New defense tactic conduit: is it working as intended?

Amms90Amms90 Member Posts: 364 ★★★
First of all, I believe there is a mistake in the description of the global node on the forum:

Defence - Conduit 3:
Conduit Defenders Regenerate 80% of energy Damage taken from Hits. While under the effect of a Coldsnap, Shock, Plasma, or Incinerate effect, they Regenerate 60% of any damage taken. Conduit Defenders cannot have their Regeneration Rate affected. Each time the Defender is Knocked Down apply one of the following debuffs in order: Shock, Plasma, Coldsnap, then Incinerate Debuff dealing 0 Damage over 10 Seconds.

^description in the season 36 changelog

Conduit - 3
Conduit Defenders Regenerate 60% of energy Damage taken from Hits. While under the effect of a Coldsnap, Shock, Plasma, or Incinerate effect, they Regenerate 80% of any damage taken. Conduit Defenders cannot have their Regeneration Rate affected. Each time the Defender is Knocked Down apply one of the following debuffs in order: Shock, Plasma, Coldsnap, then Incinerate Debuff dealing 0 Damage over 10 Seconds.

^description in the season 35 changelog

as you can see, the 60% and 80% are swapped. In game the description matches the season 35 changelog description, so I guess the season 36 description has the mistake.

Either way, my issue is with this line:

Each time the Defender is Knocked Down apply one of the following debuffs in order: Shock, Plasma, Coldsnap, then Incinerate Debuff dealing 0 Damage over 10 Seconds.

Doom, terrax are shock immune. I would imagine they fail to apply shock on themselves. But every time you knock them down, they still try to apply the shock debuff and they always fail to do so. They never move on to the next debuff on the list (plasma). A similar issues comes when torch fails to apply coldsnap on himself. He gets stuck there and never applies anything else for the rest of the fight. I feel like using a physical damage type champion effectively shuts down the global defense tactic for these champs. Is this working as intended? As a war planner, I'm having troubles finding a way to make good use of this defense tactic.


  • FunnyDudeFunnyDude Member Posts: 592 ★★★★
    I hope it is intended, otherwise Doom is OP on this node, giving 5 champions will be banned and no defiance anymore.
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