Lets ,,temper our expectations"(Trade in store)

I am tired of sitting on certain resources just to get the hype killer like we did on this gold event.
Can someone pull up a screenshot of admin saying that they are sorry they made 6* AWAKENING store the way they did it and it MAYBE comes back next year?
Pull up the screenshot and lets ask kabam if its coming this year. No deadpool jokes this time kabam )))
Can someone pull up a screenshot of admin saying that they are sorry they made 6* AWAKENING store the way they did it and it MAYBE comes back next year?
Pull up the screenshot and lets ask kabam if its coming this year. No deadpool jokes this time kabam )))
Stop asking “who should I use this awakening gem on?” like it’s an itch you need to scratch and wait till you need a champion for something, e.g. EOP, 8.1, etc. and ask “do I have a ranked up champ that can do it? No, then time to rank and awaken this champ”.
Of course I rank champs I know are good or cool every now and then, but if I do so, I make sure I have resources left if needed.
For example this time on gold offers, the only INFORMATION they gave us was half joke 1 day before event.
- Why do you need to awaken Ultron?
- If you’re at a point where you’re doing Carina’s, how are you not swimming in 5* awakening gems?
- What do you need more, a 6* awakening gem or the mats from the challenges?
Kabam might no want to give information in advance in case plans change. So just make an educated decision with the info you have.
So expectations should already be low at this point
But use the resources that you need. We get at least 1x 5* awakening gem a month.
I missed out last time because I would use any awakening gems I had during item use events for points. Now I know the trade in is a possibility I save my 5* awakening gems. But if there was a 5* I wanted to awaken I would.
You got information, you just didn't like the information. You got the information about the trade-in store and we got information about Deadpool offers. There's a difference in not getting anything vs not liking what you're getting.
But all this is beside the point. Company like kabam should EASILY hand out info like this
To get 1 generic 5* you had to trade 3 of SAME COLOR. Now that was the biggest BS ever. Cause someone could pop 3 crystals and get 3 tech and trade for that last missing 5* generic. Others like myself, could pull 2 of each (worst case is usually the case as you know from tier 4 class cats) meaning it could be a difference of 3 crystals vs 13 crystals based purely on rng.
During the event i had 3 generic stones ( i could explore labyrinth for 4th one). So i have EXTRAS as you would imagine. The issue came when i traded in ALL my 3* 4* awakening for 5* awakening crystals and found myself having 2 of each class. I had no way of getting more and it was torture to me and others like me, watching lucky guys getting 6* awakenings and than even trading the colors while they are at it, while we were sitting on TOOOOOOOOOOON of 5* awakening stones and didnt have option to trade them up due to some IDIOTIC color game kabam put us through
I'll repost this, from August 2nd:
In the conversations I've been a part of, I've not heard anything about the awakening gem/sig stone store returning in the near future. I think it's important information for you to hear, because I've seen a few players mention they're hoarding their items waiting for it to happen. Now, on the flip side to this, if it were to return in the distant future, I don't want to hear people saying "JAX TOLD ME TO SPEND AND NOW I CAN'T TRADE IN!" I'm saying that as of now I've not seen any indication that it's on the near horizon.
The statements in this message, as of today, remain true.
Turned out game rewarded hoarders.
Now, I'm not using 5* AGs anyway, no champ is going above 5r3 so what's the point.
Ill Let 'em stack forever. 25 something and counting......
Not that long ago we were just about to close a months-long process of signing a reseller agreement with Western Digital's storage group, literally two days before Western Digital publicly announced plans to get rid of their storage group. And the CEO didn't even ask for my permission. I was a bit peeved, but apparently not even half as much as some people are triggered by a mobile game offer announcement or lack thereof.
I cannot imagine what sort of insulated and truncated set of life experiences one would have to have to see these things as comparable in even a small way to a Kafka-esque nightmare. I know I had long passed that horizon by the time I was fifteen.
If it ain't then keep on hoarding, won't affect your account really.
Simple concept really.