Incursions Updates: Enter Castle Doom, Play Solo, and More!



  • VanillaCokeVanillaCoke Member Posts: 1,515 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Jax is Sector 9 locked? Is this bugged?
  • Emac1414Emac1414 Member Posts: 34
    Yeah solo not working no section 9 and messed up and chose my best champs for a partner one and they Canc now I have to wait 5 days to even get access to them again smh this is perfect
  • BlackPhøenix448BlackPhøenix448 Member Posts: 24
    edited October 2022
    It's nice to just add this brand new addition and nothing new from it. Not to mention, solo and with a partner doesn't work. @Kabam Jax @Kabam Miike what the heck.
  • Mister_pl0wMister_pl0w Member Posts: 104
    Any chance to change the 2000 6 star shards for 32000 artifacts to like 5000 6 star shards for 32000 artifacts. Considering the cost of the other 2 types of available 6 star crystals it seems this being left alone is just a trap for someone to waste their artifacts on or completely ignore forever.
  • IronMaxusIronMaxus Member Posts: 3
    New incursion bugs? I was just playing and got kicked out and can’t get back in!
  • Durrty30Durrty30 Member Posts: 1
    I try to run incursions solo but it doesn’t work. I click enter solo and nothing. Just went to check incursions again and it has been removed.
  • misxomisxo Member Posts: 1
    Incursion down 👇
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,184 ★★★★★

    Any chance to change the 2000 6 star shards for 32000 artifacts to like 5000 6 star shards for 32000 artifacts. Considering the cost of the other 2 types of available 6 star crystals it seems this being left alone is just a trap for someone to waste their artifacts on or completely ignore forever.

    Considering that yours would make the 6-star basic worthless I’ll answer on their behalf - no.
  • Mister_pl0wMister_pl0w Member Posts: 104
    TyEdge said:

    Any chance to change the 2000 6 star shards for 32000 artifacts to like 5000 6 star shards for 32000 artifacts. Considering the cost of the other 2 types of available 6 star crystals it seems this being left alone is just a trap for someone to waste their artifacts on or completely ignore forever.

    Considering that yours would make the 6-star basic worthless I’ll answer on their behalf - no.
    Not sure why you think it would make the 6 star basic worthless. The basic crystal goes for 52000 artifacts. If they made it 5000 shards for 32000 that would make 10000 shards be 64000 artifacts. Meaning the basic would be 12000 artifacts cheaper. It would be nice to update the shards for us who want to use them towards featured, dual crystals or just stock up shards and not be stuck buying either a incursion crystal or a basic. Spending a large amount of artifacts for an outdated amount of shards doesn’t make sense to me.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,849 ★★★★★
    edited October 2022
    Having these Incursions crystals batched by ability is just awful. Just offer various champs like it used to be over a year ago. Not sure this will be worth my time.
  • Hopper13131Hopper13131 Member Posts: 65

    Not a fan of the huge increase in difficulty for sector 8.

    Once again, you guys are removing the fun from the game and replacing it with aggravation. Not sure about anyone else, but life can be frustrating enough without a game adding to it.

    I assume you expect us to spend our way thru. Hard nope.

    Removing the fun? They gave us solo incursions, better rewards, and a better store. I had plenty of fun running sector 9 and sector 8. The addition of 6* opponents has added some difficulty, but not to the extent where 'it removed the fun'.
  • TheHeroDeservedTheHeroDeserved Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    Love the addition of solo BG. That was what I hated most about the original, because I seldom have time to do multiple fights in one sitting making me unreliable as a partner in incursions. Now I'll actually play it more often than 2 a year.
  • Carmel1Carmel1 Member Posts: 634 ★★★
    I understand that you can't think on all the interactions between the defender and the nodes or between the nodes themselves, but with the number of random nodes and the many defenders out there need to make some effort to make sure they are still within reason.
    During my run yesterday, two of the nodes on boss were the one that "every x seconds the defender heal back to full health unless there is shock\incinerate on him" & "every x seconds the attacker and the defender remove all active debuffs on them and reset their power"... add to that also the other nodes they I didn't bother to remember and the high health\attack on the defender and it's just discouraging.
    If you can't think on all combinations, maybe add an option to roll the dice of changing nodes like in old Event quest you had.

    I also think it fair to ask to limit side damage (like mojo's degen) to base attack. If it hit's you once, it's game over.
  • PP_ThunderPP_Thunder Member Posts: 39
    If you enter solo, can you still get rewards?
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★

    I love the new solo incursions - but it feels like you have amped the difficulty up to much, it was fine where it was. Some of the node combinations are, i know some will argue, completely unfair. Where before i could get to zone 10-15 in sector 8 without a problem, now im struggling to get past 6-8

    Some of the nodes n encounters now require such specific counters its unfair having this cool down on the champs, in sector 8 zone 8 I have just had a terrax, where only villains gain power (didnt have one and my main villains are on cooldown) where he gains massive furies that result in 4 hits into my block im dead, while trying to avoid his rock field damage

    Plese tone down the difficulty back to where it was before the changes, some of these combos really do take the fun out of it

    In all though, Solo incursions is such a good addition so thank you

    I wouldn’t say tone it down to where it was but definitely a tone down. I didn’t pay attention to where the 6 stars begin but maybe a rank less? So if they start at rank 4/55 have them start at 3/45. It gives a little more wiggle room when ramping up. I don’t think it was their intent to make it a pay 2 advance type of mode but that’s the only way you can get past certain levels. I know the item usage cap also looks like a pay2advance type of thing.

