How do you like the new AQ changes?



  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Team_Sly said:

    Don’t like the change about opening all your crystals, I see no point in this what so ever, why can’t we use them as we need them. Just another cash grab by Kabam.

    I can see being opposed to this decision. The reason probably has to do with obsolete crystals bogging down the servers or something. Maybe it's for the best and maybe not, I have no idea. But in what way is it a cash grab? Do you think this move will cause people to spend?
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★

    The only news I would have really loved (who am I kidding? I'd have thrown fireworks and opened a bottle of champagne!!) would have been AQ shortened to 3 days. Instead of this outdated, pointless and enslaving 5 day format.

    More glory is good. More stuff to buy glory with is good. Cheaper stuff is good. Nice job on that.

    But please for the love of all that is holy, make AQ shorter 😭🙏

    I really don't think they will shorten it. I'd be happy if they reduced the cost, increased (or scrapped entirely) the glory cap, and improved the glory store.
  • Burrito2525Burrito2525 Member Posts: 523 ★★★
    Can we at least make it a static sun-thurs rotation. Fri/sat is always a pita to get people engaged
  • GoodfellaBugsyGoodfellaBugsy Member Posts: 43
    edited November 2022
    No more crystals, no increase in glory seems to be short changing the player base. No mention of T6CC even though now modifiers are going to make the maps harder. Players should be rewarded with effort. It’s already a huge hassle for logging several times a day, 5 days a week like a job. QOL needs to be approached and scale it back…
  • SuperChronaSuperChrona Member Posts: 296
    Where are the T6CC rewards? They have been added to AW, but no options to gain them in AQ. AQ is like third or four on the list of places to gain upgrade resources. Please explain why we should keep trying to increase our prestige, when it is clearly that AQ no longer is a primary place to gain upgrade resources. You have only added relics catalyst to the glory store and no places to gain T6CC resources.
  • NearJrNearJr Member Posts: 163 ★★★

    NearJr said:

    Also, everyone repeating the same drivel is comedy gold.
    Complaining is the default setting for millenials and Gen Z-ers.

    lmao. boomer detected.

    I also grind and have no issues doing so. But you are forgetting something kind sir... THIS IS A GAME.
    "work for it" bruh, this is a game. Stop taking it too seriously
    better shout at some kids to get off your lawn instead.
    So you want rewards without the effort? Lmao... Putting work in to get rewards is the structure of every game, you need to invest something to get something else in return.
    I dedicate time and I expect rewards. You expect rewards just because.

    The funny thing is the exact opposite rationale is happening when the conversatios is about BGs. We're seeing people with lesser rosters demanding the same rewards in BGs as people with biger ones. And some of the same pundits are saying the oposite regarding AQ. Your ability to contradict yourselves and ping-pong between stances is astounding.

    Get off my lawn and put in the work.

  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,078 Guardian
    NearJr said:

    NearJr said:

    Also, everyone repeating the same drivel is comedy gold.
    Complaining is the default setting for millenials and Gen Z-ers.

    lmao. boomer detected.

    I also grind and have no issues doing so. But you are forgetting something kind sir... THIS IS A GAME.
    "work for it" bruh, this is a game. Stop taking it too seriously
    better shout at some kids to get off your lawn instead.
    So you want rewards without the effort? Lmao... Putting work in to get rewards is the structure of every game, you need to invest something to get something else in return.
    I dedicate time and I expect rewards. You expect rewards just because.

    The funny thing is the exact opposite rationale is happening when the conversatios is about BGs. We're seeing people with lesser rosters demanding the same rewards in BGs as people with biger ones. And some of the same pundits are saying the oposite regarding AQ. Your ability to contradict yourselves and ping-pong between stances is astounding.

    Get off my lawn and put in the work.

    Might want to wear your glasses old man, since the first statement contradicts your point. I "put in the work". I saw your post on your "grind" and it isnt the same level.
    That said, "the grind" isnt fun. This thread is about highlighting the broken system that is AQ, and the issues players have with it.
    Maybe you like sitting and putting up with it, thats why you might be seeming out of place here.
  • NearJrNearJr Member Posts: 163 ★★★
    I know reading comprehension is a lost art so I'm going to take 5 minutes out of my busy day to educate you.

