Gold Event Cash Grab?

Amazing how players have been asking Kabam frequently about whether the Deadpool gold event is returning and we keep getting "We don't know yet" as a response - that is, when we get a response at all. Then, three days before the event is to launch, they let us know.
I will be surprised if they DON'T have gold offers in the unit store for $$$. I know this is a constant thing with Kabam, but I think they should be called out every time it happens. Giving only a few days warning is not at all a player friendly practice and just reminds us of how much more they prioritize money over our enjoyment of the game.
If I'm wrong and they don't end up having gold offers for $$$, that may even be worse because, in that case, I don't see any reason at all for them to tell us this late.
I will be surprised if they DON'T have gold offers in the unit store for $$$. I know this is a constant thing with Kabam, but I think they should be called out every time it happens. Giving only a few days warning is not at all a player friendly practice and just reminds us of how much more they prioritize money over our enjoyment of the game.
If I'm wrong and they don't end up having gold offers for $$$, that may even be worse because, in that case, I don't see any reason at all for them to tell us this late.
The onus is on you to manage your in game resources correctly, not Kabam. Take responsibility for your own mistakes.
I should manage my resources for an event I don't know is happening?
Can you give me a reason Kabam SHOULDN'T give us a week's notice?
Move along.
Also, please answer my question. Why SHOULDN'T Kabam give us a week's notice?
Again, why SHOULDN'T Kabam give us a week's notice?
This game is largely resource management, you might need things at some point so it’s worth keeping a little surplus.
While we’re it at I’d advise holding onto some of your 5* awakening gems in case a trade in for a 6* one comes back.
Why shouldn't Kabam have given us a week's notice for this event?
Meanwhile, as we push higher in terms of which ranks our champions can reach, rank-ups cost more and more gold. Add to that the introduction of a completely new game mode that you might have to rank up a decent amount of new champions for, and I understand why people's gold runs dry. I've gone from having a stash of about 12 million gold on any given day last year to one of about 2 million this year.
Plus, as I've said before, if Arena is supposed to be the main avenue for gold acquisition, then make Arena fun. It hasn't been for...well, has it ever? Is it not just a completely brain-dead grind for everyone involved? Maybe the Incursions revamp changes things and give us somewhere to actually earn gold in a fun way, because Arena sure ain't it. I usually grind out the milestones in the featured arena in order to stock up on units and ISO, but the gold I earn from there doesn't leave much wiggle room for offers like last year's.