Suicides rating not reflecting in PI in battlegrounds

Why isn't suicides rating reflecting in PI in battlegrounds?
I understand you can choose a non suicides deck but that isn't the case here.
I was fighting someone once who's deck showed non suicides rating so I didn't ban his Elsa and when he placed her my R4 Hercules immediately lost 75% HP which you can imagine caused a loss even though that's the only damage I took!
The guy did have suicides in his profile.
And it happens with everyone everytime! It's impossible to tell if they have suicides! This must be changed!
I understand you can choose a non suicides deck but that isn't the case here.
I was fighting someone once who's deck showed non suicides rating so I didn't ban his Elsa and when he placed her my R4 Hercules immediately lost 75% HP which you can imagine caused a loss even though that's the only damage I took!
The guy did have suicides in his profile.
And it happens with everyone everytime! It's impossible to tell if they have suicides! This must be changed!
I would have immediately ban Elsa for example if I knew he had suicides or Corvus also.
Why would anyone pick her from the deck, that too as a defender, if not for a suicides trap
In AW it has become easier to detect suicide & non suicide champs, but in BGs players need to use their brain....BGs is all about strategies & bluffs
I don't see anything wrong with that
End of the day it's the masteries you're all talking about here, suicides are part of them.
I really don't see any issue with how it is, if I see elsa n they pick her in the draft then my automatic response is to pick ANY mutant. It's strategy
If someone chooses Elsa or omega 7/10 times they are running suicides. You should be prepared for that.