What’s the most annoying fight you’ve ever faced?

Simple question. What’s the most annoying fight you’ve played in this game? Can be any fight in the game even if it’s been nerfed since.
I think for me I would have to go with 6.3.1 Medusa. Annoying ass hell even with the right counters and drained my units badly.
I think for me I would have to go with 6.3.1 Medusa. Annoying ass hell even with the right counters and drained my units badly.
Nobel Prize to the designer.
Hear! Hear!
Abyss collector
Slashed tired Juggy back in the day
Bugged Abyss Captain Marvel
Act 4.2.6 Magneto (1% perma regen), every so often i like to decimate him with my warlock
Act 5.4.5 Mephisto, I had no incinerate immune at the time
Act 5.1.1/1.3 That stupid flaire node really messed with my head
Act 6.1.2 Ultron, (E.M.P Modification) Probably self explanatory
Act 6.2.6 Champion boss, honestly wasn't too hard, just really annoying
Collector with 3* Cyclops, awful fight.
This fight is annoying for so many reasons (she shrugs off bleeds and gains power, crit failure, luck, have to keep distance to parry her, random evades when lucky,...) and i almost threw my phone
Even with Aegon i used like 7 revives to take him out.
I had to use Falcon for Medusa, and Karnak for CAIW 😬.
now i think i d say act 6 CapIW and EOP Overseer using Angela (week 5 with Herc was a walk in the park)
im yet to touch abyss tough