Relics: Bug Report Thread



  • MikeybotMikeybot Member Posts: 14
    edited February 2023
    Wrong thread, please delete
  • Lav89Lav89 Member Posts: 3
    I was playing battle grounds and I won the game and at the end it kicked me out that I lost... I would beg you to compensate me for the loss due to your mistake
  • ГоцулГоцул Member Posts: 15
    because of relics, this game will become useless, better problems, fix the game every update, a new bug in the game, there are a thousand+ champions, why these relics, it spoils the game 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* why relics were needed without sense immediately produce 1* champions and so that they are not duplicated, for example, you have Captain America and raise him from 1* to 7*-8*, so it is much more interesting than having six captains from 1* to 6* stars, it makes no sense
    Massive massive bug
    -Battleground can't enter the fight & make me lose even if I won &click ready and the game stop till fight is over & defeat the opponent but the result is that i lose and did 0 damage
    1-OS :- the block shield donot appear & all her specials do not work correctly
    2- Quicksilver :- his entrance effect do not work correctly and his specials has an effect bud
    3- doom :- his sp3 has effect (the way it look) bug
    4- kity don't phase
    - alles Q&W once you start fight the game crash and when you back you lose
    -story :- game crashes
    Can anyone help coz I can play anything in this game right now..... severely
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  • Paul_Paul_ Member Posts: 19
    After update it want to show you how to bond relics. You can exit it.
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    Yep when attempting to upgrade my relics, I get forced to view the tutorial again and it gets stuck, forced to reload game. Get back in go back to upgrade my relics, same thing happens. There is no way to bind/unbind, upgrade relics or ability slots until this is fixed.
  • totheendoftotheendof Member Posts: 50
    Yep, “My Relics” page is not working correctly.
  • LycanLycan Member Posts: 2
    Relic champs page freezes and forces you to close out and restart the gsme
  • Jim99MJim99M Member Posts: 3
    Today I try to open relics page and it starts tutorial...but cant complete freezes...hqve to close gsme
  • Mission1989Mission1989 Member Posts: 4
    Yeah my relic page freezes too forcing a restart of the game plus compensation can't be claimed
  • PandingoPandingo Member Posts: 1,194 ★★★★
    Same bug as everybody else. When I go into relics it keeps trying to take me through the introduction malarkey and when it gets to 'choose a champion' for a relic that's already binded, the whole game freezes. Good job. Now my relic upgrade purchase is worthless and incursions are behind. Awesome.
  • BdfBdf Member Posts: 9
    Honestly they should just remove relics all together. Another part of the game becoming bugged and not worth the investment to upgrade.
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    My relics page is working… but I lost 11 of my 4* relics that were not bound

    @Kabam Miike i spent about $1000 on these things and now they just “disappear”?

  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    There back… whew
  • Res_originalRes_original Member Posts: 1
    Good day to all. I wanted to remove the relic from the character in order to attach it to another. But the character to whom the relic is attached is on the defensive. At the moment there is a stage of placement of defenders. The question is why is that? In general, they aren’t even taken into account in the AW.
  • EasySchmeasyEasySchmeasy Member Posts: 2
    Single champ/relic not showing as owned in the relic screen. Wont let me access Nebula’s relic/upgrade slot/ etc etc

    In the pic you can see Nebs has a 4* HB relic however they don’t exist on my relic page. I didn’t see the issue on a quick scroll, apologies if I missed someone else’s post.

  • jmorris1jmorris1 Member Posts: 31
    Just opened up some relics and they did not show up in my relics. What gives?
  • Avenger_A1Avenger_A1 Member Posts: 410
    Just opened three relic crystals and went to the relics tab to bind the new ones, but I couldn't, as it's asking me to go through the tutorials again. And when I did so, it froze. So I closed and reopened the game a couple of times, but the issue is persistent.

    Since you're already looking into this or a similar issue, what's the estimated turnaround, considering the relics are advantageous to the danger room side quest?
  • TheAngryOneTheAngryOne Member Posts: 503 ★★★
    edited March 2023
    I just got the 4* Gambit relic. When I went to the relic tab to check it out I saw many of my relics (Gambit included) are missing
  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★

    Cant bind relic to herc, he was not in AQ, AW, EQ, Incursions, Arena, or anything. Only happening with Herc, as I can bind it to anyone else
  • iSmittyiSmitty Member Posts: 35
    edited March 2023
    @Kabam Miike @""Kabam Porthos"

    The relics are bugged so badly that we can't even access them. As soon as we go into the relics tab, the tutorial starts and gets hung up. Unable to rank, bind, or unbind. Forced to close the game.

    Now I have embers expiring that I'm going to lose. 🤬
  • Strila83Strila83 Member Posts: 1
    I have not been able to access my relics for 4 days now. Finally pulled Valkyrie and have not been able to attach it to a champ. also I had a whole bunch of relic iso expire because I can't use it. Every time I try to enter the relic screen, the game tries to give me a tutorial and then it freezes and I have to restart the game. This is super frustrating, last month was one of the worst performing months in my memory for this game. I was hopeful that with this update things would get better, but it seems that it is just getting worse.

    Since I am ranting, this is what my experience was like last month.
    1) At least 10 different times I would finish a fight in battle grounds to find out that my fight did not get recorded by the game and it would just show that I lost the fight and my opponents defender finished the fight with 100%.
    2) start a bg match just for the game to crash and show that I lost the match.
    3) the hackers were back in full force
    4) I have had the no connection icon for weeks and weeks. Game takes longer than normal to load. (not a big deal, but annoying)

    Kabam please fix your game. I don't go on forums to complain, but I am just so sick and tired of this ****. I have spend a good chunk of money on this game and wish that I can enjoy it.
    Maybe another boycott is needed to get things back on track. I think most people would be happier if you didn't release broken ****. Just send a message, we want to release x,y and z, but we can't get out **** together yet, so we will have to delay. People will understand and appreciate the honesty .....

  • Cjt782Cjt782 Member Posts: 6
    I have a Valkyrie relic bound to my Mole Man, and the striker very frequently fails to make contact when chained at the end of a combo. I've seen something similar with a Scarlet Witch relic bound to Mojo. Perhaps there's something about the relative sizes? Mole Man and Mojo are both XL champs and Valkyrie and Scarlet Witch are both Small.
  • MattstafariMattstafari Member Posts: 693 ★★★
    I can't bind any relics to my champs.
    When I try it says "bound to Angela" but the chain is still red and then when I try to leave the screen it says do you want to leave without binding.
    Tried with different champs and relics, none are working for me.
    The relics aren't bound to other champs.
  • YorkshireLadYorkshireLad Member Posts: 19
    Relics broken on my game.
    If I try to access my relics, I’m taken through the process like when relics were first introduced to the game. Tap to continue, tap to continue etc etc.
    I then asks me to select a champion (like when you first ranked/levelled up a relic) however my game locks up. I can not access anything or go back. I have to close the game & restart.
    I have previously ranked up relics added tune stones etc so know what or how to do it, however the game seems to not want me to rank or level up anymore relics.
    Any ideas?
  • Avenger5450Avenger5450 Member Posts: 1
    My Relics screen crashes once I enter it. I got 2 new 4* Relics and I can’t bind and rank them. Tutorial starts and everything crashes and I have to reboot the game. I am on the current version of the game, no updates need to be installed. Same with my iPhone’s iOS. It would be nice to read that Kabam is aware of the issue and that they are working on it.
  • LookkkLookkk Member Posts: 4

  • LookkkLookkk Member Posts: 4
    This is my first time reporting a bug so please let the team know about the 5* relics not being given. This is my 2nd time (different days) of this happening.
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