Do Battlegrounds alliance points roll over?

Greetings. I just moved to a new alliance and had 300k+ points contributed to the Battlegrounds alliance event. I was wondering if my points will reflect in the new alliance? Right now it's showing just 3k from the few matches I had today.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
As for your question, I personally don't really care at this point. It's just a bad feeling to lose all that hard work or rather having given it away for free. But to answer you, I think people are eligible for battlegrounds alliance rewards as soon as they contribute to the event.
Any ALLIANCE points are point totals for the ALLIANCE.
Not getting to bring your Ally points over with you works both ways too.
You benefit in the Ally you are going over to because that Ally is getting to keep any points of the person who had left them, creating the opening to which you are now filling.
And imagine if indeed you got to move your points over.
For ANY Ally Event (Summ.Adv, or other), where they are shooting for a certain Milestone or points amount. And then once they reach that level there is slowdown of more points.
But then *BAM*, someone decides to leave and take their points with them (maybe even at the last hour or minute).
Now suddenly the Ally is short of their target goal.
(if they had known sooner that their target goal would be pulled out from under them, perhaps others would then have done some more, but they weren’t given such time).
Now, would *that* be fair ??
And don’t suggest as a follow up that the points should BOTH get to stay, AND also come with you. Imagine how many top-tier people would just all continually swap alliances round-n-round, duplicating the points over and over for all the Ally's involved in that.