Why this side quest is The worst of all? Constructive feedback

The_man001The_man001 Member Posts: 624 ★★★
The reasons being-

1. The best rewards are guarded by RNGesus.
2. Energy cost is there.
3. Can do only 1 difficulty
4. Objectives, u have to find specific champions each day in some story or duels u cant practice them.

All of the undesirable qualities of side quest that received negative feedback in past is combined in this sq.

Clearly the worst sq of all to me.


  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,401 ★★★★

    I think differently. I like having a Champ to search for, and even the Candy gives our choice of a Reward.

    well no, it actually doesn't give you choice of reward. if you run the side quest every day, you'll get everything in the store. you're just choosing what reward you get first. and seriously, you like having a champ to search for? wouldn't you rather just get a key in the calendar every day and not have to go searching for a champ?
    Actually, no I wouldn't. There's something to be said for mystery, and it's quite enjoyable to network with other Players to share answers. I play the game to be challenged in all sorts of ways, including the mind. Not just to test my arthritis.
    I see where you're coming from, but I think only half if it is successful.

    Trivia can be a form of challenge.
    Being able to answer Who? to the the objective is good. It can be answered by yourself (a win for your knowledge of Marvel trivia), or it can be answered by the community (a win for collaboration).

    But then having to ask Where? is not really successful. If the Duel search function was better, it would be alright, but since the search function is not that good, it makes it more burdensome. Finding out that, for example, Thanos is in 3.2.6 is not a satisfying thing to know. You have to go through the effort of completing the entire quest, just to fulfill this objective.

  • FiiNCHFiiNCH Member Posts: 1,664 ★★★★★

    Guys, I mean, how long does it take to copy a duel target and duel a 3* level champ.

    I really don’t mind it, I think there are plenty of bigger fish to fry and I just think this is a non-issue.

    They have to come up with objectives sometimes, and these are less time consuming than “finish X fights with your finishing blow being a heavy” or “do X fights on a cloudy Wednesday afternoon”.

    Agreed - while slightly inconvenient, the objectives this month are much better than mindlessly fighting over and over to complete an objective like in previous months.
  • tusharNairtusharNair Member Posts: 290 ★★
    I got a 10K 6 stars shards RNG today, already better than most side quests in total, lolzz. one of my friend got a 6 star gem crystal. all others, candies. Huge RNG to how this months SQ distributes rewards to everyone, for some, mind blowing, for others, more or less like any other SQ or even worst(have not looked at candy store)
  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 999 ★★★★★
    I think the RNG of the rift would be ok if the store was actually good. But honestly it’s so meh for TB let alone Paragon players. Maybe Kabam are worried about the level if resources in the game with the battleground store and that’s why this side event is so bad for paragon players. I’ll probably still do it, but not excited by this one at all.
  • KennyPLKennyPL Member Posts: 114 ★★
    I guess there's never enough candy, right? I can bet that's all i'll get from these bs rift quest.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,481 ★★★★★

    This SQ will be the death of this game. It's a slap in the face and people are quitting left and right. We need comp and RDTs.

    I'm sure it's also a money grab. I'm not sure how, but with a greedy company like Kabam, it has to be a money grab.
    There's no other explanation. It just has to be.
    Bait and switch.
  • ChiliDogChiliDog Member Posts: 891 ★★★
    I did the r4 mats challenge. My big prize for the month.
  • Charlie21540Charlie21540 Member Posts: 934 ★★★★

    These are the decent Rifts.

    You at least get something no matter what with the candy store, instead of landing on a T4cc fragment crystal like previous Rifts that nobody wants lol

    Least this way you can choose your rewards to some extent 👍

    I don't like the rifts at all. But at least in the past you could always get the opportunity to select what path you want, to help guarantee at least once that you would get something you want. Not this time. Kabam severly messed up this time around.
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