7* are the death of the game

There has to be a better way, how about add 5 ranks to 6* so then can go up to rank 10. With knowing 7* are around the corner, i dont want to stop playing, but this Is going to stop me from putting money in the game. And alot of people are going to stop playing. They say it's how they continue the game going forward, but I see it as the end, a slow collapse for the game I have played and loved everyday for 6 plus years. Already people in My alliance said there done and quit. Very sad . I guess it's a small blessing cause now I have no interest in spending a dime on this game, and I can be a free to play player, until the game goes under.
If there wasn't a progression reset, the game would go stale and it genuinely would die. This way, some will quit because of 7*s and that's their right, but the game goes on.
DNA has written some interesting explanations why you can't just add on ranks to 6*s. Here is a (characteristically) in depth explanation https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/2168643#Comment_2168643
Will people quit because of 7 stars and relics? Yes, definitely! Does it matter? Nope, there’s always new people joining and others who just ride the wave into the next progression.
You can't expect things to remain the same forever. By that argument of not wanting things to change, then there is no reason to add a Thronebreaker or paragon level difficulty to the event Quest or black ISO store every month because that would be evolving the game, you want things to change because it better your odds of earning materials and maintain that drive to keep playing.
The problem is is that so many people want the game to evolve but they also want it to evolve in a way where there is little to no investment on your part and simply put, there is no game like that. There's no way a game can evolve like that and still be viable. Ultimately, it's a "damned if you do and damned if you don't" situation.
R17* wont be better than a r4 dup sigged 6*...
Yeah there are a few exceptions where the dup doesnt bring anything to the table.. fastest example probably a champ like Apoc or red Mags...
It will take so long til the 7* "envy" actually triggers...
Dr. Zola
We have battlegrounds, gauntlet, EoP and war where you need higher ranks. That seems good enough for me personally. That’s why I want higher ranks on my champions
So what am I opening crystals for? 6 champions every 3 months, a few dupes and a few missing links in my roster. That’s not fun, at least 7* will be a blank slate and each 7* will be high stakes again, hopefully bringing back some of the excitement again.
I suppose what disappoints me most is that this feels like an admission the creative well has run dry.
Dr. Zola
Story quests are still interesting to the vast majority of the player base, and still has challenging fights and quests that benefit from the extra ranks. But story quest is no longer the act 6 of old where it’s so difficult that you need the highest rank of the day
That sort of content is now in BGs and War, where you need rank 4 champions to push the highest ranks. The hard content is now Eop and gauntlet where it’s going to be hard if you don’t have plenty of rank 3s and a few R4s.
Questing is now where the designers can make things a little easier on most players, and extra ranks help, but they’re not as necessary as they used to be.
So no, maybe the quest content isn’t completely tuned for R4 6*s, but my point is that BGs, EoP, Gauntlet and War absolutely is.
I’m addressing the often heard critique of “we don’t even have any content in game that needs R4s”, and yet we have players pushing BGs and War where R4s are pretty much necessary to have a fighting chance of going high, and we have players using items on gauntlet and EoP, if you have more rank 4s you use less items.
Saying there’s no content for them is like saying everything you do is to the best of your ability with R3s - are you using items in EoP and Gauntlet? Then R4s would help. Are you 1st place in war and BGs? If not, then higher ranked champions help you place higher.
There’s no quest content where they’re necessary, but that doesn’t mean there’s no content for them at all.
I’m looking forward to going for new 7* champs and building up my roster. I had hoped to have a little more time focussing on 6*s exclusively, and it feels a little early. But I’m right there with you on this one.
But of course to players that already have a fully established 6* would love this idea. This is from my perspective.
What’s the point invest even more for 8*s to make any effort in 7*s feel like a waste where’s it end besides when the game ends making the total of all efforts a complete waste of time and money basically a waste with nothing to show.
I’m grateful for 7*s it a wake up call that any minute any dime spent in the game is for nothing.Clearly it just keeps happening 3*s,4*s,5*s,6*s,7*s..Is Kabam so creatively bankrupted they can’t do something different besides add a *,some stats and a cheap gimmick to characters.
But relics could've waited (though they were the first mentioned in road maps) - I can see plenty of bugs, and plenty of price points to acquiring these.
This is economics 101.
There's always been an increase and decrease of value as The Meta shifts from one priority to another and you saying that your dime is suddenly not going to be worth anything tomorrow isn't a new or revelatory statement.
Not long before the pandemic, people were demanding access to more tier 4 class catalysts and tier 2 Alpha because they needed the materials to rank up their five stars and barely incoming six stars and they were willing to spend an Odin just for one.. Now they're so readily available that the market is almost flooded with them and even a FTP can rank 5s and 6s if they have basic resource management.
Things are always going to change and The Meta is always going to shift because that's what any game developer would do. The games that haven't, they might still be around but can you honestly say that they're just as popular or strong as they used to be?
Also, have you ever been to a movie theater before? I know its been a while for a lot of people, but presumably most people old enough to play MCOC will still be able to remember theaters. Anyway, when you spend money to buy a movie ticket, it is not like the movie might disappear, it always does disappear. You have to leave, and you don't get to take it with you. You do get to keep the hotdogs and popcorn for a little longer, but even those you ultimately rent, they also always eventually vanish.
I don't know who needs a wake up call to be told that the money you spend on this game doesn't give you ownership rights to anything. Maybe that's just me being old, but no online game I've ever played has ever let me take my stuff with me when either I quit or they do. The stuff just vanishes. And before it does, it gets changed all the time. Because I pay to use it, not to own it and not to control it and not to dictate what else gets added to the game.
The problem is not wake up calls. The problem is not that people aren't informed about this. The problem is some people stubbornly refuse to accept this. They think they determine reality. It is a widespread internet-related delusion that is amplified by, but is not exclusive to, online games.