Why "suicides"?

Pardon the clickbait. I'm sure many of you have entered this thread ready to argue the merits of a suicide mastery build. But this thread is literally about the use of the moniker "suicides"... Thus the use of quotation marks.
I've often wondered why we call the mastery setup that increases damage whilst sacrificing health "suicides" as opposed to "kamikaze".
The former merely describes the act of ending One's own life whilst the latter is literally the sacrifice of one's own life for the ability to inflict maximum carnage.
I've often wondered why we call the mastery setup that increases damage whilst sacrificing health "suicides" as opposed to "kamikaze".
The former merely describes the act of ending One's own life whilst the latter is literally the sacrifice of one's own life for the ability to inflict maximum carnage.
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(Not really). Lol
On the subject of offending kamikaze pilots, I recommend you all watch the Kamikaze Bingo episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm.
I raised this only as to remark. I don't have a problem with the word suicide. Just thought it was interesting enough to share.
As for the number of disagrees my original comment received it goes to show that there are people out there just looking for a fight.
Btw, I find it quite ironic that you have taken the time to respond to my pointless post. Well done.
I typically refer to them as the recoil masteries because I choose to, but I also don’t care what you or anybody else chooses to call them. You, on the other hand, clearly care about what other people call them and are upset by the concept that other people may think differently than you on this subject. Wonder who the real snowflake is here.
...End of discussion...
At the end of the day, I don’t think anybody cares what you call them so long as we can tell what you’re referring to.
Mental health is a real problem for some people and is not something to be turned into a culture war.
Is someone using the term suicide going to push someone over the edge? Likely not. Does it make me angry if someone uses it? Not at all, they’re obviously just using the phrase that has existed in game. I used it myself up until recently.
But as someone who has struggled pretty seriously with my own mental health, I can empathise with others who say that the term leaves a bad taste in their mouth and reminds them of going through those times - whether past or present.
It’s not about being triggered, or being woke, or being a snowflake as some bad actors would have you believe. It’s about having empathy with people who don’t want to be reminded of one of the hardest things to go through when they play a game.
I’m personally not angry with anyone for using the term suicides, I understand that’s how it’s been so far in the game. I think @Dragonfei put it really well in a Twitter thread, so instead of rehashing her words I’ll quote it:
“I think it’s important to recognize that this kind of change isn’t a switch flip. Calling them suicides is going to continue to be a thing for a long time, not out of malicious intent or ignorance, but because that’s what has been used for so long. And that’s okay.
Changing something like this is slow. The more people change, the more it becomes the new norm.
But if someone drops the term suicide masteries - I would encourage people to understand it’s not inherently malicious. It was the term. It should be as simple as, “I prefer using Recoil Tree”. There doesn’t need to be an argument or fight.”
What I’m saying is it’s fine to start using a different name for them, it’s fine to ask others and remind others of the impact that words can actually have - but don’t shame anyone who continues to use it, don’t be angry with them because they use a phrase that’s been in the game since essentially the start.
Mental health is a really important issue for a lot of people - me included - you’re not a snowflake or woke for caring about it.
Just let people live their lives.