    People complain about the rewards, they complain it takes a lot of work for the quality and quantity of rewards.

    The main issue I see with that statement is, no rewards will ever be enough if you think you're entitled to the best prizes with zero or little effort. The whole structure of the game is based on the premise of "the more you invest (time, money, etc) the more rewards you get".

    If you think AQ is a broken system, you're not obligated to participate in it. Like many other game modes, no one is making you play it. But if you decide to, you need to invest in it, it's that simple. I have never finished one fight in Abyss, and my account is among the top 200 of the game. I chose not to do it, cause I think the rewards never were proportional to the time spent. It's the only game mode I haven't finished and I never will (Carina challenge's included).

    You may call it a grind, some other might call it an investment. I see it as a requirement to continue enjoying the game the way you want.

    I like AQ, I like the map, the fights and the challenge and the (albeit small) team work.

    Playing AQ allows me to rank up champs, which is another thing the game revolves around, and BGs have made ranking champs even more important.

    II need to play it in order to achieve one of my game goals.

    If you choose to not play AQ, that's fine, but if you choose to play a lesser map and expect the same rewards as someone that plays a more dificult map, you are mistaken.

    I will say it again, put in the work, get rewarded, it's as simple as that.

  • NearJrNearJr Member Posts: 163 ★★★
    Most games have a repetitive and chore-like side to it. I mentioned before, AQ takes 30 minutes out of my day, I dont see that as a chore. Arena is repetitive af. I do that cause its a mean to an end. I dont like it but the rewards are worth it.

    I used to be a World of Warcraft hardcore player. Guess what? It also had boring game modes, repetitive grinds and chores. I played Final Fantasy, same thing. Dota 2, you guessed it, grindy. Those are only some examples.

    I stopped playing all of them when it felt that my grind was getting me small increments.

    I love MCOC and I see a lot of people that hate many things about it, be it incursions, arena, AQ, AW, side quest, Act content, variant content, etc... My guys, if you dont enjoy 60% of the game modes, maybe this is not the game for you.

    I also see a lot of whining and not many suggestions. Lets change the narrative of this thread. List the things/changes you would like to see in order to improve AQ.

    The only thing I've seen so far and I agree is the potions. Its time to have percentage based pots.

  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,175 ★★★★★
    The 3400 glory wall and ticket requirements are the single biggest hindrance to progression in AQ. They’ve literally made it pointless.

    If I get 3400 glory at 250 mil and at 599mil, that means I come out behind if there’s literally any item use cost at all associated with harder maps, to say nothing of ticket cost. Rank reward milestones compensate to the slightest degree, but just barely.

    We were ranked 800-something at 435mil. We could’ve been a fair bit lower and kept the same rank. If we pushed to 535mil we’d apparently have been 277 and would’ve gotten 200 extra glory and not much else of note.
  • SeraphSeraph Member Posts: 65
    Kabam Jax said:


    Friendly neighbourhood Community Manager here, reminding everyone to keep their opinions focused on the game, not other forum users or broader community subsets.

    Let's get this thread back on track! So, keeping in mind that these will not be the only changes ever made ever, what do you think of the recently announced changes to AQ?

    The lack of T6CC means that some of the top 20 AQ alliances will lose players and/or drop down to map 6. There is simply no incentive to pay to play a harder map for no return. Top 20 AW rewards T6CC and so should AQ
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,478 Guardian
    Team_Sly said:

    Don’t like the change about opening all your crystals, I see no point in this what so ever, why can’t we use them as we need them. Just another cash grab by Kabam.

    They are simply stating here a policy they've had for a very long time: at the point where a crystal becomes obsolete (i.e. they stop awarding it) at some future point they can choose to force open them to clear the inventory manifest on the servers. This is something that is true for all crystals, not just the map crystals.

