Do the right thing kabam!

With battle grounds coming to an end I'm curious to see if any if the modders are punished. I personally believe they should receive no rank rewards. I also believe their alliances they are in should receive no rank rewards. And for the people that's going to say "but their alliance doesn't know". I can guarantee they do know and probably multiple people in there do it and tell each other how to do it. Ban their accounts and clean the game up. It's quite unfair to those of us who play the right way. Especially when we've played this game for 4,5, and 6 years. Make it happen Karam and show some integrity and loyalty to your long standing players that play the game the right way.
The thing he's most referring to is running a program on your device that will modify attributes within a fight (i.e. you and your opponents attack and health) so that they can achieve otherwise impossible scores (kill a R4 6* Nick Fury in less than 10 seconds for example. These people should have their accounts banned and their rewards stripped.
The second biggest example is people intentionally utilizing the accept/decline in matchmaking to basically "face themselves". This way they can use a secondary or throwaway account to intentionally lose against their Main account, thus boosting the main account score and rating. This one is a slightly more grey area than the example above but should also have repercussions. Especially if that secondary account was using the above means to actually get to that level.
I did not. None of us did. Not only did we not suspect it to be the case at the time, but we also weren't even notified about the reason for our sudden drop in the rankings by Kabam. We just fell from Gold 3 to Silver 1 with no explanation. I had to ask Kabam Support to get some information about what had happened.
So alliance members don't "definitely know". That's an oversimplification that I think is indicative of not knowing how the system works (and how it doesn't work). If alliances were notified about cheaters in their midst and thus could take reliable action, it would be one thing. As it stands, that's not the case and that makes it really hard to take action.
Furthermore, Kabam's system for catching cheaters is...not flawless. I've personally been banned twice. One ban was fully legit and due to a breach of the TOS (even if I wasn't "cheating" per se). The other ban was fully unwarranted, though, even if I can understand why the system flagged my account. These experiences make me hesitant to kick people if I'm not presented with compelling evidence, which is why it's so annoying that Kabam doesn't reach out with any whatsoever.
All of that said, I am perfectly fine with alliances being docked points if members there are cheating. That is completely fair and justified. However, if alliances are expected to self-regulate or face even harsher penalties, there need to be additional systems to make that regulation possible. As it stands, I feel like our alliance was very much left out to dry by Kabam. We were punished for reasons that were never explained, by someone who was never identified (by Kabam; we eventually found and kicked him ourselves). Under those circumstances, it's very difficult to do the right thing.