Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Input Issues Have Returned



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    Carnage313Carnage313 Posts: 359 ★★★
    They don’t care anymore!
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    Yeah I’ve had this issue more so recently every time I block it’s not working, never get Shang chi perfect block anymore as it just doesn’t work haha
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    Skydad23Skydad23 Posts: 555 ★★★
    Yes parry and when I go to dash back or block, sometimes it does a light attack instead. So amazing that these issues still have not been fixed.
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    Camby01Camby01 Posts: 572 ★★
    I'm going to take a wish in one hand, and $1M in the other.... neither one will do a dang thing while the 1M is flowing in.
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    Camby01Camby01 Posts: 572 ★★
    Maybe want to look into this... I won't hold my breath
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    JefechutaJefechuta Posts: 1,212 ★★★★
    Still Kabam will say its a device problem and will ask for device info when everybody has input issues, more or less but they will still have them, same problem with AI, they say it didnt change but it acts way different than before
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    WayWorn2525WayWorn2525 Posts: 879 ★★★

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    WayWorn2525WayWorn2525 Posts: 879 ★★★
    I'm not going to spend $$$ on units to purchase revives when inputs issues are still ongoing.
    If Kabam is willing to pay my rent, then I see a reason to purchase.
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    Shakti4allShakti4all Posts: 120
    No response yet from Kabam and the issue is sooooooo bad now
    @RichTheMan pls help here
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    KLZKLZ Posts: 161 ★★
    edited December 2022
    After the 37.1.1 update, input issues are way worse than before!!
    Kabam, just bring back the weekly compensation...
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    Carnage313Carnage313 Posts: 359 ★★★
    This game is just so ridiculously broken!!!
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    Con_RebCon_Reb Posts: 34
    I can no longer consistently preform heavy. While trying to do heavy, it does basic hit and I am getting punished back.
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    NeverWasBornNeverWasBorn Posts: 58
    edited December 2022
    the special button has been working 2 out of 5 since the release of relics, I don't know if it's missed inputs or it was shifted because of the relics button. Also, block issues are increasing.
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    K4g3Raid3nK4g3Raid3n Posts: 7
    I have lost 3 battles in battleground in a row just because parry did not register.
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    ZolobacsiZolobacsi Posts: 112 ★★
    Just lost a fight in AW, block dropped on third hit, nothing unblockable. It's not even frustrating anymore, it's just boring and makes you not even want to open the game. What's frustrating is the silence from Kabam...
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    MavRCK_MavRCK_ Posts: 483 ★★★
    They never went away. So unpredictable...

    Dext, no block get hit a full second later..

    Parry works great.. next moment doesn't work.. have to parry 2/10s sooner than before...

    Stand clicking special special special while the champ stutters...

    Game stutters... hold block..eat a special because game stuttering or freezing..

    Consistent criticism for a consistent problem.
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    KeltanKeltan Posts: 500 ★★
    My android phone having this issue when my block not registered even I’m holding block .. got slap at the face…
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    Manup456Manup456 Posts: 887 ★★★★
    The game is in bad shape all around but they are in no rush to get this sorted.
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    WreakingGuyWreakingGuy Posts: 23
    I’m getting freezes, dropped inputs, parry failure, dashing forwards instead of back. Like going back to the bad old days. iPad 8th gen lastest iOS.
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    DaJiveTurkeyDaJiveTurkey Posts: 72
    Oh my God I need to air my grievances. I'm so sick of getting hit through my block and getting hit while dexing even though you can see the attack missed me it somehow registers as a hit. Parry is so irregular. I also notice that the AI seems to shrug off stun a lot quicker or immediately from parry at random times. This has been going on for a long time and no it's not due to a node or ability or limber. If that was the case it would be happening all the time. I've also noticed a lot of the time you try to dash or attack and nothing happens especially when the opponent finishes a special. Then by the time you can dash/attack they've got their block up. I'm probably forgetting some others but for goodness sake kabam forget updates and new content just focus on fixing the basics of the game so we can play it properly before you start losing players.
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    MidnightfoxMidnightfox Posts: 1,160 ★★★
    14+ here and same issues plus more
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    FooooozzBallFooooozzBall Posts: 11
    My game is almost unplayable! Parry’s failing, dex failing, releasing block for no reason causing me to eat specials, sometimes even throwing a light attack when I’m trying to dash backwards. I recently spoke to kabam and they can offer no solution for these issues, saying they have already given their last compensation on the matter, which on their records, show that I never received! Probably because it caused me to quit the game for a few months, making me not eligible for the compensation…. Shouldn’t every player be eligible for compensation??

    @Kabam Miike we need to see action on this asap.
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    Carnage313Carnage313 Posts: 359 ★★★
    It’s just horrible. So sick of losing battlegrounds because I can’t evade or block.
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