    The map crystals might be more likely to be forced open than some other long-obsolete crystals in that they contain a lot of economic value that hangs over the game. Any future decisions about resources that are contained within those crystals have to account for the outstanding value in them across the playerbase, and that's a further development costs to keeping them around forever.

    Specifically *because* there are players with a lot of them, they are giving far more advanced warning about this than they normally do for other crystals.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,478 Guardian

    Kabam Jax said:


    Friendly neighbourhood Community Manager here, reminding everyone to keep their opinions focused on the game, not other forum users or broader community subsets.

    Let's get this thread back on track! So, keeping in mind that these will not be the only changes ever made ever, what do you think of the recently announced changes to AQ?

    Highly disappointing @Kabam Jax
    in my eyes, the update to remove links were far more impactful than this update.

    Dont get me wrong, the rewards bump is very nice, I like it.
    But in general, AQ difficulty has been bumped, and really doesnt refresh the experience. The core underlying issues havent been addressed.
    Why more people dont hit map8? Is it the difficulty? No. It is the overbearing cost, nothing more. This hasnt been addressed.
    Potions?: Still the same, barely heals anyone, and not enough to make any impact. Still very costly.
    Time requirement? Same, if not more. AQ isnt an engaging mode and nothing here helps with that.

    Upping difficulty and doubling down on grind isnt fun."making the mode lighter to play is what this gamemode needs. More attacker damage ramp ups. More options to use vs mini bosses, not more niche encounters.

    Reducing the number of days we play AQ would help A LOT. even a one day reduction would be SO MUCH BETTER.
    The general consensus is play this mode less, so we can play everything else this game offers.

    This update offers more of the same, just added a rewards bump.
    The problem here is that this is a dead-end. If the only way to make AQ more palatable is to allow people to play it less while still getting acceptable rewards, what will they do in season eleven or twelve? If it was true that "the general consensus" was that the only way to improve the experience for AQ was to reduce the time investment (and this is not something I would automatically concede) then that's basically saying the game mode is dead. Because they cannot keep repeating your solution of removing a day. But people will have learned the lesson that asking for fewer days works, and would try again next time, and the next time.

    I'm not someone that believes all grind is good: there are limits. For example, I argued against the original incarnation of Dungeons as being over the line grind. But progressional games like this are built upon grind. Grind is not a necessary evil aspect of the game, grind is the game. And while everyone complains about the grind, that is also somewhat deliberate. By definition, a game that supports itself with F2P microtransaction mechanics cannot have everyone able to reach all of their goals within their playtime limits. If everyone could, few if anyone would spend. The game needs grind and it needs grind that most players believe is at least somewhat more than they would like, so they are presented with an actual choice of whether to spend or not.

    AQ is currently five days out of eight, or about 63% uptime. It is barely running half the time. I find it difficult to accept that a game mode intended to be a continuous part of the game that is only running slightly more than half the time is making an unreasonable grind expectation on the players.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,346 Guardian
    AQ would be fine imo if there was no limit on the amount of AQ energy we could buy from the glory store
  • GabeZRodGabeZRod Member Posts: 74 ★★
    As someone who has a lot of F2P players in my alliance who also don’t have time to spend more than a few hours per day to play the game, the cost of AQ tickets is unsustainable for Map 8.

    For F2P players who don’t buy Summoner’s Sigil or AQ tickets, they’re expected to use 1.5M gold every week, which overall outweighs most people’s excitement for these increased amount of rankup materials. My alliance stopped running Map 8 a few months ago due to outdated rewards, and it was nice to see how much more people were actually able to rank up their champs because they actually had both a steady growth in rankup materials (from other game modes) AND gold (from not running Map 8 anymore). To have both steady gold and rankup materials while running Map 8 requires so much more time playing the game for Arena that I feel most would rather stop playing the game altogether from experience.
  • baskinrobbinsknowsbaskinrobbinsknows Member Posts: 284 ★★★

    Yo everyone let’s please keep it respectful. No need to take shots at people.

    Have you been on the forums? I just get my popcorn ready and enjoy the show.
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