectives done (and actually claim the Event Milestones) before the cycles end.
But you can wait to spend the badges in the store until towards the ends of the last 33 day cycle.