legendary triumph crystals drop rates

wong's crystal has a lower drop rate than the rest. is this because he is not in the basic yet? why is this not mentioned? is this a bug or intended? pls make clear why.
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on
Dr. Zola
(note, this was given to Uncollected and below)
Were these the same rates as when their feature crystals were originally release ? And so maybe just re-used their existing crystals instead of making new/special ones for this giveaway ??
This was indeed a mistake.
Looks like it's something the team is already in the process of fixing, then they will evaluate compensating players accordingly!
Once you own it, you can see it is “chance at Wong or RINTRAH”.
So this gets at another question brought up again couple days ago, drop rated of SUB-FEATURE within feature crystals…
Is that why this choice of crystal here is listed as lower rates, because the RINTRAH sub-feature is also factored in (yet not specified as to it's own, separate or same ?, drop rate) ??
Oh, looking back I thought it was only visible after I bought it (on crystal screen).
But wording of my UC (5*) one right on the initial selector tab also did show the “or Rintrah” wording.
Wonder if Kabam has already fixed it now, and your Cav (6*) version now is the “fixed” version ??
Anyone screencap the 6* ones earlier today before this was discovered ?
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola