Mutant Nexus Crystals missing from Special Deals [merged threads] RESOLVED



  • ZZDustormyxZZZDustormyxZ Member Posts: 11
    Same here as well. Bought the Thronebreaker and Cavalier deals, no nexus crystals, but I received the catalyst selectors and other items.
  • smy168smy168 Member Posts: 241 ★★
    Same here on iOS and Android.
  • DerEchteBuschDerEchteBusch Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2022

  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    Same here - Android. If I was to guess they were trying to fix the 1 5% 6-star drop rate bug from yesterday when the crystal was live...

  • THEORYTHEORY Member Posts: 4
    😒 annoyed I have to complain about buying something not delivered— two mutant nexus cav crystals purchased– nothing….. you owe me four now…
  • TrenzaloreTrenzalore Member Posts: 182 ★★★
    Seriously who keeps dropping the ball and messing up drop rates or not even including a crystal at all?
  • DerEchteBuschDerEchteBusch Member Posts: 6

    What do you mean?

    There is the same

  • UnforgvnUnforgvn Member Posts: 59
    So Kabams answer to people getting the wrong drop rate crystal is to remove it completely and not give summoners anything in its place until they get around to fixing it instead? How does that logic make any sense?

    The only reason I spend money on this game is for the INSTANT satisfaction I get. If I wanted to wait I can do that as a f2p.

    It seems like for every one thing Kabam gets right 2 things go wrong for them. What is going on Kabam? Why are there so many issues lately?
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    They were trying to update yesterday's bug and that seems to have caused a no crystal bug

  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    Wozzle007 said:

    I love how a mod closed down another thread stating there was an active thread here, but there is no information here from Kabam about the situation. It’s nice that traffics being directed to one place but some info would be helpful. I’ve not bought todays deal because it looked sketchy. I’m sure everyone whose purchased it will get the missing Nexus crystal but who knows when that will be. To many bugs at the moment.

    I would gauge a guess that the Mods don't have any information regarding things like this until they have had answers off of the devs ...

    Also (and I'm just speculating here) they could still be in the early hours over where they're based so likely nobody is at work to pick these up 🤔
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,706 ★★★★
    Yep same thing happened to me also
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,706 ★★★★
    Same here
  • MasterG86MasterG86 Member Posts: 1
    No mutant nexus daily received with the bundle after purchase. Please fix the issue!
  • DerEchteBuschDerEchteBusch Member Posts: 6
    I do have the same problem
  • Mario33Mario33 Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    Same thing happened
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  • SpastícSpastíc Member Posts: 7
    Mackey said:

    Wozzle007 said:

    I love how a mod closed down another thread stating there was an active thread here, but there is no information here from Kabam about the situation. It’s nice that traffics being directed to one place but some info would be helpful. I’ve not bought todays deal because it looked sketchy. I’m sure everyone whose purchased it will get the missing Nexus crystal but who knows when that will be. To many bugs at the moment.

    I would gauge a guess that the Mods don't have any information regarding things like this until they have had answers off of the devs ...

    Also (and I'm just speculating here) they could still be in the early hours over where they're based so likely nobody is at work to pick these up 🤔
    If they awake to close a thread, they awake to forward problems onto someone on ‘standby’ to address it.

  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,706 ★★★★
    Same here. I lodged a ticket. I suspect Kabam are aware of this and will correct in a few days time
  • ericolorericolor Member Posts: 239
    same here, from Japan
  • DaileyDailey Member Posts: 283 ★★
    Bug ….I did not get it either
  • AnhMckinseyAnhMckinsey Member Posts: 1
    Does any have issue like me? I just bough the new daily Mutant crystals (26th July in GMT +7): Cavalier and Throne Breaker. Unfortunately, I did not receive my crystal. I did reset the games but still no sight of crystal. May I ask where can I can contact the support? :(
  • PcommissPcommiss Member Posts: 3
    Yeah same here I think I got everything but the crystal. I closed and reopen the game but still not in the crystal vault…..
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  • PcommissPcommiss Member Posts: 3
    They’ll fix it and give it to us eventually I’m sure….. if you look at the other offer and click on the crystal it has a weird message that pops up….
  • Bigboy2_0Bigboy2_0 Member Posts: 6
    Same here I just posted a message about it
  • KiriansonKirianson Member Posts: 11
    Yep same here too
  • BM27BM27 Member Posts: 1
    I purchased the Cav offer and then it offered me the thronebreaker daily so I also purchased that and in both instances I received the resources but no nexus crystal.
  • Eviking55Eviking55 Member Posts: 1
    I have just purchased the cavalier and throne breaker daily specials. I have been charged through my bank, but I did not get the nexus crystals that I purchased. Can that please be fixed?
  • I_am_MightyI_am_Mighty Member Posts: 38
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