Gwenpool nerf.

Well I've been playing with her in my main team for 5-6 months now. I was so happy when I landed her and I invested heavily and immediately in her.
Now she is very ordinary... the nerf had really neutered her to put it lightly. Yet all the horrible characters out there and all the over powered ones too... you decide to nerf a fan favorite. I think kabam has F'ed this up. Why not buff other players or why not change the game a little to make pining in the corner less effective for all. Why just last night I was pinned by Hyperion in the corner and he had a double stacked powerup two times in a row. And also last night I was pinned in corner by rhino who had unstoppable granted "randomly" 4 times in a row,
Many characters can pin in corners. This nerf sucks and now I won't play her anymore besides arena.
Thanks kabam from a disgruntled customer.
She was my favorite character to play and now I don't have a favorite anymore. I waited to post this to play her through heroic thor monthly, and a large swath of chapter 4.
The nerf does not effect me badly when I'm playing even tier and level opponent. Don't try to play above yourself with her much I used her in 3 fights in a row all science based so had advantage buff. She still got wrecked.
Now she is very ordinary... the nerf had really neutered her to put it lightly. Yet all the horrible characters out there and all the over powered ones too... you decide to nerf a fan favorite. I think kabam has F'ed this up. Why not buff other players or why not change the game a little to make pining in the corner less effective for all. Why just last night I was pinned by Hyperion in the corner and he had a double stacked powerup two times in a row. And also last night I was pinned in corner by rhino who had unstoppable granted "randomly" 4 times in a row,
Many characters can pin in corners. This nerf sucks and now I won't play her anymore besides arena.
Thanks kabam from a disgruntled customer.
She was my favorite character to play and now I don't have a favorite anymore. I waited to post this to play her through heroic thor monthly, and a large swath of chapter 4.
The nerf does not effect me badly when I'm playing even tier and level opponent. Don't try to play above yourself with her much I used her in 3 fights in a row all science based so had advantage buff. She still got wrecked.
Yes after the exploit change, not nerf, he plays normally and doesn't use heavies to get through content
Now although a bit annoying that her heavy has been nerfed, i rarely use heavy attacks anyway as they're not very reliable so this hardly changes her as a champion and she's still great to use.
i was unaware of the exploit, but i did use her heavy when i stunned to get the extra long bleed to feed into keeping the effects from the specials going.
So i am a bit upset as well. Not 'stop using Gwenpool" upset, but not very happy either.
it affected me a little bit as i said in another post,because i used heavy after stun for a longer bleed or an initial bleed to extend effects from specials, but i didn't now about the exploit in question.
Not the worse thing, but there had to be another way to deal with it.
Fair enough. A bit unfortunate but I doubt that was in Kabam's mind when they added GP and that was pretty much the equivalent of SW's stun locking, so the change was expected to be honest.
Also, now that you can't do that anymore, you'll dish out more dmg since you won't be sitting on 1 bleed every time and can extend the effects that way too.
Can still corner someone as her normal hits do bleed and that can keep the power lock stuck on
I have a 4/55 duped 105 gwenpool and after the "heavy" nerf, she doesn't stack nearly as many bleeds per fight as she used to. I rarely used heavys so whatever but the real issue here is that there was more done to her than just changing the % on the heavy bleed chance.
She's still badass though. Lol.
Wasn’t a nerf to everyone that didn’t use this exploit.
I just 550 my 4* gwenpool
Wrong. I never used the exploit and it's technically a nerf taking her chance to turn a bleed into a massive bleed from like 50% to 5%. That my friend is the definition of a nerf. Like I said though, she is still pretty amazing. main point was I use her daily on everything and she doesn't stack as many bleeds as she used to. That's a fact.
Do I still use her daily. Hell yes
The extended timer on the bleed wasn't changed at all
Just the chance to proc a bleed using a heavy
I have owned a Gwenpool for the better part of a year. I immediately invested in her, took her up, and have never regretted it. NOT EVEN after the nerf. Honestly, I don't care about the nerf. I don't consider it one; I never use heavy attacks anyways. Calm down, chill out and either A) move on or
You are misunderstanding the nerf. The change only affected the heavy chance to proc a bleed which was 50% and is now 5%. All other bleed chances were unaffected, and it is also worth noting that the heavy could not directly stack bleeds because if the target was already bleeding the heavy didn't proc a bleed, it converted a short bleed into a long bleed.
What I don't understand is how you could *observe* the character to be so much worse, when the character wasn't actually changed much at all.
The exploit with heavies has to do with the fact that heavy attacks are unblockable - they break the opponent's block. So if you push the computer to the right side of the screen and then chain heavy attacks together, which takes practice, you can hit the computer over and over again and the computer cannot block the attacks to stop them. Most champions with melee attack heavies can do this. What Gwenpool could do before the change was that the heavy attack could proc bleed and then convert bleed to a long lasting bleed, and if the computer had enervate active the bleeds would extend the duration of enervate indefinitely, which means the computer opponent would gain zero power while you hit him. For any other champion, eventually your heavy attacks would cause the computer to gain power and the computer could use a special attack to break the heavy cycle. With Gwenpool keeping the computer frozen at zero power, the computer couldn't block and couldn't use special attacks to get out of the corner, which essentially paralyzed the computer for super long durations (until you made a mistake or got really unlucky with the bleeds triggering).
The change is super minor and is the best way to fix this exploit. Heavy attacks used to proc bleed with high probability - 50% - but as I mentioned previously that didn't contribute a lot to Gwenpool's overall damage because her heavy attacks would *not* proc a bleed when the target was already bleeding. In other words, the chance to proc a bleed on a bleeding target was zero anyway. You actually do more bleed damage if you use regular attacks than the heavy, because regular light and medium attacks can stack bleed.
It nerfs the exploit hard, but hardly affected anyone not using the exploit, which is exactly what you want from a balancing nerf.
By the way, Gwenpool is still awesome.
If the reason that you don't consider it a nerf is because you didn't use that function of her then that is poor logic. By the same logic then those that did use that function of her got nerfed!
Not in relation to the exploit.
Great explanation. I saw another community member mention that they didn't even have to reduce the bleed affect if the heavy but the relation of that to enervate. Seemed to make more sense than just reducing her chance to extend bleed.
As I mentioned in that thread, that's opening Pandora's box. Once you start looking at how enervate works and how it interacts with the heavy, you open the door to the devs taking a closer look at whether enervate should really be allowed to extend 100% of the time in the first place. That's not something I would suggest to the devs to do.
It isn't dangerous for your kids to play in the street, just in the parts of the street that the cars drive on. But we tell them not to play in the street rather than try to explain the fine points of the subtle dangerous situation. Suggestions are not commands: at best they can get someone to look in a particular direction. They cannot control what they see when they do.
They didn't reduce her chance to 'EXTEND' the bleed. That one still has 100% chance and lasts for 27 seconds.
They just reduced the chance to put one, when there is none, from 50 to 5%. It lasts 6 seconds.
Most people don't even know what's changed, but are just complaining for the sake of it.
Your first post complained about Gwenpool being made useless and the nerf being devastating. Your third post asked what the nerf actually did. If you reverse the order of those posts in the future, you will likely get a much better ratio of helpful responses.