**May 8th - HOT FIX INCOMING**
Hey Summoners,
A Hot Fix will be pushed to all stores shortly. This will address a bug causing crashes on some iOS devices. Please keep an eye out and update when you're able.
Thank you!

MCOC Inktober 2022 Thread


It’s October, and October means Inktober! If you’re unfamiliar with Inktober, it’s a 31 day challenge where you create a new drawing every day from a list of set prompts. This will be my third year doing Inktober. All of the drawings will be in Black and White to replicate “ink” and they will all be themed around MCOC.

If you want to take a browse through last years thread, you can see that here: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/282846/mcoc-inktober-2021-thread/p1

2020’s are here: https://twitter.com/i/events/1454924384389369866?s=21&t=SlNRTYgsg961JWThXLO8ww

I hope you enjoy it!


Day 1 - Gargoyle
Story Time



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