    If the difficulty is toned down 20% to start then it’ll ramp up the way it did in the previous iteration. It shouldn’t be easy but 30-40k attack by room 7-8 is ridiculous.

    The health pools are fine we have insane hacks to cover that. Or if you guys don’t want to turn down the difficulty change the hacks for us. Introduce a perfect block hack, a phase hack, or weapon nodes that allow us to regen some block damage upon a parry. Something in that nature
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    So I’m not seeing much of an incentive to play after you’ve done as much room rewards as possible. Ally goal gives 5k artifacts if everyone in the ally participates. Outside of that there is not much for earning more artifacts. I know there’s a lot of gold but I feel there should be some artifacts tied in with the solo milestones as well.
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    Jaded said:

    So I’m not seeing much of an incentive to play after you’ve done as much room rewards as possible. Ally goal gives 5k artifacts if everyone in the ally participates. Outside of that there is not much for earning more artifacts. I know there’s a lot of gold but I feel there should be some artifacts tied in with the solo milestones as well.

    I too was wondering this. Makes me just want to do sector 9 one time, sector 8 after reset and sector 7 after reset then chill till full reset.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    Jaded said:

    So I’m not seeing much of an incentive to play after you’ve done as much room rewards as possible. Ally goal gives 5k artifacts if everyone in the ally participates. Outside of that there is not much for earning more artifacts. I know there’s a lot of gold but I feel there should be some artifacts tied in with the solo milestones as well.

    I too was wondering this. Makes me just want to do sector 9 one time, sector 8 after reset and sector 7 after reset then chill till full reset.
    Yeah but then you’re not even coming close to hitting solo milestones as well. The reward structure doesn’t mesh well.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,184 ★★★★★
    edited October 2022

    Jaded said:

    So I’m not seeing much of an incentive to play after you’ve done as much room rewards as possible. Ally goal gives 5k artifacts if everyone in the ally participates. Outside of that there is not much for earning more artifacts. I know there’s a lot of gold but I feel there should be some artifacts tied in with the solo milestones as well.

    I too was wondering this. Makes me just want to do sector 9 one time, sector 8 after reset and sector 7 after reset then chill till full reset.
    You’re exactly right. I’ve got about 15 paths of 8.1 left and I’m slowly accumulating units for Cyber Weekend. I can’t justify a second run through incursions (on the same difficulty, I mean) if I have to clear 10 rooms to get any artifacts at all.
  • Killer79927Killer79927 Member Posts: 3
    I like how you can play incursions solo now.
    I don’t have to wait 10 minutes for a team anymore😂.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,874 Guardian

    (Incursions Solo mode, or even competitive too ??) Once you get thru a certain room # in a sector, and don’t want to try and reach that high of room # again, is there ANY reason to continue to play more Incursions again during the same xx number of days before rewards resets ??

    ie, is there ANY rewards that you get each time you continue to play again, or is it a 1-time only rewards once each “season” resets (based ONLY on the highest room you achieved during those number of days) ??

    ie (2), is it totally different from BG where you can continue to do more and continue to earn more each time ??
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★


    (Incursions Solo mode, or even competitive too ??) Once you get thru a certain room # in a sector, and don’t want to try and reach that high of room # again, is there ANY reason to continue to play more Incursions again during the same xx number of days before rewards resets ??

    ie, is there ANY rewards that you get each time you continue to play again, or is it a 1-time only rewards once each “season” resets (based ONLY on the highest room you achieved during those number of days) ??

    ie (2), is it totally different from BG where you can continue to do more and continue to earn more each time ??

    There are Solo milestones and ally goals. Solo milestones are only gold and ally has gold and artifacts. Everyone has to participate to get all the ally goals. They need to add some artifacts to the solo milestones.
  • LordSmasherLordSmasher Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★★


    (Incursions Solo mode, or even competitive too ??) Once you get thru a certain room # in a sector, and don’t want to try and reach that high of room # again, is there ANY reason to continue to play more Incursions again during the same xx number of days before rewards resets ??

    ie, is there ANY rewards that you get each time you continue to play again, or is it a 1-time only rewards once each “season” resets (based ONLY on the highest room you achieved during those number of days) ??

    ie (2), is it totally different from BG where you can continue to do more and continue to earn more each time ??

    There is no real reason. The effort remains the same but the pay off is negligible.
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  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 808 ★★★
    I didn’t see any information about the refresh frequency of the zone rewards. Is it monthly ? Twice a month ?
    @Kabam Jax
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