Matchmaking in BG needs real examination

I posted some of this in another thread but I think that it warrants proper examination and ideally comment from Kabam.
I’m going to take you on a little journey of my BG experience this season so far.
With the launch of BG yesterday I loaded up my deck. The deck I’ve spent upgrading since the betas were launched and it’s in a place where I’m very happy with it. It’s strong, it helped me get to Mysterium 1 last season and as I said, is the result of months of work:

This deck will only fight players of equal, or in many cases, greater strength than my own as it’s probably in the top 2% or so of players, at least until I reach the circuit and matchmaking opens up a little bit. The highlight of this deck’s experience was this absolute unit who I only beat because he had an absolute ‘mare with my Doom:

I then saw a topic discussing prestige, or deck prestige as the major factor in matchmaking and decided that as I had full energy and bronze III is low stakes I’d have a bit of fun and see what happened when I switched my deck up.
I loaded up with only my 5*, mostly max sig 5/65, a pretty decent deck and representing my Cavalier days before 6* were so common and R3s were a myth unless you owned a Ferrari.

This is what I was matched with:

Two decks one stronger than my 5*, one weaker but both representing different stages of game development and ability.
I then decided to go further, and switched it out for my 4* and R3 5*, curious as to how far I could affect my opponents simply by changing my deck:

This is the poor guy I matched, a complete newbie whose 3 developed champions were obvious instant bans leaving him with virtually nothing in the locker.

I then switched out these for my 3*, and having ranked a good deal of them up I’m able to make a pretty ‘meta’ deck.

This was the point I was thinking that I’d come up against a sweaty Paragon trying to creep under the radar, and guess what, I was right:

All max 3*, capped by a Platpool profile pic (cropped).
After putting this guy to the sword I then loaded up my 2* - all of which are maxed, so stand by for some 2* Mojo and Korg action:

The rot goes deep, this was my opponent, and he was good too. I’m not sure if this was an off game for me, but he was certainly good enough to be playing with his proper roster rather than sneaking around down here - unless it was research too:

I’m going to take you on a little journey of my BG experience this season so far.
With the launch of BG yesterday I loaded up my deck. The deck I’ve spent upgrading since the betas were launched and it’s in a place where I’m very happy with it. It’s strong, it helped me get to Mysterium 1 last season and as I said, is the result of months of work:

This deck will only fight players of equal, or in many cases, greater strength than my own as it’s probably in the top 2% or so of players, at least until I reach the circuit and matchmaking opens up a little bit. The highlight of this deck’s experience was this absolute unit who I only beat because he had an absolute ‘mare with my Doom:

I then saw a topic discussing prestige, or deck prestige as the major factor in matchmaking and decided that as I had full energy and bronze III is low stakes I’d have a bit of fun and see what happened when I switched my deck up.
I loaded up with only my 5*, mostly max sig 5/65, a pretty decent deck and representing my Cavalier days before 6* were so common and R3s were a myth unless you owned a Ferrari.

This is what I was matched with:

Two decks one stronger than my 5*, one weaker but both representing different stages of game development and ability.
I then decided to go further, and switched it out for my 4* and R3 5*, curious as to how far I could affect my opponents simply by changing my deck:

This is the poor guy I matched, a complete newbie whose 3 developed champions were obvious instant bans leaving him with virtually nothing in the locker.

I then switched out these for my 3*, and having ranked a good deal of them up I’m able to make a pretty ‘meta’ deck.

This was the point I was thinking that I’d come up against a sweaty Paragon trying to creep under the radar, and guess what, I was right:

All max 3*, capped by a Platpool profile pic (cropped).
After putting this guy to the sword I then loaded up my 2* - all of which are maxed, so stand by for some 2* Mojo and Korg action:

The rot goes deep, this was my opponent, and he was good too. I’m not sure if this was an off game for me, but he was certainly good enough to be playing with his proper roster rather than sneaking around down here - unless it was research too:

That being said, Sandbagging still works and we will have to see when the proposed changes go live…
The sweet spot is the R3 5*/4* level which brings you into contact with 99% noobs while lower down it seems like you’re going to get skilled players with maxed 3* decks and you may as well just use your proper deck and be done with it.
The question then, is did I waste my time ranking up all those 6*? It kind of feels like it, at least if all you want is access to the circuit and aren’t interested in pushing. Obviously if you have a deck like the whale at the top you’re probably always at an advantage, or at worst in equal ground but for everyone else it’s easier to just bully the noobs.
The answer is to remove roster strength from matchmaking completely. Perhaps they could introduce seeding, so at least the lower players can play for a bit before hitting a wall. Another option would be to make it a bit more like the football pyramid. Restructuring the rewards would be necessary but it’d improve the process overall.
And this is what he got to pick…
Sandbaggers are so fun…🤢
Use your 4*r5s…no problem, that can be fun and fair fights…bur 6R1 and 2*s…F you !
I do agree that in a true free for all, a fair few players are going to lose out, but the flip side of it is, regular players with big rosters plodding along in G3 alliances will see my deck and think they’ve got no chance because they’re simply not that great at the game, but will have a fairer matchup when they come across a TB player with a small deck who’s good in game.
I think that the matchups being based around points, as they are in the circuit, comes a bit too late in the process.
IMO, this is fair for anyone who made the jump to Thronebreaker or Paragon by getting lucky with their pulls without having developed higher rarity champs in the deck. You can find people that have a 2M base hero rating while still being Cavalier and then you can find people with 1.2M base hero rating who have made it to Thronebreaker or even Paragon. Otherwise the mode would be useless to them and they would only keep losing without moving up.
Can matchmaking be improved upon? Sure. Will it be more complex? Definitely. And complexity could lead to more matchmaking issues.
One got 15 points for a win and -15 for a loss. This was removed, because many lost many matches to get easy matches and complete solo objects. That is no longer a problem, since you now actually have to win to get ✔️ on a solo object.
Starting UC/Cav at 1200 points, TB at 1500 and Paragons at 1800, players will end up where they belong.
Good Cavs can battle through bad TBs, good TBs can overcome weak Paragons, etc…
There is no good reason why good Paragons with almost only R4s should spoil the gaming experience of UC/Cavs and partly TBs, by starting at the same rating/level/group.
Kabam needs to speak up on what their intentions are here, as I for one (paragon with 4r4s) don't want to be perpetually matched with people with your strength of main deck, in bronze 3, waiting for rngeesus to give me 2-3 wins in a row for each tier based on a forced 50% win rate against equal strength decks.
So I'll roll a 4* and r3 5* Dec, with some manipulation, until they bring some clarity to this.
For example, I observe with interest the r1 6* or 4/55 5* mixed in with r2s, above, to even further tilt the matchmaking.... Everyone is looking for a competitive edge in this game mode..
Starting everyone at 0 with the same multiplier, while fighting for the same rewards is awful and stupid. You would think that they learned from when they did this in AW.
Just an experiment, and one I don’t plan on continuing. But it was possibly more fun trying to use 4* Hypo to race to the finish line instead of staring a deck of R3/4 max sig Galans, Spider Supremes, IIMs and QS in the face.
Dr. Zola
One only ran maxed 2*s, the other one ran only maxed 3*r1s...same value anyways as both attacker/defender.
Fun, because I don't have any of the extremely good 2*s, and if you make a over 😅
I.e. is this game mode specifically designed to give you a matched strength deck for the opponent, regardless of tier from bronze to diamond? We are all guessing that this is the case.
I'm one of those g2 paragons that @Mauled mentions and if I need to grind through this many fights without obtaining any advantage from the investment in my main deck, then it would be good to know, so that I can focus more on building out 3* and 4* decks to make it more palatable and also affordable to adjust a deck for each meta.
It also happened when I got my 2nd r4 and prevented me from making it to the gladiator's circuit. I lost 9 matches in a row. A record for me since my previous worst was 5 matches.
I don't know how their matchmaking works but a single r4 shouldn't throw it out of whack like that.
However, If i tune down my account, such as using just 5* (still not all top champs since when i have 6*, i don’t update some 5* and it is a waste of resource) i win most of the fights against similar rosters with same average prestige I tuned down (because well people who have account at this level usually lack experience and knowledge how champions interact, comparing to me. So rosters have similar power but i usually play better.
I feel i was punished for having a strong account. And i struck if i use my optimal team. What is the point for having that strong rosters and progress in the game then? Having hi prestige team should not be disadvantage to progress.
Just make anyone match with anyone in the same tier or fix the system that require people like me to win in a rows against max account to progress. (Since bronze and silver lol)
The beauty of victory track is when you start a level, you can’t fall back to the previous one so it’s the perfect time to try and tweak your deck. And I didn’t do much, just removed 2 high prestige champs and replaced them with 2 good 6r2s.
Well since then, I’ve matched 2.5m accounts with similar deck strength. Seems prestige has a big impact on matchmaking and, to be fair, doesn’t always translate into good attack or defense option. So test things out, there’s a difference between tweaking your deck and sandbagging
Join the 3*s only segment in BG, where skills, knowledge and tactics are what are decisive in fights...and not the wallet of the opponent.
Matchmaking should not be on your deck strength. Not when it's so easy to change around your deck to make your life easier.
However, what it does go to show ... those people on this forum who always blert out "want the rewards that top players get? Then you got to face them" ... this is not a true statement and is clearly false in every sense
As a 4 or so month old paragon, I'm the meat in the grinder getting chewed up by big accounts in bronze 3 if I choose a decent 6* deck.
I'm assuming that kabams intention must be for players like me to focus exclusively on 3* rank ups for BGs or sandbag.
I.e. I can get some of the very best awards in game, by no longer trying to acquire new 6*, or rank or sig them up. I can do it with just 3* or 4* depending on where I am in game.
I'm trying to work out, if that is a good thing or not!!